Im gonna start uploading O&A shows without Anthony like the oppsite of nopie.

0  2015-06-23 by theblackswede

Under the channel name, Iamlegend128


It's called O&J


Enjoy your 2 views a week.

Perhaps less than that!


Nice, you could've gone the other way if you lacked balls

I'm in! Could be a new way to hate!


Just riffin

Take us to break e-rock

Isn't that banned by the Geneva Convention?

Automatic no-listen.

I dont know what thats supposed to mean. Shut up

It means i gotchu suckaaah, fuckin homerun chippah tss tss

DVvv Dvvv dvvvv

Fawk ya dats da good stuff dvv dvv dvv

I think we already have enough of those don't ya' think?


I like it for the cringe value.

I enjoyed some of those with the patrice "Sweet, got that racist idiot off the show."

Can't imagine they'd be near as good as the Nopie shows though.

I subbed. I go under Mike Z.

Upload some Morning Jams. Norton and Roberts are an oft entertaining duo. Or are they all uploaded.

Aye, I follow you on Google+. Gonna stop doing that now.

Prepare to have the lowest views of any youtube user.

I'd be down for that. Holla!

Yea me too, hola.

Those shows were better than when Opie was out. I hated when either of them were out but when it was just Ant it was fucking brutal. The man does not know how to "steer the ship" as they say.

If you don't agree with me then you're a fucking FAGGOT!!!

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