Obama is so like, able.

26  2015-06-23 by LilBeavis


Opie is a train able.

"All the media is talking about is Obama saying the "n-word", not the real topics he was talking about!"

Hypocritical ass then admits he hasn't heard the podcast yet, and talks about Obama saying the "n-word" for 2 hours.

Opie is the most "hate able" person on the fucking planet.

Why people like the OP tune into O&J and read his twitter are mysteries science will never be able to answer

Tsss yeah what is he like 3000 theaters or sumpthin?

Fuckin' Home Run Chippah!

Why people like you and I read this subreddit but don't listen to the show are mysteries science will never be able to answer. Faggot.

The sub name reads "OPIEANDANTHONY" not "OPIEANDJIM" you stupid fucking homo faggot. I swear on my fucking my ON MY FUCKING MUM I would beat you to death for running your tiny bitch mouth. Talking when you don't know anything. Kill yourself.

Mum? Ha! Caught you! Go fuck a crumpet!

Fucking yuck.

Gets blown the fuck out for being a little fairy

"Time to drop what Norton would here!"

Yuck indeed. Die. DIE.

he's so dumb it makes my feet hurt.

Opie is so desperate to be hip

He's the most easily influenced man in America.

i doubt it, i mean how many times can you tell a man to kill himself

His in ability to spell or speak is embarrassing

I mean it's been 35 or so years since we've had a president who wouldn't have come off as like able in an informal setting such as that. Christ he's the worst. And the whole "I'm going to catch shit for this!" martyr bit. The worst.

She's dodgin me!

easily persuadable and illiterate. Same old Opster.

Why would he catch shit? Obama's likable. Bush was likable. Presidents tend to be likable, it's how they get elected.

He's not just a SHOCK jock who says controversial things, he's got the courage to stand in the line of fire no matter how big a shit storm the backlash will be. Now that's integrity, brothaman.

Opie is clearly sticking with the delusion that the O&A listeners have stuck with him.

No no no, you're misunderstanding. It's he's like able, you know like Cain from Kung Fu.

WorldStar got a nigga!

Ribs hurting today.

that nigga looks like a bird

personally I think Opie is dopey and grody to the max. I read his tweets and I'm like, did a dodo bird write these? Gag me with a spewn!

I wish he was more like Grady

ME: So Marc....uhhh....you'd think you be able to get your buddy Barrack to come on this show?

why not his buddy Dorm or sumpin?

wat is he fuckin KANE or sumthin?

Ugh, what a homo and he's so desperate for Marc to like him. The secret service set up maron's house and block for weeks, does Opie think that Obama's people didn't give him a list of questions?

Also, did you see what Maron said about the Obama interview? "I felt a human presence." What the fuck does that mean???

I assume after Obama said "the naughty no-no word that starts with n", the media suspected demonic possession could be the culprit. Marc probably just wanted to clear up that misconception.

All sides agree that there was a spook of some sort in that room.



Only phonies say "N-word"

Obama's a cool guy. I never got ant's hate for him. Hating someone for policies is one thing. The way Ant talked though, you'd think Obama was actively trying to steal money from him personally and give it to poor people. It's bizarre. It's a lot more than him being against his policies.

I don't get Ant's racism. I guess it comes from his dad, or maybe him just eating up news without questioning it. He never mentioned any bad encounters he had with black people. I guess he just gets his info the same way that stupid murdering fuck in South Carolina did.

He had a few negative experiences: he used to get routinely held up in school in East Islip by a black kid demanding "gimme fiddy cents". And supposedly a black guy stole his identity and used it to claim some lottery winnings. Those are the only ones I recall though, he obviously had way more positive interactions with Patrice, Kevin Hart, Keith, DL Hughley, etc.

A black girl beat him up in Times Square, costing him his job and an unknown sum of money dollars.

Veteran shawk jawk doesn't get how naughty words work.

If you say "nigger," it's the most interesting thing you've ever said.

Like if you say to your wife, "Ivan Kireyevsky died on this day in 1856, cunt," she's not going to say, "Who's Ivan Kireyevsky?"

I'm no fan of Obama but that was a pretty down-to-earth interview. Maron was clearly a stuttering mess but overall it was more interesting than any of Obama's Daily Show/Letterman type appearances

For real. I've never been a big Maron fan (Not out of hate, just out of apathy) but it was a good interview. Kinda. Maron kinda sucked in it, but i mean it's the fucking president, I can't blame him for being so nervous and everything.

It's a great medium for someone like Obama. However it doesn't forgive the 8 mediocre years of his tenure.

He's so jealous of Marc Maron it's ridiculous.

Which is great because you know Opie only cares about being able to say they had the president on and could give a fuck about what to say to him. Sooo where ya at with da after life?

Exactly. Opie doesn't want to talk to the President, he wants to SAY he talked to the President.

More like Mark Moron! Am I right guys?

JoeySq ‏@JoeySq71 now @OpieRadio @BarackObama @marcmaron you should take some tips from him, Shelly

He has the reading, writing, listening, and comprehension skills of an unfunny 3rd grader with ADHD.


2015-06-24 02:45 UTC

@OpieRadio @BarackObama @marcmaron Hi Opie! No he didn't.

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People like this are how Hitler got into power

Opie should count as 3/5 a vote

i like how the cunt still needs to acknowledge the haters.

his therapist will be disappointed.

The best part is one of the Opie ballwashers in the comments say "for get" instead of forget.

No it's not the best part, that's already been established you silly goose.

ME: Yeah, Marc used to do our show but he got too big.

ME: For the record I wasn't talking about Marc Maron...let it alone! #Oqieradio

This is a perfect example of how this guy has no backbone; he's too afraid to be honest. There's nothing wrong with diggin' Obama, dude, just say it.

Now, that Kung Foo video...

Obama really is able to like things, good for him.

Has he ever had an opinion on anything without prefacing it with some insecure adage. Grow a spine and a personality you decrepit slug.

The slug and worm show

Have you guys seen that new Chris D'Elia show UnDate Able? (All the billboards on Sunset must be wrong)

lol that was an inside joke

I think there's three of us here from the west coast

Yeah but Undateable is a national show.

"Ya hear that? He saw it on the TEE vee."

OMG He's like...able....seeoowww fecking grody!

Man .. Opie is such a fuckin' fag.

Opie doing a Valley Chip impression on twitter? NICCCCCCEEEEEE


Such a Jenny Hut move

Obama is a war criminal.

Opie is learning dis abled.


2015-06-23 20:47:14 UTC

I'm sure I'll catch shit for this but @BarackObama comes across so like able during his conversation with @marcmaron GREAT JOB Marc!

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