Anthony fucking DESTROYS Piers Morgan

104  2015-06-22 by CuckECheese


At least its a joke from the 90s and not the 70s


then his references from the 1990s

Makes sense. Child of the 80's and all.

It's so awkward watching him reenact movie scenes on his show when he's interviewing a girl. They never have any idea what he's talking about and just cringe with a plastered smile.

Does anyone remember his post-firing interview on Adam Carolla? They were talking about people hearing what they want to hear, and he quoted a line from From Dusk Til Dawn: Juliette Lewis saying, "would you please eat my pussy?" I don't think anyone knew he was quoting the movie. There was this pregnant pause where it sounded like everyone in studio just thought he was nuts.

That's what happens when you quote lines from movies that aren't iconic or unique at all to that movie. It just sounds like Anthony wants us to eat his pussy.

Both men in the irrelevant troll phase of their careers.


2015-06-22 18:48:22 UTC

-Oh yeah Piers? Well the jerk store called, and they're running out of you!

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I don't think Ant would like that gif very much.

Ant got up to make sure his door was locked just because of that gif.

dayyuumm, limey gonna need some ice for that burn

Deeeez Nutz! Got Em!


The ocean called...

What did he want


What's in salt water that makes the body reject it?

ME: Saaammmaayy, get doctor Steve on the phone, we gotta figure this shit out.

HOLD ON HOLD ON. We need to break this down for everybody.

OK I got someone on the phones who's got an answer SNOWAAAAAAAY

It's sad that I hear all these comments in opie's dumb, yelling voice

you're not the only one..

Every single one, fuuuuuuuuck.


Where are we at with salt water?

I'm all in with the salt water.

They're running out of shrimp.

the plasticmen.


tssss tssss they can't call but thy can wave DVVVV DVVVV

That was a little clever for chip

Fuck. Yes.

Fuckin killin em

Oooooh Chippa

oh literal -mb-

British people really hate freedom. They just don't want any rights at all.

They still have an agency to censor all their films and DVDs in 2015. Pretty pathetic.

What? How did you draw that conclusion?

From a British guy that thinks people should be in jail because they used a word. I really think Piers is trolling, though. No one can honestly think that.

Yeah because Piers speaks for all of Britain.

Doesn't piers try to speak for Americans too? He's such a cunt

Britain was more than happy to give up their guns and have police that can't do anything while some of their lovely immigrants cut off a soldier's head in broad daylight.

Their knifings are way up but at least they dont have 20 deaths per weekend in some cities like the US does.

Granted they dont have the level of minorities the US does, and is an island, but their gun crime is technically down.

Gun crime down, knife crime up.

Epic win!

I'd rather a cunt with a knife than a cunt with a gun. ENG-A-LAND ENG-A-LAND ENG-A-LAND

I'd rather a cunt with a clit.


Police weren't there. It's not like they stood back and let it happen. Stop acting like American citizens would have shot them on sight. Two Africans wielding knives and machetes would have Americans scared shitless too. Enough with the phony heroism.

We're talking about central London. If it was a city like New York or Los Angeles, nobody would do shit.

Yeah, because the pussies in NY and CA made concealed carry all but impossible. Come to Philly with that bullshit

Police weren't there.

That's kind of the point

That's not the point. The point he's making is that the U.K's police being unarmed allowed a beheading to happen which certainly wasn't the case.

Whatever you say. Disarming everyone means individuals are severely limited in their ability for self-defense. "Police weren't there" just shows how ridiculous it is to expect third parties to protect these disarmed individuals.

But if you want to talk about how the police don't even have guns, go for it.

"Self-Defense" in Britain is entirely different to "self-defense in the U.S. It's unlikely a normal everyday individual will encounter anybody with a gun or a knife.

You're more likely to get a broken pint glass in the eye, because locking pocket knives are illegal.


Which freedom do Brits hate more, the freedom to speak freely, or the freedom to defend one's life?

I got into an argument with a British person over "free speech" and they demanded I never say anything that could be deemed "offensive" again and when I said you should be allowed to say whatever you want, they told me I was wrong and that freedom of speech is a ridiculous concept.

That really is what Piers said to Ant lol. He's not serious about jailing whites for saying nigger is he? I don't believe it.

Piers is a Level One Troll, I'm positive he doesn't mean over half the ridiculous shit he says.

He's a complete opportunist and a flagrant bullshit artist.

Aside from claiming he had no idea about the family of a murdered girl (Milly Dowler) having their phones hacked by the tabloid he was editor of (he got away with it too), he printed fake photos of British soldiers "doing an Abu Ghraib" on the front page of the Daily Mirror. Guess his brother "who's a lieutenant colonel in the British Army" (he never fails to bring that up when it suits him) forgave and forgot that one.

Remember when he said his wife was half French while arguing about how French cheese is illegal in the US while guns are readily available? Bollocks. She's as English as Hereward the Wake, she just happened to be born in Paris while her father was a diplomat there. That's the kind of half-truth, murky bullshit he often spits up.

Actually find him occasionally entertaining and agree with some of the stuff he says but the guy is full of shit a lot of the time.

he's utter scum

So he's an okay fella?

And if he does, even better reason to put him on the "pay no mind" list.

Well from a man who hacks dead soldiers phones i would say yes.

He just tweeted this, "In South Africa, use of the K-word is illegal and people go to jail for it. This is not a new idea, and it works." So he meant it.

What's the k-word? My notes are pretty messed up.

Kaffir. Reminds me too much of kefir, so I chuckle whenever I buy it.

I wish 80% of Ant's tweets were this type of thing, and then fine, the rest of the tweets can be the more "serious" political/race talk

Fucking go to break!

anthony getting into ideological arguments with liberals on twitter?

His account mustve gotten hacked.

to be fair, piers is a twat and deserves any and all the bashing he gets, and then some

hey dude, look behind you real quick

the joke is back there

the jerk store must be sliding Anthony some en-ve-lopes.

He got a tassssste.


Shots fired!

If it were the first time Piers said something completely stupid, I'd give him a pass.

Piers has managed to be an idiot (and mean every word of it) for years. It's the primary reason he was fired from CNN.

I truly think he would jail people for using the "n-word" - Britain has a long and wonderful history of government censorship.

Ironically, this is a better rebuttal than said during his embarrassing in-studio 'debate' with Piers.

I read that as Chip Chiperson

Can't stand ya.

Both Piers and Anthony really are struggling to stay relevant

and both are losing that battle.

Big time.

jeremy clarkson broke a finger when he punched piers morgan in the face.


"From my cold, dead hands..."

Fuck Piers Morgan.

Get a real name, asshole.

Tss...yeah, change it to Docks Lessgan or sumptin...


The outstanding thing is he's not using his real surname to try and not sound like a total posh cunt.


Can someone please tell Ant you post the comment then the link not the other way around

Tss maybe they should order more jerks or sumpthin'

He should have said that he slept with his wife.

Not only is Piers Morgan buried, but he is also a cocksucker.

Now if only there were some sort of creature that lived on a co-animal commune that could take multiple people towards a series of advertisements.

"yeah well the life support machine called..."



All people like Piers do is give people like Anthony the paranoia they need to think that someone is gonna take their guns away. Piers or no one is gonna stop the military industrial complex from selling guns.

Why, a nerdy mulatto standing at a podium isn't doing that already?

Also Piers Morgan must be in rough shape. This is a pretty desperate attempt at getting attention.

The funny thing is, I think Piers is just as racist as Anthony, but in a completely different way. I'm always astonished by these intense "There's no excuse!" anti-racism people and how you can tell they've never had a friend of any other race.

How does Piers not respond with " What's the difference, your their all time best seller".


Leave it alone.

HOOOOOOOOOLYYYYYYYY SHIIIIT I splilled my fucking drink!!!!!!!!!!

Colin Quinn?

That was an embarrassing attempt at a comeback from Ant. Eww.


It's old and lame like he is.

ugh, heard him say this joke dozens of times. It isn't funny anymore, find new shit, stupid.

Yeah, yeah, I get it. You all think he's a "COMEDIC GENIUS", this however, isnt an example. It'd be like praising him for quoting Goodfellas for the thousandth time, who cares.


It's so awkward watching him reenact movie scenes on his show when he's interviewing a girl. They never have any idea what he's talking about and just cringe with a plastered smile.

Makes sense. Child of the 80's and all.