It's scary as fuck that Keith and Kenny held a job where they could decide if someone lives or dies

45  2015-06-22 by spineylilnwrdfingers

A bumbling retarded oaf and the least trustworthy guy on the show who isn't named Opie deciding your fate.


I was listening to a clip where O&A were talking about marijuana legalization. Kenny came in to say some cops were shot last night because of marijuana. When Jimmy explained to him that they didn't shoot them because they were high but because they were drug dealers & if marijuana was legal those officers would still be alive. Kenny responded with basically a Mr Mackey "drugs are bad". He couldn't even understand the concept of what Jim was saying. Kenny is just a gross shit person. I wish he lost his pension.

A lot of people have a hard time with this simple concept. I see it irl all the time.

People just don't understand how creating a black market makes the drug itself much more dangerous. Most of the drug-related violence in this country would be eliminated the moment drugs are decriminalized.

There is a glaring precedence for your statement to be factual.

Look at the prohibition era of American history, Organized crime grew out of control. Now look at today, you can look at the Mexican Cartels the same way as you would Al Capone.

They are not a cause of violence, but an effect of trying to outlaw something alot of people want.

& that point is so clear it's shocking to me that a lot of people don't get it. It's like, when people talk about bad words & I've heard many people explain as perfectly as could possibly be the simple concept that there are no bad words & context is everything but so many people can't understand that either

I think it's also "I don't wanna do it" so they don't want anyone else to be able to.

If anyone gets their weed from Mexican cartels they aren't doing it right

I think there is a middle ground where we can say that people smoking weed and even doing coke and hallucinogens is okay, and also that PCP and bath salts and other extreme hypothetical highs are are more likely to make someone harmful to others and their community. I would even throw salvia into that second category. "But what about alcohol because -" fuck you!


Let everyone get a daily dosage of 10 bullets and a sherm stick, we can work on this overpopulation problem at the same time.

Yeah I'm forced to go to my sketchy ass dangerous drug dealers house rather than the store where its safe.

[deleted] 27mins 30secs in is the clip I was talking about

Click the share button underneath the video and check the box that says "Starts at:". There's probably a similar option on mobile.

decriminalization of drugs doesn't eliminate drug dealers nor does it stop organised crime related to narcotics. Don't forget there is a huge black market for tax free tobacco. What it does do how ever is stops putting people from getting criminal records and jail time for small possession.

He understands. But playing ignorant is job security for cops.


I think Kenny chose death quite a few times.

Kenny really seems like a judge Dredd type. Keith, as much shit as I give him, seems more patient, and more socially acceptable, he did find all the bums for the homeless shopping sprees.

If I had to choose one or the other to hear on the radio, I would go take a shit and fiddle fuck on my phone.

Judge Dreadful

I'm not sure about Keith being more socially acceptable, I've read on here that he made monkey noises over footage of the Baltimore rioters, I think even more than once.

Very good point. It's also scarier that Kenny (Mr. Wood Shampoo) was in charge of busting bad cops.

Internal Affairs?

I still find it fucking hilarious that his one story about Opie was ultimately about himself not knowing how to do his job and being late. No wonder Opie ignored his excuses and got rid of him.

Yeah he made it out like a huge deal and Opie was wrong, yet it was Keith's fault. He expects everyone to coddle him like Ant does.

What's the story?

The one he told on the "Greggshells" episode.

Kenny was unavailable and Keith was supposed to pick Opie up in the morning. He was late and had shit excuses, so Opie took a cab and told him to go fuck himself.

What a cunt. He should be arrive to pick up GH.

you alright there, ken?

Basically Keith was supposed to pick Tits up one time when Kenny was away, and the snow made him a little late. Opie responded like a spoilt celebrity jerk, and said something to the effect of "what the fuck do I pay you for?".

As a result, Keith hates Opie. And Opie's wife cheats on him.

This is one of the only things I'll defend Opie on. Keith was wrong. Maybe Opie shouldn't have done that, but Keith DEFINITELY shouldn't have used the story about the time he fucked up to show how Opie was an asshole. If Ant held Keith accountable and didn't coddle him, the app would be out, they'd have been in the studio for months and they wouldn't be doing low-rent fangoria gigs.

Most peoples stories about they're bosses being cunts are after they fuck up. There are ways of dealing with things without being a cunt.

I actually like the idea of doing the show from one of those horror cons, but they seem to have picked an extraordinarily boring one with even crappier Z-listers than normal.

If you've been in the business for as long as ant, you shouldn't go to anything less than Comic Con.

Is Keith programming the app? I didn't know that

No. He's not holding the developers accountable and he didn't find competent developers to begin with. Apparently, they submitted the app to the app store with some code that is not allowed. Sounds like a rookie mistake. That was 3 weeks ago, the average turnaround time for an app being submitted is 3 days. So either keith is lying or stupid. I suppose both are true.

You must be close to the show with all this inside information.

What inside info? Do we have the app? Are they in the studio? Ant asked keith about the app today and keith said, "Argh, fucking guys."

THAT'S the person who is in charge of this? Did you see the Bennington episode whee he ragged on keith for 10 min for being incompetent?

I guarantee neither one of em ever broke a sweat on the job that wasn't hot wing related.

Nah, I get the feeling that Kenny has gone off the rails giving someone a wood shampoo or two.

I talked to Kenny for about 10 minutes when I saw Jimmy perform here in the poconos one night. The on air oaf is definitely a character; dude is all business and definitely has COP in his blood.

I just imagine Kenny holding a criminal by the throat and droning out "tuh-day yur gonna pass uh-way"

Keith seems like an okish dude. Kenny seems like a fucking piece of shit. Remember the time when the Boston pd was breaking everyone's home to look for the marathon bombers? Ant started saying that was bs and Kenny bursts in all emotional and said "I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE A SOVEREN CITIZEN". Yes kenny, because I don't want my shit searched I'm a terrorist who wants to overthrow the government

did you spell sovereign wrong on purpose?

To be fair Kenny's on-air personality is just a character. I don't think he's that moronic irl

Really? You mean the guys on the radio aren't exactly like they are in real life?

I saw Kenny on Amy Schumers show, and he seemed a lot less retarded. To the point that I almost thought it wasn't him. I think he is hamming it up for the show most of the time.

Keith the cuck can't even drive a boat properly ffs.

A NYC cop I knew was an extremely poor driver. Once after crashing his patrol car (against a tree!) and sustaining MINOR INJURIES, he was offered LIFETIME 3/4 DISABILITY and he was only in his 20s!!! NYPD and FDNY: the original welfare queens.

I'm just so glad that the wealthy suburb Keith lives in is able to have a volunteer fire dept. subsidized by NYC taxpayers

whats scarier is that the standard have only been lowered since to allow more fatties and women in...

I've done the math and don't see how Kenny is old enough to be drawing retirement from NYPD if he was working for Dice in the 90s

He didn't work for the NYPD. I think he was a internal affairs officer in Orange NJ

You do know Kenny is a character right? Hell his name isn't even Kenny

I could be wrong, but from what I've heard Kenny is a total asshole to fans and the staff of the show. Not hard to believe because he gives off a cunty vibe when he isn't in his retarded oaf character.

Wood shampoo

I think Kenny was more experienced as a police officer especially with the shitems

Kenny had the same attitude about the Occupy Wallstreet crowd that you would against looters and rioters. Say what you will about the dirty, annoying hippies and that embarrassing cuck-hipster intern Matt they had at the time, occupy was about politics, not crime. What was Kenny's feeling on the movement? "If you resist arrest you're gonna get beatin' up." The guy is a piece of shit and he sounds like an old, dirty cop that was forced into retirement.

Remember, too, during the Boston Marathon bombing Ant was trying to carefully word (what must have seemed nuanced) the point that seeing cops exercise the ability and the will to mobilize, that many officers, with that many rifles, and with the armored cars to move them around was an alarming display of police force. Kenny was uncomfortably angry with Ant and wouldn't see his side of it.

& that point is so clear it's shocking to me that a lot of people don't get it. It's like, when people talk about bad words & I've heard many people explain as perfectly as could possibly be the simple concept that there are no bad words & context is everything but so many people can't understand that either

I think there is a middle ground where we can say that people smoking weed and even doing coke and hallucinogens is okay, and also that PCP and bath salts and other extreme hypothetical highs are are more likely to make someone harmful to others and their community. I would even throw salvia into that second category. "But what about alcohol because -" fuck you!

If anyone gets their weed from Mexican cartels they aren't doing it right