Anthony Rumors

0  2015-06-22 by TACSInsider

There are rumors circulating that Anthony's relationship with Dani Brand is in trouble because Anthony has been having a liaison with Lauren aka the NYC Vixen. Stay tuned!


Joung Un Kim? What is that? The South Korean leader? Tss tss.

Oof, What the hell was that?

A poor decision on my part.

Unless Ant shoots her in the head live on TACS zero fucks are given about their relationship status.

Go tell Harvey Levin instead faggot.

yawn no one cars about that skank

Which one?

I was going to ask which one, then I realized this applies to both equally.

  1. probably bullshit
  2. it sounds like they're in an open relationship
  3. who gives a flying fuck


that's nice. spreading disease between the 18-35 AND 55+ demographic

I thought he got caught up in a pedo sting by the title.

They are open. She fucks younger dudes.

You are full of bologna

It'd be hard to find many older ones.


Who saw this coming?

Both of those chicks are gross

Oh, IS THIS today's speculation? I've had enough of these HATERS online when they just don't know what they're talking about. BELCH Period.

DEAD AIR Anyways today we got Jim Florentine in studio, been a long time brotherman!

She got some weird eyes. But she's prettier than dani. And she dresses like a middle schooler. Everything checks out.

Another ugly try-hard with knee high socks, Catholic school skirts, bad makeup, and old TV show references. I'm not surprised.

They were an exclusive couple? I figured they were in an open relationship.


Ant is a cuck?



It's a love triangle between the 3 of them. I wonder what Cousin Brucie thinks of this mess

Who gives a care, am I right gang?

I want to hear rumors on the accident that left Anthony's face so horribly scarred and mis-shapen. What is this shit?

It's a result of years of constant screaming at black people causing the skin to stretch out and deform. It's also known as "Jigaboo Rage Syndrome"

We all know Ant has never screamed at a black person.

One of his best stories was some highschooler describing his face as though 'someone lit his face on fire, and stomed it out with cleats'.

"redditor for 1 hour"

Credible source i see.

It's a result of years of constant screaming at black people causing the skin to stretch out and deform. It's also known as "Jigaboo Rage Syndrome"

One of his best stories was some highschooler describing his face as though 'someone lit his face on fire, and stomed it out with cleats'.

Oof, What the hell was that?