Not OA - How in the living fuck does Eddie Murphy earn a living? Is it investments? That Shreck money has run dry.

0  2015-06-21 by crookedmile

What is this cat doing?


Yeah how does someone with 9 digit net worth survive in this world? It's a mystery.

Is it investments?

You sound like a child.

Can you get investment equipment into the city, E-Rock?

That is such a child-like Jim Norton interview question.

You're an idiot.

From Eddie Murphy Wiki

Box-office takes from Murphy's films make him the 4th-highest grossing actor in the United States.

The guy has been in plenty of dogshit studio movies over the previous 20 years to have made him disgustingly rich.

He probably got a few million from that Tower Heist movie a few years ago. So even if he never made another dime before that, he could still be sitting on a decent chunk of change.

But he made a ton of money before that, so unless Eddie is buying homes and cars like rapper, or car dealerships and carwashes like a professional athlete, I'm sure he is living comfortably.

And if he really wanted to earn a few bucks, he could put together (or get some writers to put together) a standup act and go tour the country with "Eddie Murphy Returns to Standup" and haul it in.

Fuck your considered answer

He made a billion dollars from Shrek, The Nutty Professor, etc. He is sitting at the house not giving a shit. Waiting for Disney to call him and pay him another $40 mil to do voice acting, aka talking into a mic for 6 hours.

Ant's tax dollars


Fuck you

Seriously? Eddie was set for life after like 1997. Probably earlier.

He's getting spice girls knocked up.

This is "what's in saltwater that makes our body reject it?" level of retarded questioning.

Royalties from "My Girl Wants to Party All the Time"

Besides what everyone else has been saying about how much money he has made, he also has 5 movies in development so he's continuing to get paid. 1 is for another Beverly Hills Cop & franchises pay a lot.

His next movie is a drama from the people behind "driving miss daisy" where he plays a cook for a rich white family. I heard him talking about it like he thinks it'll be his Oscar but I having a feeling it's going to "try to hard" & be unwatchable over-sentimental shit


Shrek 2 made half-a-billion dollars at the box office. He most likely signed a deal that gave him a nice percentage of that back end. Then, there are DVDs and merchandise. He is set for a while.

He picks Cotton.

i dont think thats a high earning position

it provides food and housing. thats a living.