Gregg's favorite youtuber, as stated in his interview with bennington. He really has an eye for comedy.

0  2015-06-20 by smokinswindler


Gregg Hughes only likes this YouTube star because Jerry Seinfeld is into her (probably with his dick). Greggshella is desperate for a Seinfeld invite.

Same thing I thought when he had her on cars coffee. He has to be boning this chick, the way he was looking at her/ laughing at her "jokes".

I honestly feel bad whenever I am tricked into giving these hacks views

I feel the same way every time I watch an Opieraqio vid.

What in god's name was that?

dis guyss gudd

Yeah, Chip?

This doesn't surprise me.

Are you shitting me?

This is why I loved when Norm hosted that welfare piece of shit YouTube comedy award show. Completely took the piss out of these hacks:

norm is so great at that, the stupid youtube stars dont even realize theyre in the presence of a god, and the god is making fun of them and their event, oh kids these days

Norm is amazing. Everyone else in that video is reprehensible

Here she is absolutely bombing on Fallon's Pictionary bit, in the company of Seinfeld and Martin Short...can't think of anyone less deserving.

Is this Jerry's niece or something?

its his cousins daughter

Ok THAT makes sense

Oh good god.

Nepotism is a helluva drug.

4 million fucking views. Disgusting.

This is the world we live in now

I made it to almost 0:01

Holy shit! Did you see her thick lipstick and the way she talks! Fucking comedy GOLD!

I'm always surprised when I come across a YouTuber I've never heard of and they have millions of subscribers. I guess there's good reason I've never heard of this unfunny cunt, I would never seek something out as horrid as this.

On comedians in cars getting coffee they have on all these celebrities and comedian guests then out of nowhere Seinfeld has this bucket of unfunny on the show. It's just confusing she had no business being there.

dude i watched that one after watching the bill burr episode... first time i ever saw this cunt i am still not laughing at most things since that day... she ruined me


I've seen this bitch's videos before. She's the fucking worst. No wonder Opie likes her. He just wants an in with Seinfeld so bad and it'll never happen. I hope they both drown.

he only likes her because Seinfeld had her on

I get that she's doing a bad character on purpose, but I don't get what is supposed to be entertaining or enjoyable about this. It's just unpleasant and lacking in even ironic charm.

I lasted 30 seconds

shes related to seinfeld

It's that played out Judy Tenuta and Emo Philips shit - it wasn't funny then and it's not funny now!

This should tell anyone all they need to know about Opie.
