How did Kevin Smith ever get along on O&A??

9  2015-06-19 by twelder711

Some guy calls a woman a cunt on twitter and he pulls his white knight bullshit AGAIN. Have you ever watched your own fucking movies sir? Opie, Ant, and Jimmy have said some of the most foul but hilarious things about women, so was he just using them for exposure? Weed has ruined his talent


Kevin Smith is Kevin Smith's biggest fan.

In Clerks 2, Randall spent a big chunk of the movie in a shirt with the words "Porch Monkey 4 Life" because he was taking the word back.

"My grandma wasn't racist, she just came from a different time and place...Although come to think of it, she did call a broken beer bottle a 'Nigger Knife'..."


Jimmy thought Kevin would be his ticket to movie stardom.

he always seemed like a Jimmy fan more than an O&A supporter. I never got a PC vibe from him on the show(he seemed to find that Winnie the Pooh pedophile discussion hilarious)

I've always loved Kevin's appearances btw.

Those qna stage shows he did are better than 95% of standup specials put there, and that includes Norton's. Look up the superman or prince or Ben affleck George Lucas stories on YouTube. He's a great storyteller

They are also better than 95% of his movies.

He is a very good storyteller, it just never comes across in most of his movies. I do like his horror stuff, though.

I thought Red State was great and even Tusk was a pretty fun movie. I like the Kevin Smith. Dogma was a fuckin great movie too.

Those are great, plus don't forget the epic Bruce Willis story about what a giant twat he is. I mean, I still love a lot of his movies, but what an ass.

I still listen to the Superman script story featuring the ex-hairdresser producer and his obsession with giant spiders. Classic.

Fatty needs to keep his mouth shut until he makes Clerks 3

That guy's been coasting on the surprise success of "Clerks" for decades. I dunno how anyone can watch his shit movies and actually like them. When his characters speak you can almost hear Kevin Smith typing.

When his characters speak you can almost hear Kevin Smith typing

Perfect description.

Kev wrote this thing in response to how awful he dresses & it has the douchiest thing I ever read:

So, the reasons he always wears hockey jerseys is because his late dad wanted him to stay in NJ, so with the hockey jersey he is always "in jersey"! Fucking ew! It's like his life choices were made on a Chip Chipperson level "word play yumah!"

And he does mention how silly it is in his post but even acknowledging it doesn't erase how uncomfortably corny it is

He wears hockey jerseys and XXXL jorts because he's a fat monstrosity. Remember how he got ejected from a Southwest flight for being a fat fuck and he went on an Internet Tough Guy rage, showing the baby boy bitch he truly is.

He wears hockey jerseys and XXXL jorts because he's a fat monstrosity.

This really is the main reason. I remember watching this thing on obesity and one of the dudes was saying it was mainly sports merchandise that comes in the XXXL sizes, that's why you see so many fat dudes in them.

He's lost like 100lbs & looks ok now & still wears them. But if you google image search "Kevin smith fat" he has more thins & fats than Bob Kelly


I am still amazed that Kevin Smith is even a thing. He hasn't been relevant since maybe 07'. I thought there was no one more hateable than Gervais, but Kevin Smith tops him easily.


Gervais gave us Karl Pilkington, Smith..erm well nothing for me at least.

Uh, Opie is more hateable than both I would argue

Kevin Smith's wife seems like a feminist cunt. That's why he always pulls that White Knight crap. But O and A always seemed like his sanctuary away from all that. It seemed like a place that he liked to go to to be a dude. Even though the rest the time he had to be very PC in the Hollywood game and due to his wife.

As far as Smith I like his podcasts (Scott Mosier and Ralph Garman are good podcasters even if Smith is kind of a better version of their Opie) but he hasn't made a good movie Since Zach and Miri Make a Porno which was back in 08.

Cop Out (Which to be fair he didn't write) was very mediocre, Red State was above average but not good, and Tusk I didn't even bother with. Only movie of his coming up that I have any interest in seeing is Mall Rats 2 but if he keeps deciding to put his daughter in things I might just have to pass on his movies forever.

His wife is a hateable cunt.

I never hear female comedians or directors bringing in their husbands to the fold, and yet somehow there's all these wives who have wriggled their way into the spotlight through their husbands.

I think it is because in general a man would have a huge issue with getting a huge chance in an industry because their wife gave it to them. It would be looked at as very emasculating. Where as women in general don't have an issue.

Look at Kevin Federline, the guy did what every women would want to do in a divorce. He got a whole bunch of money and got the kids after coming into the whole thing with nothing.

Yet the dude is looked at as a clown and a bitch. How many times after a women gets a huge divorce settlement all other women give off the sentiment of "Get what you can."

It is a complete difference of mentality. I think it is changing with women as they make more money and have to work for their place in an industry (Women now know how hard you have to work for a chance so to see another women get fast tracked isn't appealing). But it is still a part of the difference between men and women.

Ugly as all fuck, too.

That was never more obvious than when he put her beside Shannon Elizabeth, Ali Larter, and Eliza Dushku. skinny≠hot

If Kevin Smith Quick Stop Employee got with her, he would be getting a decent deal. But Kevin Smith Movie Director/Writer who happens to be a millionaire should be doing better than her.

Maybe if she didn't come off as a very un-fun cunty person I wouldn't look at it so bad. But she just screams someone that isn't very fun to be around.

I feel Kevin Smith is a sissy in his personal life.

I don't understand it...I think he's the first artist ever who has had drugs ruin their work.

He seems to have gone overboard with the PC stuff in the past few years. He now seems to get up in arms at any kind of gay-related humor, as if he's some ambassador for the gay community because he has a gay brother.

He got mad when Carolla filled in for him on Hollywood babble-on. He got mad because Ralph Garman and Carolla were fucking around, and he called Ralph a fag as a joke. Smith was mad because it's a "gay-friendly" podcast. I was ALL-IN but then I tapped out

I just heard a clip of him on O&A not too long ago (don't remember which episode, but Florentine was in studio too), and Kevin Smith said FAG. He's a fat piece of shit hypocrite.

Kevin Smith's brother is the gay. Kevin Smith was actually the minister of his brother's wedding during one of his Hollywood Babble-On podcasts. For what it's worth.

The only people who give a shit about Kevin Smith these days are fans of his droning, self obsessed podcast network. It's quickly becoming apparent that he is the indie equivalent of M. Night with Clerks as his 6th Sense.

We get it Kev, you're from Jersey and you like telling stories about yourself and Jersey. There's only so many times you can hear about writing Tim Burton's Superman or yet another "too fat for the air-plane" joke.

He's from Jersey and he wears jerseys. Dude's deep as fuck.

Weed is awesome, this guy ain't cool!

What was the context, did she deserve to be called a cunt?

It was his daughter so...

They all deserve to be called cunts.

Never understood the appeal of his films. They're all gestured and boring, like he seems to be.

How about some context, the tweet seems to have been deleted.

a female writer for Deadspin wrote an article and criticized Kevin's attire he responded some guy called her a cunt for it on twitter, to which Kevin replied "If you're a fan of my work and feel this is okay, then I've failed way worse than I ever thought. Sorry, @LesHorn"

Ew. Don't apologize for a twitter follower you cuck

If you're a fan of my work and feel this is okay, then I've failed way worse than I ever thought

He knows he's just an entertainer, right? Comedians seem to need reminded of that fairly often.

Yea, I don't watch his movies to be enlightened. That sounded really self important. As if some people aren't just assholes and watching clerks 2 will show them the light.

I like the guy and a couple of his podcasts, but he's a little overexposed.

We were supposed to be taking lessons from his movies?

I dunno. Objecting to a fan attacking someone else on your behalf seems kind of reasonable to me, if you disagree with the attack.

He wears a hockey top that doesn't fit him everywhere in remembrance of his dad?

What a maudlin bore.

He continued weeping in the comment section in an even more embarrassing rant

That fan is an idiot though, calling someone a cunt for pointing out that Kevin Smith dresses badly. He dresses like a retarded child. Even Kevin Smith had to rein in that faggot because that's such a ridiculous reaction. I don't blame him here.

Shittier fat Rob Zombie.

Well what was the context of the guy saying it? Was she actually being a cunt? Did that level of insult fit the discussion being had? I know I'm in the minority here, but Internet anonymity truly can be an awful thing. The way these nameless, faceless people talk to celebs and women in particular is truly fucked up and hatable. I despised the game gate chick, like truly hated her guts with every fiber in my body. And all the threats against her we're obviously empty, and just kids saying dumb shit. But still, you can't be threatening to rape and kill people online and think that's okay

I stopped listening to Kevin Smith after he threw a fan out of a live recording of one of his podcasts, for shouting out Jew, in a podcast where fan shout-outs are encouraged, and they discuss fucking each other in the ass and sucking dicks.

Did not know that Joe DeRosa was a Kevin Smith fan.

Celebrities don't want people like that associated with them? Surprise surprise. So many guys are defined by their fanbase, I don't blame any of them for telling the idiots to fuck off. "JEW hur dur durr."

this fat ass has been on O&A before and said "fag", and he made a movie where a guy said "nigger" to a black person. And the very podcast I'm talking about could be considered offensive, because he talks about fucking people in the ass, and they have a segment where they discuss celebrities who recently died, which I've heard on a few occasions them making fun of the dead celebrity. But he's going to get all defensive when one of his fans, who paid money to get into the club where they record their podcast, says "Jew"? And then he has security throw him out? Fuck Kevin Smith. He's a fat piece of shit hypocrite, and I'm sick of him.

Who cares? Calling someone a cunt for pointing out that your idol dresses badly and yelling out Jew like a middle school kid is mouth breather behavior. Also there's nothing wrong with having someone say the word "nigger" in a movie.

I don't like Kevin Smith either. Clerks is the only movie of his that I liked and he was always boring on O&A. I just can't blame him for how he handles retards.

I don't care if anyone says fag or nigger. But just don't shit on other people for doing it too. That's called being a "hypocrite".

It depends on the context. "Nigger" as dialogue in a movie is never wrong, unless it's some kind of white nationalist propaganda documentary. Otherwise, you're taking apart an art form.

He shit on these guys because they're retarded. Calling someone a cunt for saying Kevin dresses badly and yelling out "Jew" is retarded, nothing more.

No it's not dude. First of all whatever the characters say in movies, it's characters that are actually face to face with a history and relationship saying it. But more importantly it's a fucking movie. Kurt Metzger just got into it with some annoying blogger chick, and he had to ask his fans not to say stupid shit as well. He hilariously referred to them as his "juggalo fans"

have you even listened to him before? he has said plenty of stuff that could be considered "offensive". He thinks that all gay people do is suck dicks, and he makes that "mouthful of dick" sound on his podcast all the time. Then he talks about fucking girls in the ass all the time, and has on occasion made fun of dead people on their "celebrities who recently died" segment.

I don't care for people to say whatever they want, but when you say all that, then throw someone out of a club for saying "Jew", and say "we don't need your hate around here!" while you do it, then you're a fucking hypocrite.

I guess so. I haven't really paid attention to his allegedly hypocritical behavior. But in this instance I can't blame him for telling some anonymous guy that is getting involved in his shit to go away and stfu. At least when he makes jokes about gay people (jokes by the way, nothing you just listed is actually hateful) he puts his name on it

yeah, I know they're just jokes. But just because someone else says Jew or nigger or fag, that doesn't mean they are being hateful either. Well anyways, I don't like Kevin Smith, and that was the original point I was trying to make.

He's a fat useless retard now.

I haven't been a fan of that fat, phony laughing, tub of shit since I've heard of Smodcast. He is the Opie of the podcast, poor Scott Mosier.




You guys can't understand where he's coming from? He actually has his name and image attached to his Twitter. He's having a disagreement with some woman and one of his dumbass fans calls her a cunt? Cmon guys, that doesn't help him in any way. He doesn't want or need that shit being attached to him

even before the split, when was the last time he was on? 2010

old rich stoners usually will become more and more follwing of the democratic movement, old rich drunks go the opposite path like ant did, both can fuck off with their views

He's got a teenaged daughter. That's all this was about.

Remember the time gregg trashed Kevin off the air (but on Paltalk) just before he did a segment. A listener tweeted Kevin what he said, something to the effect of Kevin talking over people. That complaint coming from Gregg is hilarious.

These comments are making me hate Kevin Smith like Jimmy made Patrice hate Face/Off.

He's a bore

When Opie said that Kevin was scrambling on Twitter to find their phone number, and Kevin bitched, Opie should have hung up on him. Kevin was a dick to Joel Seigel also.

My cousin goes to school with his daughter and says she's a major cunt and slut.

Here she is. She's not even 16 yet, fucking hell.

Yikes. Smith better hope Anthony isn't buying shit on her Amazon wish list.

He named her after the most notorious air-headed whore in comic books, one that he without question jerked it to multiple times.

That's a weird fucking dynamic to be born in to, I'd say she's doing alright for someone with that much pre-existing baggage.


Yup, she's definitely been smashed by older men

He had a gay dude blow a horse in Clerks 2, haven't seen a Smith movie since

as in i literally haven't seen a smith movie since

Figured that'd be right up your alley.

I never hear female comedians or directors bringing in their husbands to the fold, and yet somehow there's all these wives who have wriggled their way into the spotlight through their husbands.

Ugly as all fuck, too.