“Op’pinion” definition.

31  2015-06-19 by Mr_Brightside23



  • a dumb view or judgment formed about something, which is easily changed if challenged, or if disagreed by someone smarter (everyone), or more famous.


  • “Opie’s op’pinion on wanting to talk more about his family on air, was immediately reversed when Ron said he felt differently on the Pete Dominick radio show.”

We all know that uninteresting, weak opinions, make a great radio host.

Share some of your favorite op’pinions


ME: "I gotta tell ya, I think a lotta these animal-loving football players are gonna be out to injure Vick. I mean, some of these guys REALLY love animals."

Patrice, trying very hard to be diplomatic: "No...I don't think that'll happen..."

Fuckin yuck. What a moron


Me: I am all in on ISIS, they know how to get it done...

notices Jims disgusted look

I mean they are barroooootal, and make people sad.

"Where are we at with..."

God forbid that Opie would ever offer an opinion about entertainment he likes or dislikes, the most subjective thing in the world, without licking his toe-thumb to see which way the wind blows.

Fucking coward.


Which is just a massively simplified version of Ant's opinion

UGH. How punchable is he when he comes up with something he has decided is just clever enough to be repeated 4800 times. "I'll say it again!" (you will, huh, Ope? You feel very strongly about this don't you?) "the VAST MAJORITY of cops do the right thing!!" WOW. What an impressive, unusual, edgy opinion. It really deserves to be stressed.

He's actually said "mass majority" before. He is that stupid.

alll of his opinions on news/currents events are watered down versions of ant and jim's, usually word for word of as much as he can remember.

Always loved the two second flip on Battlefield Los Angeles


10:40:56 if you're on mobile.


He is misplaced in radio. He really should be the third guy on the John and Jeff Show. Especially in its current form.

Opie pre-daughter: RAPE JOKES??!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Opie post-daughter: Rape jokes make me sick.

"Brother Wease issue good at radio and has cool tattoos"

Opie: Comedies suck these days, all comedies

Jim: I actually liked Observe and Report, it was Edg...

Opie: (finishing Jim's sentence) Edgy, right. FUCK! Yes, it was edgy and they didn't hold back DAMMIT! I love the Seth Rogen. I love doing a little radio with him.
