"I still haven't figured out Ron yet" -Opie

13  2015-06-19 by daterapebandit

That's b/c you Opie never had the opportunity due to Ron wanting absolutely nothing to do with you outside of work or outside that building, you oblivious fuck.


I seriously doubt Ron hates or even really dislikes Opie at all. More of an indifference.

I think Ron knows exactly who and what Opie is, and loves to insult and fuck with Opie's tiny brain sitting right next to him.

I'd like to think that, but if that's the case why haven't we ever heard it?

it's so embarrassing how he brings ron in and puts on his phony "reverence" voice.

Because Ron is subtle. That's his genius. He'll make Opie look ridiculous, sit back and light a cigar, and listen to Opie call him a genius. And he'll smirk.

yeah i guess ur right.

Definitely, he's just a coworker with breasts that is absolutely no threat to him.

Can't say I'm surprised, this is the guy that struggled to figure out water.

Still hasn't figured out how to get it to turn into ice.

Opie's always been a low IQ having big titted moron.

just like he's still working on his chemistry with Jim...after 15 years

I love Rons indifference to everything. Anytime that Dominic guy would ask a question "ahhhhh no" and then he would start talking about whatever he wanted. He is just the best

Yes he doesn't feel pressured to answer the question asked just because it was asked. He's confident and assured enough to challenge it if it's even slightly fatuous.

I can't think of anybody who has more universal appeal than Ron Bennington.

The way Bennington can manipulate situations and control the emotions of others without them realizing he's doing it is just uncanny. If only there was a phrase that Opie could use every single time Ron's name comes up that would describe Bennington's behavior...

Opie will always be the dictionary definition of a rube

Nobody has figured Ron out yet. And if you thinl you have you're wrong....OP is reaching like the a cunt.


I heard Ronnie talking about doing radio with Opie. Was this on Opie's show? I can't find it on demand.