Will Anthony lose his house?

0  2015-06-18 by isla_n00blar

It seems surreal to think that Ant might lose the compound, but if someone convinced me he will, I wouldn't be surprised. He's more desperate than ever, and using a copyright claim to remove material that criticizes him -- something Opie wouldn't even do for the Greggshells compilations -- shows that he's concerned. Is he going from Uncle Paul to Regular Joe?


using a copyright claim to remove material that criticizes him

Oh boy, when did this happen?

Ah. As a sidenote, it's pretty hilarious how the TACS fanbase is assumed to be viable a demographic for the dick spray market. Pardon me sir, but YOU look like you need help pleasuring a woman...

Pardon me sir, you look like you have 500 cardboard boxes in your house that need to be recycled

Pardon me sir, you look like you would like to add about 20 minutes to the time it takes to roll a joint.

Pardon me sir, you look like the type of fellow that likes to cook a steak in double the time by adding 14 pounds of metal to the cooking surface of your grill

14 pounds of metal

Always wondered; how much is the postage on those things?

Not that much. They use Ted Sheckler's postage emporium. It comes out to about $134.90

Goddamnit, I missed it. Anyone have a mirror?

No it broke when you looked at it.

Yeah, thanks a lot dude.

That was most likely related to an automated scan of Youtube for show content.

Of course he will, that infomercial spoke volumes on how desperate he is.

I really doubt it. He'll probably kill himself way before that

Just like Hitler when the Allies closed in on the bunker.

You mean the Soviets. The Red Army was a few hundred metres away when he topped himself, fighting street to street with German kids and old men, and what was left of the Wehrmacht. The Americans and Brits were still on the other side of the Rhine. He didn't want to fall into Russian hands.

Fuck, yes, you're right. My bad.

He'll poison Keith and the children and then blow his brains out on the sofa


I'm sure someone on the TACSdiscussion sub would let him live with them.

Are you kidding? How great would it be if Ant moved into your place. That motherfucker can party.

Yeah! All of the ugly underage pussy and references from before you were born you can handle!

Yeah, for a guy who doesn't want to be committed to just one girl, he sure dates a bunch of 3's. His new chick looks like her father in drag.

Oh man, I can see it now...I come home from a hard-day's work to find him on my couch watching the curb-stomping scene from American History X over and over, next to a passed out 16-year-old with Daddy issues and surrounded by empty beer cans. No thanks, I don't need that shit in my life.

That basically IS my life now, so...it wouldn't make much difference.

I mean, you're gonna to have to take in KtC and Mrs. KtC too so there's that. But If you ever have air conditioning problems, you got a guy.

True. Or if I have any life events Im planning that I need anyone to announce way before it's finalized...

Does KtC actually live in Ant's house?

Damn. Good point.

So now we are down to this shit? He did just sign two new shows and has a new studio in NYC in the works...As a TACS subscriber the dick spray segment was complete bullshit and I was fucking pissed. He adressed it the next day on his show and owned up to it. I have way more respect for that then some hacky morning zoo show like O&J.

He never owned up to it. He said that the guy was there to tell a story about a friend who got murdered, but the convo got out of hand. There is no way that he called Keith and told him he wanted to be on because of a murder story. Keith most likely said that they'd have him on for 30 min for X amount, but he needs to tell something funny or crazy so it doesn't look too much like a commercial. The guy called Opie and got a murder story and agreed.

He signed two new podcasts. Im not sure how that translates into dollars, but even if he got a cut of their advertising...how much money do you think those shows actually bring in, if any. Just saying.

I think he meant that Ant is moving the network in a positive direction and then he went backwards by doing an infomercial for dick spray.

You are obviously not a real ass dude


He had to pay the new shows..prob took out a second mortgage...just saying.

He had to pay them?

Its almost been a year, right? I have a feeling some people, all gung-ho with support, signed up for a year & will not renew again.

Do yearly subscriptions renew automatically? Do they give subscribers advance notice their year is up? I assume monthly subscriptions renew automatically unless cancelled (& how easy is it to cancel?)

They make it really easy to cancel... unlike SXM

Yea SiriusXM is impossible to cancel. I finally did when my credit card was stolen and I refused to give them my new one when it was time for my quartley renewal

I have a feeling that you're right. Unfortunately, Keith doesn't show ant the numbers...

It automatically renews even after I emailed asking if it would and was told it would not. And then when I canceled after the renewal I was told I had to wait out my 6 months. So they got a year out of me and I probably listened to 8 shows in that time. I'll be checking to see if it doesn't cancel in August.

I'm surprised he could afford to pay Gavin McInnes and the three skanks and that studio. Good for him.

Are you sure he's paying them?

That's what they said


Gavin is in love with Ant, so I wouldn't be surprised if Gavin paid him. LOS are younger guys who aren't established yet, so they prob came cheap.

Are you really saying Big Jay isn't established?Also what about the other two shows that he will soon be announcing, Will they not be paid either?

What other 2 shows is he adding? And, yes, I'm saying that he's not established. He's funny, but not an established comedian.

You're retarded. He's established, he's not high level (though he could be) but he is a headliner, he's most definitely established.

They haven't announced the shows yet, still negotiating the final deal i would imagine. Though Luis & Dave from LOS have confirmed it and have said the network is taking over. Plus it's been spoken about and referenced several times on TACS.

LOL. Luis and Dave have said that the network that they signed to, is taking over? OK. My point was that they probably weren't getting paid a lot and I'm most likely right. How many subs could they have brought in?

Our definitions of established comedians is different.

'established - having existed or done something for a long time and therefore recognized and generally accepted.'

Your definition is something completely different to what the word established actually means.

Point being they know the people who TACS are about to sign and are excited about it, everyone is. So it's obviously something decent. OF course they're not being paid massive amounts, nor should they be. But they're doing two shows, one of which is exclusive and they will be getting a good amount. They've already alluded that it's easily more than Sirius offer to the likes of Doctor Steve and other podcasts that broadcast through them.

Does anyone outside of the TACS network know who Jay is? I never heard of him until he was brought up on the show.

If that's the case you do not know enough about comedy to even comment on whether someone is established or not.

He's an unpopular comedian whose biggest credit is being on TACS network and I don't know what I'm talking about? OK

He's done Z-Rock, Louie, Schumer, Fallon, Comedy Central half hour, Ron and Fez for years, Opie and Anthony a few times. I love TACS but it's hardly his biggest credit to date. Not to mention headlining clubs all over the country for a while now. You clearly do not understand what established means. You cannot be a headliner without being established. That's a fact.

Z-Rock? I didn't see him on Louie and he was the pimp on Schumer and she did that as a favor because she's had everyone from the cellar on. Does Jimmy list Spiderman as one of his credits? Being on RnF and OnA for years doesn't mean shit. HE even cried on video because he thought he'd be in a better position at this point in his career.

It all means you're established. Of course it means something you absolute dud. Think of the word you're actually meaning to say and come back to me.

So is the guy who pranks CNN for Howard Stern, an established voiceover actor? He technically has more credits than Big Jay. Jay may be established if the TACS thing takes off, but he's not there yet.

He can always try and move into the custom trailer he bought for Melinda's sister.

My gut feeling is that Ant bolstered his channel with Gavin's show and LOS (and the New York studio) because the one year mark is fast approaching and if it was still just Ant in his basement getting mediocre guests and no co-host, a lot of people would cut the cord.

Agreed I am one of those people. I was getting bored with the show but adding on LOS and Gavin really made it easier to resub.

Agreed. I dont even watch TACS unless there is a comic on. I think the network is going to be his claim to fame post SXM .. it sure wont be his show.

We are now reaching creepy levels of obsession with these two - three if we count GED boy. I don't fucking care if Ant loses his house and has to suck cock for cash.

"There's a tree on my previous house! "


something Opie wouldn't even do for the Greggshells compilations

Someone did a goof-edit and removed Opie's voice from some of the more popular segments, like the first visit of Patrice,Louie etc. They got removed shortly after becoming popular on this sub.

If I was a betting man, I would say that he has the compound paid off.

I doubt its paid off. Why rush to make a PAID service? If it was paid off, he would just care about doing podcasts or whatever he wants free with advertisements. I thought Nortons pad was paid off though.


Why would he remove that video and not the actual video of the show, which is way worse?

In all seriousness, I really do hope Anthony is successful, even if it isn't something I'm not a part of or like.

Anthony might come off as a haughty asshole, but I think he's a lot more humble than he lets on to be.

Will it change your life if he does?

What was on Youtube - part of his actual show, or criticism of it?

The guy's business model is subscription-based. I'd protect my content as well.

Yeah, but I'm going to reveal the inside scoop here that you didn't want out, you 'isla_n00blar' are replacing him as the new podcast God, with the quick comedic style of Hicks and the thought-provoking comedy of Carlin, you'll make it big, bigger than all of them. Then they won't be laughing, am I right, buddy?

They won't, because they'll be too busy listening to Lookin GOOD Radio, free on itunes & streams at www.lookingoodradio.com New episode up just today, by golly.

Hell yes!

Weak post dick fag. Tell Opie who hired you to chug cock.

Agreed I am one of those people. I was getting bored with the show but adding on LOS and Gavin really made it easier to resub.

You are obviously not a real ass dude

Z-Rock? I didn't see him on Louie and he was the pimp on Schumer and she did that as a favor because she's had everyone from the cellar on. Does Jimmy list Spiderman as one of his credits? Being on RnF and OnA for years doesn't mean shit. HE even cried on video because he thought he'd be in a better position at this point in his career.