Patrice - A final interview with diabetes forecast [Louis Ck can go fuck himself]

0  2015-06-18 by Anarox


Von has said that Patrice went Vegan and Vegetarian for a couple of years before going back to a more raw diet. Patrice went on O and A and talked about him going vegetarian but it wasn't clear how long he sustained that. Patrice always talked about his diet on O and A but it wasn't clear how long he sustained those habits.

Other comics have said that Patrice had made efforts but it wasn't clear how well he sustained those efforts. My personal take was that Patrice did try but it was either too far gone or not enough. Either way even if he could have done more it did not seem like Patrice didn't care or didn't put the effort in.

It was just sad what happened to him, we lost a great mind over 3 and a half years ago.

Corn is vegan. That's what they use to fatten up cattle. There is nothing about vegetarianism that makes it healthier or more likely to make someone lose weight.

If he actually ate 1000 calories a day like his doctors quite likely advised him to do, he would have lost the weight. It's pretty much a scientific fact.

Honestly I think he did that but he definitely had multiple days a week where he consumed probably 5000 - 10,000 calories and told nobody.

True, but the point was that he was eating a lot of raw foods and trying to alter his diet in a big way (Say what you will about the merits of a vegan diet it is a big shift to undertake).

Patrice did seem like he was aware and cared. The level to which he was consistent and effective is obviously a huge unknown. But the way Louis implied it was on a level that he simply didn't give a fuck, which wasn't true.


Thing is, a vegetarian(and especially vegan) diet is usually high carb , low protein&fat. In the book Good calories Bad calories by Gary Taubes he laments that even medical professionals will recommend a high carb diet to diabetes patients, regardless on the damage it does to the already broken insulin response. He cites the Pima indians as a perfect example. Patrice should have gone paleo and he might still be with us. In the end, his girlfriends nutty diet advice was detrimental to his health.

Patrice went on O and A and talked about him going vegetarian but it wasn't clear how long he sustained that.

Patrice always talked about his diet on O and A but it wasn't clear how long he sustained those habits.

Other comics have said that Patrice had made efforts but it wasn't clear how well he sustained those efforts.

My question is- was it ever clear how long Patrice sustained his diet?

Von is the only one who said that he did the diets for a long time. But she seems to be a very unreliable witness and no one else has come out to corroborate the story. So until more people come out and talk about it we don't know.

Sure he tried. For a week or so but Patrice was a vicious binge eater and (i'm sorry to say) a good liar. On the surface, in front of people he made it look good but when he was alone he ate like a monster. It's a hard thing to overcome.

Yeah he was good at that

Yeah, fuck the Patrice h8ers. His morbid obesity wasn't his fault and it had nothing to do with the choices he made.

Reminds me of that boogie guy who plays Francis on YouTube. He claims he keeps trying, but cannot lose the weight.

Louis probably had no clue what Patrice did, but he saw the weight, so you can't fault him for thinking it killed him. Louis has said the same stuff about Ralphie May.

Directed at the people saying Patrice didn't try to get better.

Nobody is saying he never tried once, what people say is that he didn't try hard enough. That's pretty much undeniable.

The fact that Patrice thought going "vegan" or "raw" would help his diabetes is enough to show that he wasn't taking professional advice seriously. There is nothing about veganism or eating raw foods that makes them better for diabetics. Sugar is vegan. Bread is vegan. Both are carbs which are the primary concern for diabetics. Raw has nothing to do with diabetes in the least; it's a method of food preparation not a measure of carb content.

People say that?

Sure they do.

When they are not taking time indulging in sexual harassment of young female comics in hotel rooms and back-rooms of comedy clubs, they'll go on radio tribute shows just after someone died and surrounded by bereaved friends hold court and use the occasion to pontificate and castigate a dead man for not doing enough to stay alive. Like a fucking tone-deaf cunt.

Sexual harassment? Pics or gtfo.

I still cringe over it, jimmy trying to convince CK that Patrice did try and CK too busy being a cunt to hear it

Link to this?

Louis shits on Patrice and his health multiple times. He did it so much that the first show Von was on she addressed the "people" that were shitting on him for his bad health ethic.

Here's a snippet, he kept going back to the point of Patrice being fat and labeling him as a lazy fuck.

CK will be dead from a heart attack in the next few years.

He's dead. He didn't do enough to stay alive. That's beyond argument.

I don't see how people are debating this. It was 100% possible for Patrice to lose weight. From a physical perspective it would actually be very easy. No ones saying he's an idiot for not losing weight, but the fucking people who think he did 'everything he could' are idiots.

I agree CK was shitty about it but he was also 100% correct. And I love how Louis works himself into this guy that shits on himself but plays the other side where he's a some model fat guy that eats a certain way but runs or does boxing to offset it. Guess what ya dummy, you're just as much of a slob as Patrice was and running at your weight and age is actually working against your heart you know-it -all hipster pandering fag. I hope you die on your treadmill in front of your kids.

I mean he's definitely not even close to how big Patrice was, if we're being honest.

Louis shits on Patrice and his health multiple times. He did it so much that the first show Von was on she addressed the "people" that were shitting on him for his bad health ethic.

Here's a snippet, he kept going back to the point of Patrice being fat and labeling him as a lazy fuck.