Extortionist Ellen Pao must pay former employer $276k in legal costs

130  2015-06-18 by opielies


"He'd be damned if any slopes gonna put their greasy yellow hands on his boy's birthright."


You done?

Someone had to say it. You go Girl.

Hi Opie!


This is gonna help.

That's a rot of money


Her famiry must be feering pletty tellibru light now

Well I guess this clears up whether this subreddit will be banned or not.

wait...so she runs this fucking place?

Yep - she's been the CEO since last year. And in 2011 her husband Buddy Fletcher screwed 3 Louisiana pension funds out of $144 million dollars when they asked for their money out of the hedge fund he created and managed and he said "Oopsie! Don't have it!" The fund declared bankruptcy.

He also happened to be in a relationship with a man before he married her, which is a strange turnaround

No it isnt, take a look at her.

He also played the race card and sued his employer for "discrimination". Just like Chairman Pao


Slippery goke

What is a "goke?"

When a chinaman goes peepee in your coke.

I thought that was called a Coca-Cora

She's the one making reddit terrible right?

In fairness, it already got angsty and bad before that.

terrible because like 4 subs you probably didnt go to anyway got banned?

Yeah 4 subs, in a day. Just look at how many subs, which were popular like Fatpeoplehate that disappeared overnight.

tsss tssss luks lyke they found a chink her armour NO WAIT WAIT WAIT I GOT IT!! i hope this cunt gets kicked in her fucking cunt

Home run Chippa!

what is it like someones house running away from them or sumthin??? Shoutin LUK IM A HOUSE im tellin the t-ROOF DVVVV DVVVVV fuckin killin it on ere

You can blindfold these people with dental floss ahhgoooo

reddit gold just went up in price.

Why is this here?

because this sub has become a fucking link dumping ground for karma.

what did this bitch do and why should I care?

SJW who is in charge of reddit. Wants to create more "safe spaces" for people. Got rid of a bunch of subs that hurt people's feelings. The social justice warrior takeover has begun.

You shouldn't. The anti-sjw army always needs a reason to be upset. This one is almost out of steam.

Remove anti and you've got yourself an accurate statement

So you support SJWs or just like to talk down to ant-SJWs?

I enjoy talking down to people who think they're engaging in some righteous cause. SJW or anti sjw, it's all good. Currently, the antis are in the lead for level of annoyance.

You're so edgy and hip you can't be in either camp MAAAAAAAN

Yeah MAAAAANNNN! I should definitely pick a camp because this shit is IMPORTANT, MAAAANNNN. I mean, the only time I hear about sjws is when anti sjws whine and post about it. On the other hand, the anti sjws are really pointing a finger at the SJW HYPOCRITES!! AND IF THEY DON'T DO IT WHO WILL!??!?

Yeah the fight over free expression is trivial, you're right.

Yeah, because reddit is the last bastion of freedom of speech, dipshit.

You can't make a sarcastic inference from a sarcastic inference, faggot.

Edit: I mean, you can, if your brain is the size of Bobo's dick.

It doesn't sound trivial when you frame it like this is the battle of Valley Forge, but really it's about the CEO of a website that doesn't like some of the content on their own website. Free speech can be had anywhere. Someone could start a site like reddit and post all the fat, gay, race hate they want. There probably already is one. Bunch of fucking chicken littles running around crying about the sky falling.

If you really think it's limited to reddit you're even dumber than I thought.

I give, schwoogie. The social justice movement has it's boot on the neck of freedom everywhere.

Listen man, most O&A fans are dumb as fuck. I mean, you're mostly right but the fact that your picking this place to argue the point is pretty fucking stupid. Let it go

I hope she's raped and killed

She is a buffoon. Her lawsuit couldn't have gone worse. Every legal move she is making is the opposite of what she should be doing. Who is advising this woman?

Ellen is a strong independent perpetually oppressed minority. I suspect she will rise above this baseless extortion. I support her until the end.

This is going great

I spent about 15 minutes reading up on her and her husband this morning. They are very litigious, and have supposedly wracked up 40 million in legal fees spread around their lawsuits.

Her husband is a hedgefund manager, whose hedgefund has gone bankrupt and who had a 10 year relationship with a dude before he married Ellen. He is suing The Dakota (John Lennon's old apartment building) for racism (aka denying his attempt to purchase a 5th apartment in the building based on the financial information he provided, probably had something to do with his bankrupt hedgefund and other civil lawsuits).

Here is his wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddy_Fletcher

The great thing is his Dakota lawsuit basically caused his hedge fund to collapse. He wanted to buy a 5th apartment, The Dakota looked at his financials and said, umm, no. He sued and The Dakota filed affadavits that they didn't trust his hedge funds financial statements. This caused 3 Louisiana pension funds to request their $144 million from his fund, which he didn't have - he supposedly had $555m under management, but that turned out to be a lie. I have no idea why he was never arrested.

I would hope that things are still developing.


Shame it wasn't ten times that :o

For fuck's sake, if you're really that mad about this, take it up with Condé Nast and the other multi-million dollar shareholders. They're the ones forging the "new direction" of Reddit, Pao is just the corporate drone who does their bidding. You people really sound like total rubes sometimes.

Shes the representative figurehead, shes the one writing these announcements, shes the one that took the job of the face of reddit. Our disdain is channeled through her. You think organizing people against a bunch of shareholders is anywhere near as easy as targetting the one dickhead? It really doesnt hurt that she has these false sexism claims and is the embodiment of SJW.

Agreed. She's like Philip Green from Casino; a yes-man with a fancy title who does what they're told. If she becomes too much of a liability, she'll get replaced by someone else who'll perform the same function and continue with the "new direction" or whatever. That's not in defense of her, it just seems a lot of the Pao-backlash misses the point.

Look, Vargas, the people need a scapegoat and, by god, they're going to have it.

You dare be cynical about this game-changing threat to the democracy? SJW ALERT!!


I, for one, welcome our new SJW Reddit overlords.

As a trusted celebrity I can help round up slaves for their underground shit mining

Nobody cares.

You care, faggot.