Ran into Ant while i was Rollerblading in the park.

17  2015-06-18 by FootThingOnHisFoot


Ever wonder why Anthony is so interested in Chris Hansen and To Catch a Predator?

He's a creep but a smart creep.

Do you remember when he went through his toddler in tiaras faze or whatever the fuck he was into and he kept bringing it up on the show?

ha yea, that was awful. He's so transparent. Just a typical old man that didn't get laid in his teens and now all he wants is teens. I think Ant married the first girl he banged and has been a serial monogamist ever since. He has all the red flags for a dirty regretful old man - No high school ass? check. No college ass? check. He hung around a pussy repellant named Opie for fucks sake ugh. I kinda feel for Ant. Now he's with such a mental midget that he'll probably break down and marry because he sees death and he'll lose half his shit again.

im not defending the pedo behaviour, just wanna say that he did get laid in his teens; like, really early teens. he was 13 when his dad talked the neighbourhood whore into mounting him.

Here name was Buzz.

The fact that his dad needed to send someone to fuck him is the most humiliating thing I've ever heard.

true. still, i wasnt getting laid at 13...still not getting laid at 22 so i can't talk.

Friends close, enemies closer.



lol brilliant

There's gold in them there underoos.

FootThingOnHisFoot was an account created 18 days ago.