Opie and Anthony Hindsight Report: April 2000

61  2015-06-17 by CuckECheese

January 2000 | February 2000 | March 2000

*Opie argues Ant's point

Ant: "That happened about a week ago."

Opie: "Not even. It was like last Tuesday. It was like a week ago."


*Opie and Anthony spoil K-Rock's big surprise they had been hyping all weekend: a Stone Temple Pilots concert. They met the bassist who told them about it

*They callers assault K-Rock's phone lines asking when they'll announce the concert. The staff at K-Rock get pissed demanding to know how they found out.

*K-Rock announce the concert an entire day early because OandA spoiled it.

*Jay Mohr and one of the dudes from Airsick get into a huge, real argument on the air over Jay's ego and alleged stolen jokes. The fight turned physical and all you could hear was the chaos. They quickly went off the air.

*Show comes back on the air, they explain that they ran out of delay. Jay sounds winded and is screaming that no one let him fight.

*They go outside to fight, Jay lands 6 punches into the guy from Airsick's head before getting pulled off.

*Jay comes back in the studio and jokes around about it and plugs his shows.

*Opie asks why gay people get parades but guys who like to watch lesbians make out don't.

*Opie says he drank some Coronas. Someone scoffs off mic. Opie says "Fine. It was Corona Lite. Whatever."

*Ant pretends to be offended by racism.

*Opie pitches his idea of a genius bit: Put Spaz in a wheelchair all day. That's literally it. No twist.

*Opie unironically calls an upcoming bit a "nugget."

*Opie and Anthony both agree that you shouldn't chew food on the radio.

*Ant refuses to take any calls from anyone named Jennifer and is forcing girls to lie about their names before speaking to them.

*Opie and Anthony play a song about Columbine 3 times in 1 day because the boss is out of town.

*The boss refuses to give Opie and Anthony syndication, so fans start bootlegging the show and streaming it online. Opie laughs and says "...cool." They're in full support of "Syndication Underground."

*Andrew "Dice" Clay and Jay Mohr get into a fake argument for laughs. Dice says he loves Jay's Walken impression.

*During a live read Ant says a sponsor "chews down the prices." Ben Stein gets offended and thought Ant said "Jew", and insisted it's what he actually meant and hung up on the show before the interview even began.

*Amount of times Opie mentioned being in broadcasting since he was 18: Twice.

Show of the month: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WloDc2qMydE


Thank you for your service.

I love these.

Yeah, this is the best thing going.


Forgot to mention, they can't talk about Don Imus now. They keep making jokes about him and getting dumped out of because he works for the same company.

These are awesome

You are a real hero, and you keep getting better, the link to the show of the month is fucking great.

Thanks, and i have to say i kind of love you, in the most hetero way posible. (buttfucking)

Just going to throw this out there, but if I could butt fuck you as you buttfuck him, I think the three of us could really do something special

I'm a girl so it's not even homo.

Even though I wouldn't touch any of you with a ten foot pole.

Tell Ant I said hi and have a good day at school.


jeesh lady, just trying to spread the love around :)


in the context of the great work hes doing...... im down at last a fun O&A knucklehead reunion.

edit: I just read that OP is a girl, and i have to say it kills the romantic vibe a little but it would still be a very successful fan reunion.

Opie says he was reading a penthouse on the train? It's bullshit but does he think that makes him look cool? It makes him look like a fucking creep.

I'm thinking Opie is a poser.

He wasn't, he most likely saw one on the counter and decided that he should make up a story that included it and him and his idea of what a man would be doing.

You're doing everyone a solid with these. Nice job.

WNEW shows were a product of the times, BUT listening to them now it does seem like it was a fun show to be a fan of esp listening to the shows live.

Sure the "Shock" factor is no longer there with the internet and the bits and general vibe of the show are a relic of the times. However it was probably much more fun to listen to that show than anything else going on in radio at that time.

Listen people stop taking your kids on the subway. Opie wants to read his penthouse in peace.

The Jay Mohr/Billy Staples (Named Fat Guy at the time) fight actually was a work by Jay and Billy, It was revealed the next week which happens to be in a small gap around that time of missing shows.

Billy came into the studio acting all mad that Opie sided with Jay and rushes him but was going to stop at the last minute like "Gotcha!" but be for he stopped Opie thinking it was still real punched Billy in the face.

Ant actually calls it at one point during the initial show that it is a work...And yeah they made t-shirts for it...

That explains the gap in my shows. Opie keeps whining about Fat Guy telling Opie he's not a comic, so I guess he's still butthurt. Shocker.

Whoa, really?

I dunno, there were real punches thrown. Jeff Norris apparently had a swollen ear because he got hit by a stray punch.

Are you sure they didn't just cover the whole thing up to avoid a legal mess of some sort?

It's possible but I don't see where the legal angle would come in, Jay was the best friend of the show at the time and continued to appear reguarly, Billy wouldn't be a problem given he is a pretty cool guy + was in the reveal/took a punch during it.

Legal for the station really doesn't seem to care about anything other than being on top of FCC stuff and the boys not pissing off anyone important in the business given at this point they are a month away from starting to stuff things in girls on the regular etc.

But I do agree some aspects are kinda odd "Let's go beat each other up on the show!".. I wish I had the reveal show it would probably be more telling.

For the longest time I defended Ant on the 'chew down the price' controversy. Until I realized that 'chew down' is and has never been a phrase people use.

I read on the comments that the commercial in question was something that involved beavers? If that is the context of the commercial than I think it makes sense.

But if it was just your typical ad and they used the phrase chew down (Which is a phrase I have never heard outside of context) I could see thinking something of it.

Can anyone confirm what the original ad was?

The ad had nothing to do with beavers. His defense was that 'chew down' is a phrase people use, you know like how a beaver chews down a tree.

Then clearly they were trying to get away with saying something similar to "Jew Down". I don't think there was any ill intent behind it but they defiantly were trying to be a little edgy with that copy (Whoever wrote the copy for them).

Just glad Ben Stein just hung up instead of trying to make a national issue out of it. If a guy feels offended whatever he has the right to not want to do the interview. Just don't try to take their whole show down.

it sounds like that was joke

I don't think so, no.

Edit: clip... https://youtu.be/MP0_wqgWilE

fucking weird...according to this website fucking bababooey invented it: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Chew+Down

Here's the Urban Dictionary definition of Chew Down :

When you haggle or talk someone down about a price.

It's a variation of the phrase Jew Down made famous by Gary Dell'Abate

"Look at what these poor women are doing, and you're chewing them down" - Baba Booey to Sal Governale

Chew Down

about | flag for glitch | Summon: urbanbot, what is something?

Oh my god, I didn't realize the Ben Stein interview was so old.

A couple of stray observations I picked up from this month:

  • The Jay Mohr vs. Airsick Guy fight was really good radio. O&A really sound like a radio show coming into their own and starting to gain extreme confidence at this point.

  • However, the show is bogged down by so-so bits still. The Most Offensive Song contest is dragging on endlessly, and I swear to god that half the songs they claim were submitted from listeners are just Anthony. I bet very few listeners actually contributed.

  • For those of you who believed Opie when he said his douchey catch-phrase period of his ended only lasted during his college days to WAAF, hahaha. HAHAHA. This month featured countless references to patch, brothaman, muthahucka, and "Hello!" Make no mistake, the Opster wanted this show to have a signature catchphrase that really popped. I guess WOW and Hummer Tuesday and FU Friday wasn't enough.

  • There's a new bit where Anthony does live reads after the show ends. Apparently Anthony is the king of live reads, but the humor comes from hearing all of his outtakes. Psycho Mark says that for every 40 seconds of pre-taped reads, it takes Ant about 9 minutes to record the perfect take because, naturally, live reads are hard to do straight through. I guess the humor comes from the fact that Anthony got really, really pissed off one time because he couldn't say a certain product's name without getting tripped up. This caused him to just start cursing left and right. Mark brought that audio to the air and the boys got a laugh out of it. Okay, fine, for O&A circa 2000, I'd say this is par for the course. But then they try to bring the bit back every few days by bringing in the latest spot that Ant taped the night before, and it's so obvious that I'm Just Happy To Be Here Ant comes through and is just cursing up a storm and pretending to get mad in order to keep the bit alive. He's cursing and 'getting mad' but I swear you can almost see Ant giggling his way through. Definitely douche chill inducing.

Overall, when spontaneous shit goes down in studio, it's awesome. When they try to set up some bits, it's same old 'meh' shock jockery. Still eagerly awaiting Jimmy.

These are great, dude, I love the since-I-was-18 count. Jimmys first ever appearance should be coming up soon. You should definitely post that if you run into it.

Little preview for next month: Jim Norton's NAME came up in discussion with Dice.

I cant wait. Itd be awesome if someone edited together a "Jimmys Origins" saga compilation of all the first times he was mentioned and his first appearances.

This dude is a chick, man!

Dude is gender neutral, just like Jim Norton's sexual preferences.

They certainly are!

I listened to that Ben Stein clip awhile back. Pretty funny.


i don't have a long enough memory to know, but when was it exactly that ant started to get into race hard? feels like 2006 or something.

thing is, i can't tell if he was faking any stance on race or felt differently prior to 2000. seems like he had a perfect balance of his personal feelings versus being funny then, at least. they did all kinds of really cutting jokes on blacks, spics, fags, etc etc and it never felt serious or hateful.

Not sure. 2000 is loaded with him defending black people which is really weird. It sounds half hearted though.

Anthony was pretty moderate on race as late as 2007, it's weird to listen to now. They always made race jokes, but he didn't get legitimately racist until Obama came around. I never got the sense he was faking it before that, it's not like he was ever a white guilty liberal. He was just a more normal person back then.

I died laughing:

*Opie pitches his idea of a genius bit: Put Spaz in a wheelchair all day. That's literally it. No twist.


Do you have clippings of WNEW news articles pinned all over your walls and ceiling?


I would like an ant using baby talk and throat noise counter please.

Okay: 0.

Gods work my friend.


I owe you, we all owe you.

I'm listening to those old shows from 2000, as well.

Late May(Tuesday after Memorial Day), Ant goes on a great rant about trying to watch Mission Impossible 2 in a black/Latino theater in Brooklyn. Stuff he says on par with what got him fired and that was 15 years ago.

Who the fuck says "chew down the prices?" Ant still insists to this day that he said "chew." Such BS.

would YOU fuck with ben stein?

Why the hell not?

He'll use his probiscus to puncture your skull and lay ten thousand Juden eggs in your brain.

He was reading copy.

He clearly said chew.

Yeah, because that's a thing that people say.

Think you oughta chew down your attitude, stranger.

People really do believe everything Ant says, don't they.

I was listening to the audio of him reading the copy. You can HEAR the C.H. in chew. I know you wanna be right and downvote anyone telling you different but you're wrong. I'm not even an Anthony apologist, but he blatantly said chew.

WHO THE FUCK SAYS CHEW DOWN THE PRICE? No one, thats who, so he knew what the intended reaction would be. "Chew down the price" is not a phrase that is said, by anybody, it is KNOWN that "Jew down the price" is .Maybe he did say chew, but he knew it was so close to "jew" that the reaction would be offense. Cmon man, nobody says "chew" down the price, the intent to piss him off was there and he knew it. I honestly don't care if he's insulting to Jews, but he was trying to start shit by blending the sounds of the words as it is so easy to do.

I read this in Jesse Ventura's voice.

Nope, you want it to be that way. Can't says I blames yous as it is fitting with his MO.

It's not a thing people say, but he did say it.

Sure he did.

Did he...

It's not a thing people say, but he did say it.

Think you oughta chew down your attitude, stranger.

WHO THE FUCK SAYS CHEW DOWN THE PRICE? No one, thats who, so he knew what the intended reaction would be. "Chew down the price" is not a phrase that is said, by anybody, it is KNOWN that "Jew down the price" is .Maybe he did say chew, but he knew it was so close to "jew" that the reaction would be offense. Cmon man, nobody says "chew" down the price, the intent to piss him off was there and he knew it. I honestly don't care if he's insulting to Jews, but he was trying to start shit by blending the sounds of the words as it is so easy to do.