Opie does some of that Twitter marketing.

9  2015-06-17 by oskimon


If my grandfather ever used the word "yo" I'd set him on fire.

Holy fuck; the Opie Raqio Show has become a clone of Sam Roberts' Show...

X-Pac was on last week, he hasn't done anything noteworthy in over a decade; why have him on again this week?

He's back in the news because TMZ published the audio of the Dusty Rhodes 911 call and X-Pac called them out on it. Apparently the WWE was able to keep the Seth Rollins dick pics off TMZ but not the 911 audio of a dieing or dead Dusty.

He was on last week to give his rebuttal to the accusations of rape and forced drug use from Chyna.

What news outlets have done stories about X-Pac calling out TMZ for publishing the audio of Dusty Rhodes 911 call?

So a radio show which broadcast the graphic audio released by courts of Byron Smith as he murders two teens in his Minnesota basement is going to condemn TMZ for publishing audio of a 911 call?

Exactly. What news gives a shit about him? Who the fuck even knew that Chyna accused him of rape, besides Sam?

Hey, the ripping of his asshole was highly amusing. It's still real to me dammit.

I don't dislike Sean Waltman; I feel sorry for him & wish him only success...hell I enjoyed hearing him on the show last week but having him back 7 days later is too soon.

Maybe he'll bring in the canceled check showing that Chyna got paid 100k for her sex tape. Then we can expose the steroid-addled, former wrestling, junkie porn star as a liar too. I smell TMZ exclusive.

sometimes a guest that you don't really understand the point of turns out to be good though.... just from personality alone.

I'm conflicted. I want to hear about whatever this whole Chyna x-pac thing is, I'm a sucker for wrestling. I don't really even like it anymore but I still enjoy all the guys and the backstage stuff and shit.

But I just can't bring myself to listen to an O&J show.

Enjoy all the guys? Eck

Not sure what the O&J thing is covering about X-Pac and Chyna but on youtube Howard Stern had Chyna on and X-Pac phoned in. It had stuff about their relationship, the sex tape, that stuff if that's the drama you're interested in.

Like scorch shared bits with opie, opie is sharing guests and ideas with sam


And apparantly it works because you picked up the baton and brought it here.


Oh your looking forward to it. Thank God you let us know I was wondering whether you were looking forward to x-pac whatever that is being on your show.

Opie, Xpac and Sam are the only ones looking forward to that.

TACS advertising is on the side of the sandwich board entering city centre, the money side, Opie Raqio is on the other side for those returning to the suburbs, the strapped for cash cuck mancave side.


You're an American aren't you? I can tell by the way you talk to me. You probably don't even know what a sandwich board is let alone city centre. And yes, this is how they advertise in Canada, going towards downtown is catered towards the wealthy, back to the suburbs is for the poor. Don't ask me why, we have a lot of muslims, American.

You must be Muslim.

Well I try to live aṣ-Ṣirāṭ al-mustaqīm even though I'm as pure white as the driven snow. What am I, a racist? I celebrate diversity. Muslims don't even abide their own holy commandments, you'd be surprised how well you'd get along with them relative to the blacks. Heck, you'd probably even get on well with the blacks better than whites if you gave it a chance.

I've given both Muslims and blacks a chance. Blacks brought me more taxes thanks to their use of welfare and shitty behavior. Muslims brought me a pain in the ass at the airport, undercut my pay thanks to outsourcing, and... oh yeah, the wholesale slaughter of people that follow other religions.

In summary, fuck you and your diversity.

Sounds like the only way to settle this is a catch wrestling match. I accept your challenge and I'm willing to travel at my own expense. Shoot me a direct message and we'll settle this once and for all.

Shouldn't you be performing a clitorectomy or something?

Do you have mutilated genitals sir? If so, yes, I should be lopping off clits with a pizza wheel. If no, you're a bloody American hypocrite!

And you're still a Muslim.

No matter who you are, it's still Allahu Akbar.

Hope to see you on the battlefield one day, motherfucker.

Stay Frosty Omar Mohammad

One thing we can agree on: your women SHOULD be covered completely. Hairy fuckin' Chewbacca bitches.

Sure why not, Mia Khalifa is beloved but only because of her fake tits. She's a hairy animal. At least in Syria our inner city streets were safe to walk at night before American sponsored terrorists took over. How safe are your streets at night, infidel?