Great TACS Guest Idea

0  2015-06-17 by unclepaul84

Does Bam have any daughters? If so, when they turn 12 years old Ant should have them on as a guest. I'm sure they would like to play in his hot tub. This would equal HUGE subscription numbers..


Try harder



Your post crapped out. Can you repeat that?

Great should be in quotes.

Ant is in the business of trying to sell subs.

Do you have any daughters? If so, when they turn 12 years old Ant should have them on as a guest. I'm sure they would like to play in his hot tub. This would equal HUGE subscription numbers..

Ant could let her touch his pet snake. It may even be a magical spitting snake.Gregory would play the roll of cuck as always.

Yep, just keep on digging. And it's role not roll in this instance.