Jimmy Vs Roland (06/17/2015)

11  2015-06-17 by Johnniebutters


Anthony hit the prime piece of Opie's narcissism on the Gregshells Show. He thinks it's still 1998 and they are at WNEW. That ship sailed. boy. You were big for a while and it ended. Stop pretending you're Fallon and everything must treat you like royalty.

"That ship sailed, boy"

Are you seriously talking down to a millionaire over a fake name on a reddit sub? I get hating the guy, we all do, but you sound even douchier than he does on a regular basis the way you try to pretend you could ever actually talk down to him. Just call him a fag like everybody else instead of getting all uppity and shit.

Does Roland cry again?

I Wish

You're right, you're not as big as howard and you dont merit the same treatment. For the life of me I dont know why people would sit around and ruminate about how low on the totem pole they are. It's like if you've ever been in a meeting and someone is complaining about getting passed over for job promotions. You can accept it or you can leave, bitching about it wont make the powers that be realize that they've slighted you. They know what they're doing.

Oh, like Howard's show is better? That gets bagged on as much as Opie & Jim Norton. That should move on, let Howard live in his Rupert Pupkin fantasy and do his own wacky, safe-for-moms morning zoo shit.

I havent listened to Howard in atleast 17 years so I have no idea if it's better or worse or what. It's irrelevant. The bosses say he draws the most water, that's whats important. Same thing with EW. It doesn't matter who is better or who has a bigger audience. There's a pecking order.

Why is Sherrod commenting on any of this?
"I never knew that!" No shit, you fucking TruTV comic.

"dat bitch fell out her wheelchair! damn!"

"dat dude just punched a cop! damn!"

Jimmy has had enough.

does anyone really buy the "howard is sabotaging us!" bs? the guy makes 60mill and opie does morning zoo shit now to 100 live listeners at most...

As little of a shit that Howard seems to give towards his own show, it would be hard to believe that he would give a shit about Opie's show. Especially after all these years after the merger. If he did, he is a crazy person.

Maybe, and this is far-fetched too, someone who works somewhere in the building is doing some shit just cuz they think it's what Howard wants.

If anybody is obsessed it'd be Opie.

i just this is more opie's ego-ant mentioned in the very early episodes of his show that he would sometimes wonder wtf opie was doing bitching for hours about howard

Roland is fucking UNINTELLIGIBLE. How does this guy have a job in media relations?


Its because your show stinks, Jim.

I think Jimmy called Op on some bullshit saying how it's customary for guests to go from Howie to EW, just based off of publicity and what's best for the guest, not because Howard keeps guys out of the O + J studio out of some made up war. Howard couldn't give a fuck what goes on here.

How the fuck does Roland still have a job. He suck at everything, except eating. Also, how does Opie know how many listeners EW has?

Doesn't he book guests? I feel like it'd have to be hard to book for a show as shitty as O&J.

Like does that show actually have fans? It has listeners to be certain, but do any of them give a shit beyond "Ok I'll listen to this for awhile."

That's what he's supposed to do, but it seems like he's always fucking up. He somehow got away with booking cooks and deli owners for 2 years, so he could get free food and make connections. OnJ (and OnA) don't/didn't get guests that were exclusively for them, so how hard is Roland's job? The good guests they get are already doing 6 other Sirius shows, so Roland is basically a scheduler, not a booker. Can't an intern schedule a time for a guest to come in? Hell, the front desk chick at Applebees does what he does.

If Gaffigan was a normal actor and not a stand-up that he knows, Jim wouldn't give a shit about Roland trying to get him out on time.

Worth listening to?

Nope. He barely raises his voice and they have a sensible conversation for 12 minutes.

What happens? I really don't want to listen to this..

that horrible laboured breathing

even his heart has male pattern baldness

poor lil feller

Now we all await Opie Vs Jimmy!

Does Jimmy have the minerals to go after the boss?

How many years did this one take off Roland's life?

Heard this live and I thought Jimmy was kidding, I believed he was fucking with Roland but he wasn't.

I don't know why he's pissed, Gaffigan was not in for their show, so he had other places to go. It's a business

It's laughable that Opie still tries to push (and seems to truly believe) that Howard gives a flying fuck about them.

What a delusional person. "Puriod."

Jim Gaffigan looks like a combination of Roland and Norton.


Benjamin 72 is a bag of shit. He's spamming videos with Craterface Cumia messages. All right, Ant's show sucks. Once again, another fucking cult follower who defends this tripe.

And Opie's super-deep Mr. Cool voice is upsetting.

i dont mean to use salty language but who gives a turkey

Benjamin 72 is a bag of shit.

I think he's a nice guy, brother.

Nope. He barely raises his voice and they have a sensible conversation for 12 minutes.

"That ship sailed, boy"

Are you seriously talking down to a millionaire over a fake name on a reddit sub? I get hating the guy, we all do, but you sound even douchier than he does on a regular basis the way you try to pretend you could ever actually talk down to him. Just call him a fag like everybody else instead of getting all uppity and shit.