How about everyone stop listening?

0  2015-06-16 by [deleted]

How is there an entire subreddit bitching about how bad everyone on the entire show was that day? Listen to a new show and get on with your life if it's so draining to listen to. There are hundreds of thousands of hours of audio content to digest without the misery you guys feign on Reddit.

That said, I think the show is still good 2-3 times a week with a few complete duds here and there. That's the nature of the entertainment business to me. Norton carries the show with rants and comedy, but Opie keeps the show rolling and his efforts shouldn't be overlooked even though he obviously lacks the same comedic timing of the pros he's usually surrounded by. A bad guest, which they get a lot of with their current state of notoriety, hurts the show quite a bit at times. Ill be glad when illiza is out of the business. However, a good guest also shows how great the show actually can be. I really enjoyed the Chyna interview this week, for example.

I do agree the show is a bit more hack at times because they don't get the same Anthony fill banter they had before, so noticeably drags more than before, but both Jim and Opie acknowledged this early in the process and I feel are doing a pretty good patch job. They're absolutely trying to find a chemistry with their comedian sidekicks, but to me they haven't found a perfect fit yet if that's actually what they're going for.


I didn't even read your fucking manifesto but here is our answer. I feel I can speak for everyone.

Go fuck yourself. No one cares.


How about you stop reading


You do realize their is an audience outside of us right?


We already have.

Joctober is based on the premise of listening to something you hate. So how is it any different?


This group has found purpose and created additional humor in bashing/criticizing the show's collective which they all felt such a connection with. Who are you to call such purpose into question sir?

Why arya callin peepul out wen ya shud b callin peepul inside ya howse or sumptin?!?!


Yeah, then they come right back here. Every day. To participate in the tomfoolery and see if something comes up that will pull them right back into it.


Geez, he's got us by the short and curlys, guys. He's right. It's a great show. I feel shame. Look away...


Jokes on you, fool. I haven't listened in nearly a year.
