Fuck Danny

26  2015-06-16 by okconsumer

That is all


Jay Mohr playfully jabs at Danny, Danny refuses to play along, Anthony fake laughs for his boytoy

JM: What's that tattoo sweetie?

DR: Something. That you wouldn't know.


And he's eating on the mic. Fucking cunts. I was actually listening to an old show yesterday where Jimmy was defending them eating on the air, he said something to the effect of "we get here early and we don't have enough time, so we try to eat during breaks but they're only two minute segments." He sounded completely out of touch with the working class. It's four fucking hours, suck it up, "baby boy" (most annoying/cringey insult ever, BTW).

I vaguely remember they had a break where Danny bitched about people eating on the subway too. As bad as O&A&J can be, there isn't one staffer more detestable than Danny Ross.

Im friends with former interns and the only person they had anything bad to say about was Danny.

it's also annoying when Jimmy wants to hurry to break, because he needs to "piss really bad". Stop drinking so much water. It's a 4 hour work day, 1 bottle of water is enough.

Talking for 4 hours dries you out pretty quick

Also the Regular Joe talk in this comment thread is embarrassing

The way Ant ball-licked Danny and the stories about him wanting lobster girl always with them doing the show makes me think Opie wasn't in the wrong in being mad she was there.

Imagine listening to Ant hysterically laugh at his intern blowing girlfriend's dumb jokes every day. I bet everyone was sick of her.

That would indeed suck, but let's not underestimate how pathetic Opie's unrequited bromance was that he had to see a therapist for years to get over it.

We used to talk on the phone for hours...we couldn't get enough of eachother.....sniff..sniffle

I died when i heard him say that....verbatim

Anthony has always been a pussy when it comes to confrontation.

Actually enjoyed Danny...a bit pompous and conceited but it made for good listening...the Po vs. Danny fight is still one of my favorites.

Danny definitely came across as a behind-the-scenes cunt, and all reports from ex-staffers seem to corroborate that, but I always thought he was competent enough on the air.

Does anyone remember a Nopie show where Jimmy was also gone, and it was just Ant and the staff? If I recall, it was Ant, Travis, Sam, and Danny. I remember it being pretty solid radio.

at least danny added something to the show unlike sam and thats the bottom line

you're just delusional if think Sam didn't add to the show.

A nasally voice and a bad hairdo?

pretty much all of jocktober? sam and chip interactions? i like sam and he definitely added to the show. a lot of it was behind the scenes

I thought Erock was the jocktober guy and turned it over to Sam. Coincidentally, it got lazy and went downhill around that time.

somehow sam is now the best thing going today when hes been terrible all these years, just cause he responded wazzthat chippa and embarrassed opie a few times?

No, listen to two minutes of his show and you realize he's unlistenable and never funny.


You never laughed at a jocktober bit /u/Doobeth92?

If you did, that was Sam.

Yes I did laugh at jocktober bits. Good on him for putting the ball on the tee for Ant and Jim, but they're the ones who actually made me laugh.

Well yeah, they are the comedians. Up vote for you, sir, for the sake of Jocktober if nothing else.

Yeah, guess that's why I don't like Sam with a mic.

When everybody on here hated Sam and I said this I got downvoted to fuck.

Well, fine sir, they shoudn't have. Sam has grown to be a fine shit stirrer. He actually is the future. Love it or hate it. He gets decent B- guests and interviews him well. Does have shitty hair 'tho.

I'm glad to see it, but the arbitrary shift in sentiment really does blow my mind. Anything positive I said about Sam was utterly shat upon until like two months ago.

Sam and chip interactions belong on jocktober

So what do you think caused Ant and Danny to break up?

Lack of sex, or the fact that Ant would rather bait adolescents on the internet than drink and derp about Call of Duty, while Danny fellated Lazlow for a glorified intern job?

The way Ant describes it ("Gee I don't know what happened, one day he started hating me") makes me think it can't be anything but girl drama.

I was kinda thinking the same. Ant knows what happened, but I doubt we ever will. Maybe Danny was bitter toward Ant after he got fired, may he thought he didn't do enough to save his job. Speculate on, my fellow hens.

seems like it's just inevitable with people like danny.

Danny got increasingly bitter during his time on the show. Probably because he was fat and balding and being paid 40k a year.

40k a year for googling shit is pretty awesome

I remember a year or two ago people asked Danny on Twitter what happened and according to Danny, his reason for being fired wasn't what we were told on air (the pornstar to the One Direction concert). He then insisted that if someone would buy him coffee, he would let loose with what actually happened.

And yet no one bought him coffee?

The guy is paranoid weird. I asked him on Twitter for his steam Id, I actually kinda liked danny, thought it be fun to play a few games with him.

Instead of just saying nah he talked about people using it to "get him" and blocked me.

It's more about spending time with him.

Danny Ross, suicide bomber

Way, way, way too much hair.

My favorite Danny moment was when he got into a fight with Big Kev during a LFTC and Kev shut Danny down with, "Look around you! One day this will all be gone and you'll still just be Danny fucking Ross!"

Danny 'Pilot Fish' Ross

Pilot fish? What's he gonna fly into the river like Sully or sumthin tss.

tss dis guy's good

Fawk yeah.

I was gunna say dat

Fawk you ya lyin peesa gawbige.


Tss tss, why don't you tell us how ya really feel.

Danny was a little cunt glad patrice put him in his place and told him what a passive aggressive little bitch he was

When Danny was on the show, I used to defend him, yeah he can be annoying, but whatever. Since he was fired, I've realized what a massive, miserable prick he is. Someone should find that ultra douchey photo of him with a box of GTA5, doing a duckface, that sums him up well.

Why was he fired? I can't even remember. The staff changes.. Po, Ol' Gravy Legs Ben, Steve (RIP)...

He wanted to bring a pornstar to the One Direction meet and greet, which he won in a contest, management called him into their office to tell him he can't bring a pornstar, and he was so disrespectful to management that they fired him. If he wasn't such an idiot, he probably could of got management to agree to having him bring the slut, let alone not get fired.

Oh fuck... I completely missed that. Yeah, he is a dummy.

It happened long after he fell into obscurity, but did the story of why he got fired from Rockstar ever come out?

He was laid off because he was one of 50,000 people who worked on GTA V and they don't need people making the radio shit until they get closer to the release date for the next one. So he'll have two years worth of work again in two years.

Ohh...I was under the impression he was supposed to be a game tester for all the games Rockstar worked on at any given time, not just GTA V. I always found it amazing that after 8-ish years on O&A that was the best gig he could get. Talk about fucking up your life.

I was just assuming. I don't know for sure. He was a cog in the machine and I bet he was laid off until the next time Rockstar needs QA.

Danny was hit and miss. THAT is all. Bitch.

Got tired of buying Ant's coke for him?

The thing I find I miss most about Danny is his laugh. His stupid cackle that you heard off-mic sometimes really pumped up the jokes for me.

EDIT: Know what, though? Never hated the guy. Never understood why he drove people so batshit here


if you insist

Dammit, I can't not upvote a pity upvote.


Good enough for an upvote from me.

He was a great villain; and a fucking awful everything else.

Anthony has weird taste in men.

I miss Than.

Fuck, Me too.

His stories about his mom killed.


anyone notice how weirdly danny says words with a "T" in the middle? every time he said the word "wanted" he overpronounced the T and it irritates the shit out of me

Are you thinking of Steve?

nope definitely danny. next time you listen to a clip with danny in it just listen to how he says "wanted" its so annoying. Also anthony says "finger" and "longer" weirdly

I hope you get cancer you should get nothing but cancer



Got tired crying abut ant?

Danny got increasingly bitter during his time on the show. Probably because he was fat and balding and being paid 40k a year.

The way Ant describes it ("Gee I don't know what happened, one day he started hating me") makes me think it can't be anything but girl drama.

I remember a year or two ago people asked Danny on Twitter what happened and according to Danny, his reason for being fired wasn't what we were told on air (the pornstar to the One Direction concert). He then insisted that if someone would buy him coffee, he would let loose with what actually happened.