Jeff Ross roast was really good. Here's the full video

28  2015-06-16 by Ant_Sucks


Hm, would have been better if he went the Schlesschinger route and had punchline hashtags appear onscreen.

please tell me you made that up

fucking jesus christ

Jokes were funny but felt little condescending and "You can do anything you want!"-ish

It's called chutzpah

I always thought roasts were dumb and never gave him props, but that was great

It was far better than I was expecting. That takes a lot of guts.

This was good, reminds me of the Pryor bit about the play for the prisoners. Way better than those semi-celebrity bullshit roasts Ross usually does.

Way funnier than I thought it'd be.


One of the best specials iv seen.

i wouldnt go that far. it was different and worth the watch though

Very true.


That was a very good watch. Thanks for the link!

not bad!


It was okay until he started sounding like a pandering liberal with his "the system is broken!" criminal enabling bullshit.

That wasn't a prison, it was a county jail.

The difference is huge, how would he fare making fun of guys doing 25 years to life, rather than guys doing time for child support and minor drug charges.

Why not have him do his act suspended above hungry crocodiles, with every bombed joke loosening the rope just a little bit? Would that make it exciting enough for you to enjoy the jokes?

No, I saw him on Mahers show, and he was acting like he was in a supermax. I watched the video and realized it was a county jail. There is a huge difference between prison and a county jail.

Sorry if I think he is an over representing asshole.

I have talked to many ex cons who say they prefered prison over county jail. County can be pretty brutal.

Was about to say this, I've heard that too.

Yeah. I did 6 months in a county jail with lots of ex-prison inmates. It was pretty much unanimous that the pen beats county any day. Except for the fact that if you're in the pen, you're most likely doing quite a long stint.

I assume the reasoning is that if you're in there for life, there's really no point for the admin to go out of its way to punish you. You're not there to learn your lesson, you're there to keep you away from everyone else. So I'm assuming that in prison, if you don't bother anyone, no one's going to waste their time with you. They leave you alone.

County Jails know you're getting back out soon. They don't want you to ever consider going back in. They will go out of their way to make your stay unpleasant. That's kinda what we want, though, isn't it? For those who deserve being there, I mean.


That explains the comment. You've been around Anthony so long you cant have fun with anything racial, everything has to have a serious political undertone when it comes to that.

lol, you're a faggot

I hate Jeff Ross he is the living embodiment of everything wrong with this world.

I'll bite... Why?

I see your point, but I also see blood in my stool.

please tell me you made that up

fucking jesus christ