Do you think Jim, Opie and the comics make wise cracks about TACS?

0  2015-06-16 by Lilcumia

Do you think they are all subscribers?

Comics as in friends of the old show


Yes. Ant had a ton of support and momentum, and he spent it all throwing shit around and stomping his feet like a little bitch. People subbed to his shitty show for close to a year with faith that he would start putting effort into it, and he didn't. And what does he do when he starts losing subs and needing money?

A half hour long infomercial for dick cream. On a paid show. That already has ads.

There's so many free options out there that are better than Ant's show, but people still pay to support him, and he does this? It screams of desperation.

Ant is the definition of a mail it in cunt.

opie definitely reads all comments trashing ant and sits alone in the dark at 2AM whispering "Heeh hee fawwk comin full circle you fawkin piece o human gahbage"

Ron Bennington subscribes, supports, & makes wise cracks about TACS.

Seems like Ron just loves seeing shit crash and burn

Don't we all?

It used to be asking if all the comics laugh at what an unfunny douche Opie is.

I think zero of them listen to TACS. Maybe some subscribe for support. But I think they see his mansion & just assume he's doing all right

Vos made fun of Ant to his face when he was on.

He said something along the lines of "you sit in your basement all day ... you have become just like your fans"

Wisecracks? LANGUAGE!

I think Jimmy is and always will be completely supportive of Anthony. I dont think he's a subscriber nor do I think many of the regular comics are. Not because of any malice. I dont think CQ or Louis ever spent their days glued to the O and A show either. They appear on these shows. They dont listen to them.

Colin used to always listen and randomly call in to take issue with something.

No, any other dumb questions?

How come you park in a driveway, and drive on a parkway?

Opie might. No way Jim would though.

Opie use to make fun of Scott Shannon. Who had more talent in his wrinkled old kid touching pinkie than Opie has in his entire body. So yeah. He would.

Jim is pretty brutal.

He is, but unlike Opie, Jim has actual respect for Anthony.

What makes you think that?

Someone Crackin Wise?! They should get their head beat in with a shoe!

It would be more interesting to listen to O&J do that every day, than the emasculated boring shit show they are producing now.

i think/know the comics are shitting on jimbo because of OqieRadio

Maybe to his very very close friends, other than that, no.

I bet my 5 y/o son's life Opie makes wisecracks to his staff, and the staff fake laughs in fear of retaliation from Opie for not laughing. No one but Opie makes wise cracks about Ant. Jim's comic friends bury Opie behind Jim's back just so they wouldn't get Jim mad or put him in an awkward position where he has to defend Opie. Rich Vos and Bob Kelly has Opie thinking they're friends with them b/c he's their money mark for funding their side projects, pretty much the same way Opie's family and relatives only pretend they like him b/c he gives them handouts.

Well I atleast hope you're wrong so that maybe your son dies.

That made me laugh for about 5 minutes.