Let's not forget ant dated lobster girl.

0  2015-06-16 by [deleted]

Ant is a true cuck.

He made her his best girl after she slobberd on some guys dick and sucked the cum out of his nuts live on their show.

Lol Anthony.


One could argue he was the most stable and sane when he was with her, though.

You have to give him credit tho he did stay in a 9 year committed relationship with Melinda Haber after she blew the intern on the show. He also bought her mother $9,000 fake teeth and her sister a trailer for around $29,000. If anyone could link the audio that would be great.

" He's the King of white trash. He buys teeth and trailors." - Our Lord CQ.

Jesus, I forgot about the teeth. How the hell could I forget about the teeth? That's hilarious.

Didn't he also buy her a Porsche Cayenne as a parting gift?

Lol oh anthony.

Anyone have the audio?

You sound like a middle schooler. Most women have sucked dick. This bullshit was always stupid to me. Shut the fuck up and recommend another book faggot

He was a millionaire radio star, he committed to a homely girl who blew an intern live on the show. The point is he could have had anyone but has zero confidence.

Yes most women have sucked a dick before. But typically the girl you make your SO didn't suck the dick of the INTERN on your show to save a lobsters life lol. It's not the same as your gf now had a bf years ago and she blew him. Yeah no shit dude.

Who gives a fuck you moron. From all accounts she was fine as a girlfriend.

I hear Bam used to use Lynsi's pussy as a half pipe.

Eat an ass you talentless douche

Lol do you think making fun of dumb cunt Lynss is somehow a retort back to me. News flash - both opie and anthony r idiots.

I think he thinks you're Opie...

vuuuryyy good

Judd Apatow's new book sounds good, I can't wait to read it. "Sick In The Head," where he interviews tons of comedians about comedy and stuff.


What a sad little man you are.

I am actually a happy giant.

Don't fucking give me shit after 20 years of o and a being negative ass holes trashing everything and everyone. Now we do it to them.

Go fuck yourself, butch ass nigga.

Wow, you type just like a stereotypical O&A fan, what a fucking retard

vuuuryyy good