Shitty Conventions and infomercials, keep telling yourself Ant is making more money nowadays.

18  2015-06-16 by [deleted]

He's finished.


He truly must be hemorrhaging money at this point.

gonna stop by Harbor Freight and pick up some tin snips


Ant lived Nigger Rich too or at least thats how i viewed his lifestyle

I always loved how Ant railed against "black culture problems" when he exhibits every single trait in that culture.

never graduated HS, used to smoke crack, used to steal and deal drugs, obsessed with guns and violence

anthony's damn near a rap star

Don't forget breaking and entering into his neighbors apartment

don't forget the Moors.

He has had leaches living off him for years so while hes probably set up well he definitely couldnt retire and keep living the same way.

I can't read Chohn.

I guess no more bragging about leaving the air conditioner on full blast while away on vacation.

Oooohhh FACE!!!!

Poor Beavis gonna have to eat generic cat food.


Can you imagine if him getting beaten up by a black lady brought him on a downward spiral that resulted in him knocking tin again?

It wasn't him getting beaten up by a black lady, it was his drunken rant on twitter immediately afterwards that made Sirius give him the axe.

To be fair, her fists knocked over the first domino.

Yes, but we must take responsibility for our actions. He's a public figure who has been fired in the past from former radio gigs.

I'm on Ant's side, but even HE himself said it several times, that we live in a political correct world where the PC MAFIA will take your job for what you say.. he's specifically harped on that exact subject many times! and then he goes and does what he KNEW would bury him in a corporate setting.. and then when Opie and Jim (sort of) left the door open for Ant to come back, Ant kept fucking that up every step of the way with Greggshells and having Opie pull the 'Decade of Dominance' audio which was the only thing keeping the O&A brand alive on sirius, to Ant airing out false info about Sam and Opie on his show trying to ruin that relationship or whatever.. there's responsibility somewhere at the end of all of this.

I like what you have said.

By the way, are you THE Shane Michael?

Well, I'mAGiantFag was taken already so what other option do I have?

Did you try I'mAGiantFagOfficial

That too was taken.

As well as many others I tried, like, ImAGodDamnedAsshole, iHaveNoFriends, ImStillAVirgin.. I guess I'm stuck with this one =/

Pretending to get beaten up by a black woman.

You got downvoted but I don't beleive it happened how he said it happened. Remember the black guy who used his i.d to claim lotto winnings. Even jim and travis seemed doubtful.

It's like i say quite often. theres three sides to every story. His side, her side, and the truth.

That sounds like one helluva bumper sticker there Average Joe!

I've got 'Stand With Ant' decals for 95% off!!

I marked up my FUCK ANTHONY shirts by 20%

I'd say his income is maybe close to 200,000 a year if he is lucky

I'm not even being spiteful ...

His personal net income? Damn, for that salary I'd even go so far as to work Fridays!

Considering an 8 hr work week, not bad

Just imagine what's going to happen to his faggot mooch brother, Joe. I almost wish Anth fails.

Just imagine the costs alone of feeding Brother Joe.

I used to live in Nassau County, property and school taxes where he lives are unbelievable. I love the fact he's losing money (hopefully) he made $ such a part of his self esteem and image (rich, cooky guy with cars, guns girls, etc.) he'll fuckin die the first time he catches himself having to cut back on some expense.


Lol aww, lil Antony ball washer upset?

Your hero is a fucking failure. Bitch ass nigga

Bitch ass nigga

Your parents are failures, should of sold you to be some chinks sex doll.

"should have"


I'd sell the Compound and downgrade to a nice $250k house. I mean, does one person really need a mansion? It's obnoxious and he can't really use the theater that often, can he?

He's not going to pull in the 18yr old girls with a modest $250k home and living responsible.

He's going to have a tough time ridding himself of that whining, attention seeking little twit he's with now. "OMG I'm 102 pounds and sooooooo fat. Why do I have to be so ugly. Now look at these slutty selfies."

Yup, she's got nowhere else to go. Who would want her? She looks like an EMO Tina Fey with poor hygiene and taste in clothes.

That dopey little retard looks like she has fetal alcohol syndrome.

Every time a girl would come in studio: "Do you like swimming pools? Danny pop up a picture of my pool."

lol, you should see what $250K gets you in the New York area.

Possibly a one bedroom condo in an "up and coming area."

As in when you leave for work, undesirables are already up and coming for your wallet.

I thought him and Danny weren't friends anymore.

He could buy like 25 houses in Detorit.


It's not a mansion. It's a really nice house.

I think the only person who said anything like that was Jimmy, on other podcasts and that was because he felt bad for ant.

I think Jimmy said it more for himself so people wouldn't trash him for re-signing and leaving Ant swinging in the breeze.

good point

I'm almost certain Ant said that himself in one of his earlier shows but I could be wrong.

you could be right - I don't believe it.

He said it like the first week if I recall.

Imus said it too, which was weird.

I think he got it from jimmy or ant. The only person who could put that info out is ant and unless he releases info, there's no way to confirm or deny it. Unless we see him start doing live infomercials...

You would have to think Ant has a business manager or at least a short term business plan for his TACS. I'm assuming he is not just throwing all this together with no idea or goal in mind for it's future,but who knows.Getting a studio and taking on content for the show is turning this once basement podcast into a radio empire!

With the potential audience he has already lost up until this point with his Nig obsession, i don't know if it's sustainable.

I don't know, man. Opie is the one who did all the contract/business stuff. Ant just seems like a big kid. He couldn't have made that much money to live the way he has been living. The taxes he pays on his house alone must be astronomical.

I fucking hope so for how much I've heard him bitch about taxes over the years.

Ant's a very business savvy guy. Fuck, dude could probably make a living just off of gambling. Im sure he has other revenues of income and investments (stocks, shit like that) than strictly TACS subs, you know?

Yeah, Anthony is definitely a real card genius. I mean there's lots of people who make a living playing blackjack. Are you insane? Cards?

Anthony use to always subtlety brag about his big wins in Atlantic City, and when nudged by Jimmy to acknowledge that gambling is dumb and a loser's game, Anthony would only barely concede Jimmy's point, and instead focus on some big wins he has had in the past or the fact that through all the gambling he is about even. He would go on to explain how great the hotel down in A.C. takes care of him, and provides him a suite etc. It illustrates Anthony's seemingly white trash attitude towards money and perhaps life itself (spending money and getting comped by a casino means that you're cool).

Well I was being facetious, but the guy has won $50grand and over before. Also, you ignored my other points that I mentioned that are more legitimate, you reactionary goose. Stop drinking so much coffee.

From the few years I lived in Las Vegas I can guarantee that you only hear about the wins. That city wasn't built on winners. You NEVER hear about the losses, only the wins.

If he were business savvy, he wouldn't live the way he does. It would be fine if he had a steady stream of millions like he did with Sirius/XM, but he doesn't. Whoever above who said he lives "******* rich", was spot on.

What do you mean, "live the way he does." Up until a year ago, he had millions coming in. He already had that stuff, and a relatively stable gig. What was he supposed to do, sell it off the minute he opened the Sirius email? Ant is a lot sharper of a guy than you guys give him credit for.

Im not saying he could continue living this way forever at the rate he's at now, but I'm sure he can manage/will be ok. (Nobody actually knows how much he's making of TACS, could be a lot more than we suspect)


The only thing ant has is lust for underage girls and a thirst for booze.

I'm honestly just confused by the combination of getting Gavin and LoS on the show combined with the NYC studio vs. the shit Ant does that makes him seem desperate for money. His network is either more successful than most of us are assuming and he doesn't give a shit about shitting on his fans to do live reads and 30 minute infomercials to squeeze out some more cash, or he is completely clueless and desperately trying whatever he can to save the network.

I didn't even think about the studio. Shit, what's that gonna run? If things don't change you'll start seeing him selling some stuff. I think he has a condo in the city.

His drinking really has made him delusional. Sad. Denial is a bitch.

He made a comment about a studio rent about 3,000 a month. Not sure if that's the one they went with but I bet it's in the ballpark. Plus he's renovating it.

I never listened to TACS or LFTC. Have been a sub since XM when we paid extra to get The Virus. Extremely funny dude. Do you know how many subs he has now for TACS and how much is it/month?

Nobody knows the sub numbers. There's speculation based off site visit estimates but nothing is known by the public. It's 7$ a month if you do monthly and less than that if you pay for 3,6, or 12 months.

Well 7$ X 10,000 subs X 12 months = $840,000 maybe I'm full of shit.

I pulled the 10,000 outta my ass. Maybe it's more.

Still we only see the $$ he burns through that he wants us to. Give an alcoholic a million bucks...

Maybe he and Virgil can share a convention table.

Advertising to his 6,000 paying subscribers.. that's great

$100k cars, McMansions, gold-digging teenagers, mooching yes-men, alcoholism, $50k hands of cards, keeping up a small army's amount of weaponry..these things take a lot of money.

Please be empathetic; Ant's doing the best he can.

Might be the perfect Ant post. And I think he is one of the funniest guys ever. Shitty use of talent.

I don't give a fuck how much money he's making. Listen if you like it, find a new hobby if you don't. There's plenty of content out there.

The old show is dead, and you SpEds haven't managed to cope in all these months.

You're defending this ?

I'm saying I don't give a fuck and if you are that riled up about it, you need some counseling.

He even apologized to the fans for something. That's when you know it's bad.

Ant should name his new NYC studio "Stalingrad".

But it's new so it should be, like, a stalinfreshman or sumthin'...



And it hasn't even been a year!

As a fence sitter (dvv dvv) I got to say I think he's done, but we should withhold judgement until a month or two after the NYC studio. Give him a shot in the city where his show is more "guest adjacent"

You're being way too reasonable and levelheaded for this sub.


I know, but my grammar is awful so it all balances out.


Gotta spend money to make money, Anthony is thinking long term, not contract to contract like bitch tits. Opie is happy being managements taint sniffer and accepting what they give in order to put on a horrible show. Anthony's building something.

I hope you die choking on a niggers cock. Like father like son

Some simple math would clear this up. But simple is the problem isn't it. Thanks for the concern but I think I'll squeak by. One year in and we're building here. Not pulling back or downsizing. You really are ridiculously uninformed aren't you. Like the first few yrs at WNEW, we constantly read of our immediate pending demise. Some still said it even after 5-10 yrs. So, sorry. I'm not hanging by a thread here. Doing very well thanks.

The difference is your show was good back then.

or how about the fact it was a show and not a paid programming placeholder until a studio is built like the current shit show.

You forgot to add "Nice try on the hate tho"

You weren't on WNEW for 10 years, numbnuts.

The difference now is the "we". You and Keith aren't smart enough to brand your show as an entertaining, professional, broadcast. You're now behaving like a lazy, bitter, divorced wife.

Two hours a day of goofing off won't work if your staff isn't talented enough to shoulder the workload.

Break out your tin snips and put some work in or languish in mediocrity, old man.


You weren't paying for your studio on WNEW with the proceeds from 10 paying listeners...

Yeah....this time Opie isn't there to take care of the business and keep the direction of the show entertaining.....not all fucking white vs black and police vs thugs etc. Enough with that bullshit. That's not what you did those years you were successful, is it?

Keep being making shitty month old accounts to bash an ageing shock jock, I'm sure it helps your crippling social retardation.

I hope you're just foreign and not this dumb.

I was neurosurgeon in Kiev., I drive cab.

