It's not being hot that makes shitty female comics famous.

0  2015-06-15 by FattiesArentPeople

It's being a kike.

Amy Schumer, Iliza Schlesinger, Sarah Silverman, Chelsea Handler, and more that I don't have immediately accessible in my head are all shit relative to male comics, but are jewish.

Go to any major city's comedy clubs and you'll see a hot girl doing shitty stand up who will never go anywhere because she stinks and wasn't born into a jewish family. It's no secret the jews are over represented in media and like to help their own. I don't think being hot has anything to do with it because Amy Schumer is an unfunny flabby armed, cabbage patch faced troll who's a famous comic that just happens to also be jewish.


These are only the Jew comediennes that DeRosa didn't murder.




All I had to do was type in the remaining female comics that came to my mind and yeah, Im gonna add to your list here.

Chelsea Peretti
Joan Rivers
Jenny Slate
Nikki Glaser
Sandra Bernhard
Kathy Griffen (adopted)
Amy Poehler

Whoopi Goldberg

I don't find any of these funny either. I think Amy Poehler's made me laugh in whatever Parks and Rec episodes I've seen.

It seems as though being jewish might help one in the entertainment industry.

I really like Kathleen Madigan, and she's catholic

I do too. I always feel like I am alone on that. I always wonder why she never gets mentioned here, considering she is buddies with Lewis Black.

She's very funny

Peretti is Jewish?

Italian dad, Jewish mom apparently.

Oh, so just Jewish then.

Have you SEEN her nose?

Chelsea Handler

There are Jews in comedy? When the hell did this happen?

Whooooo Arrre these PEople? How did they all get here??

It's being a kike.


Judy Gold is an exception to that rule...

no, she's also Jewish...

The sky is blue too, faggot.

Jewish people are overwhelmingly represented in comedy.

I have 3 Jewish friends - two of them have performed open mics.

My 100 Italian friends and family members? Zero open mics.

I think the field just attracts Jewish people, for whatever reason.

Because Jews need attention. They are awful.

Add Annie Lederman too. She wasn't terrible when I saw her open for Jimmy a few times over the past couple years. But something about women comics (outside of Christina Paszitzki and Bonnie) makes me want more from them before I laugh.

none of them are hot, so maybe the common denominator is being ugly...

Woah, settle down there Adolf!

Has Derosa commented on this subject yet?


Shouldn't you be on /r/tacsdiscussion?

Never trust a heeb.

Sarah Silverman's sister got thrown off a bus in israel for refusing to sit in the back of the bus. I was so happy to read that.

My god...

Not MINE, hooknose.

Whoopi Goldberg

I don't find any of these funny either. I think Amy Poehler's made me laugh in whatever Parks and Rec episodes I've seen.

It seems as though being jewish might help one in the entertainment industry.

Chelsea Handler

I really like Kathleen Madigan, and she's catholic

Peretti is Jewish?