Cradle of Humanity Con

24  2015-06-15 by mr__hat


The dynamic shitty hair duo.

That is the saddest looking table, they couldnt liven the place up a bit?

"We got a big announcement about tablecloths and TACS coming up on Monday. This is gonna be huge, Stay tuned!"

After the casino gig and the sad monster convention, why the FUCK would TACS do this shit, let alone film it? Plus, this is supposed to be what is airing when they're on vacation? I'd like to know whose idea this was and why they haven't been anally raped and fired?

You know Dana White, set up at a UFC fight and interview some people there. Yes, UFC guys are boring as shit, but that may make some headlines. Rent a studio for a day and have a few comics on. Anything instead of this bootleg comic con.

UFC doesn't want his kind of publicity.

Maybe not, but they should be doing ANYTHING else other than these public-access level shows. This is scorch territory and no matter what ant does to try to get at Opie, Opie must be laughing his ass off at seeing ant do this stupid shit.

i agree, it's sad, but you gotta have hustle if you're going to stay alive in entertainment.

what, you think ant is getting the kind of access to things that he used to? or that the OnA show got to go wherever it wanted and do whatever it wanted? things aren't ideal, they never were. Sam knows, and Ant is remembering, that if you're going to get anywhere you have to get in where you can or create a spot.

it occurs to me, that even though a lot of people are complaining about how TACS is racist and political, Ant has calculated that there is an under-served market and he's hoping that he can cash in on it.

i mean, i get it, it's fun to make fun of ant. and it would be easy to be discouraged if you're a fan, or emboldened if you're like some people that are obvious and never have anything good to say about ant. but this is what being hungry looks like. and he's scrambling to get something, anything, done.

i'm not necessarily entertained by it, but i've seen other radio guys come back from A LOT worse and regain all that they had before. that's what i keep remembering. this is a trajectory that is not uncommon.

I see this as being lazy. Instead of taking the bull by the horns, he let Keith do the legwork and he set him back months. Instead of waking up early, he does a show at 4pm so he can wake up after a night of drinking and still do a show. If he was Leo Dicaprio and was out at the hottest clubs with supermodels every night then did a show the next day, I could understand. But, he's home alone playing video games or with his troll gf. There's no excuse for him not to get up at 6 to do a show from his house.

He built up a fanbase by being funny for 20 years and he's watching that base scatter because he wants to talk race every show. There is no market that s looking for that brand of talk. Full neo nazis don't like hi because he has had black people on and a jewish producer. Full conservatives don't like that he bangs 15 year olds and is for abortion. He doesn't know enough about politics and he's not a liberal, conservative or libertarian, so he has no niche there.

now that i fully agree on. seems entirely lazy to not do fridays and etc...

but i suppose i'm the type to try and understand what someone is thinking and trying to do. and i like to back an underdog in fights. even though i hate opie with a passion, i still try to step back and think about it before i say anything about him. at times i may even defend him on one or two things.

i think ant is going at a lot of this stuff half-assed. some things he seems to be pursuing aggressively and other things he's letting slip, it's so strange. to me, and i've never been in the business, it seems like it's true that relying on a friend like KtC over a pro is a grave error. and he's been making quite a few grave errors in addition to that.

you know, my ultimate judgment of TACS is that I think Anthony Cumia is just not the guy that can push "freedom of speech" or talk podcasts or whatever into a "new era". I don't think he has quite the vision of where to go except a very vague one. I also don't think his ideas are all that unique or different, and he's not a galvanizing type of figure.

I think you're correct about not being the guy to push freedom of speech. He comes across as a guy who just wants to say the N-word. When Stern went to Sirius in 2006, he said on his first show that just because he could now curse, he wasn't going to be over the top. Ant is definitely over the top with things and does things just because he can. He talks about not having to answer to anyone, but he doesn't realize he has to answer to sponsors who aren't local pizzerias. He has to answer to guests that won't do his show now and he has to answer to his fans, who keep telling him to stop with the racial stuff.

Letting KtC be in charge of anything other than Ant's takeout order is beyond comprehension.

That's the thing: Hughes only has to sit back, say nothing and laugh all the way to the bank as Cumia repeatedly makes a pathetic fool of himself. The fact is, he couldn't get a UFC gig. They don't want him. No one does. He's poison.

I agree with you. I think he he laid off the racial stuff after his firing and just cultivated a following based on comedy and being genuinely hilarious, he'd be in a great position now and wouldn't be doing these shitty gigs.

I see this as being lazy. Instead of taking the bull by the horns, he let Keith do the legwork and he set him back months. Instead of waking up early, he does a show at 4pm so he can wake up after a night of drinking and still do a show. If he was Leo Dicaprio and was out at the hottest clubs with supermodels every night then did a show the next day, I could understand. But, he's home alone playing video games or with his troll gf. There's no excuse for him not to get up at 6 to do a show from his house.

He built up a fanbase by being funny for 20 years and he's watching that base scatter because he wants to talk race every show. There is no market that s looking for that brand of talk. Full neo nazis don't like hi because he has had black people on and a jewish producer. Full conservatives don't like that he bangs 15 year olds and is for abortion. He doesn't know enough about politics and he's not a liberal, conservative or libertarian, so he has no niche there.