Sam and Ant at the table right now

56  2015-06-14 by capnlumps


Hoo hoo Robin, I invented black co-hosts.

If you combine each of their half-black you get one full black

I haven't listened yet, but I think Sam and Ant make a pretty good team. Sam is a nice blend of straight radio guy and foil and knows how to read a situation and play along. The type that's good at keeping Anthony on track without ruining everything. Should be a fun show

Sam is a no talent twat and deserves to be beheaded.

These seem to be two slightly different opinions

I don't think these two gentlemen agree with each other.

They should have their own show. How wacky it would be.

I have no idea why you've been down voted. Maybe too accurate.

You're completely right. He is a child. He likes wrestling. His interests include going to wrestling shows. He's a person in their 30s. That's embarrassing.

I just realized that Sam looks exactly like Ant's son if he fucked a black woman.

He's exactly that. Why do you think they talked about his parents so much in the beginning for?

That's why Ant hates black people so much. She broke his heart and left him all alone to raise little Sammy.

Damn, makes perfect sense. I guess if I had Sam as a son, I'd hate "them" too.

He looks like art Garfunkel

Sam looks like a bad Dana Carvey skit.

He looks like Bitchard Simmons.

dvv dvv

tssssss pack itch yah my muddahs pack used to itch and id scratch it for her with this long thing lamar left ofer for us 2 play with


tsss what r u an elipsical masheen ya pees ov garbaj

What a terribly sad photo.

A year ago Anthony was making more than a million dollars per year, now he's at a convention no one has ever heard of while sitting at a card table with a crooked tablecloth that isn't long enough to reach the floor.

Quick, somebody start a Lonely Anthony tumblr

He's never looked more the part of the sad, degenerate alky pedo.

That plastic party city table cloth is awful

That reads like an even sadder Bruce Springsteen song.

What a terribly sad photo. A year ago Anthony was making more than a million dollars per year, now he's at a convention no one has ever heard of while sitting at a card table with a crooked tablecloth that isn't long enough to reach the floor.

Hahaha.... Lol..... Hahahahaha

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They look like a coupl a FUKIN PECKAHS

Lol thats not even clever dude

Hello new friend.

This photo makes you wonder which is receding faster: Sam's hairline or the total number of subscribers to TACS...

Let me guess; Ant is going at length about how mission control never had any Negroes.

Lonely Virgil.

is ant now doing his show from a museum?

He's broadcasting live from his ideology.

Vurry good, vurry good.

i was going to say thats too clever for this sub looka them upvotes cawksuckas!!

he's interviewing the missing link

He recorded a show at Eternal Con in the Cradle of Aviation Museum that they're gonna use on a week that they're off.


why are they at the smithsonian?

it's an evolution of man exhibit with living specimens

Because Anthony was fired from SXM for his racial views and questionable sexual preferences and now he's an outcast?

Y'know, now that you bring it up, I'm actually kind of shocked that his sexual proclivities didn't come up during the brief SJW crucifixion. I guess you have to go pretty deep into the show to pick up on that aspect of his ghoulishness.

Who is dat bitch?

They both look like rejected Chia Pets.

Virgil is a fan of Ant & Sam:


Scientifically invalid statement, he is a capuchin

Did sam have the balls to ask Ant about his blatant lie about him?

They addressed it in the first 5 minutes of the show with Ant essentially admitting that he made it all up as a goof and Sam acknowledging the humor in that.

Is this show up anywhere? I don't see it on Ant's site.

They aren't gonna show it until I think the week of the 4th of July when the show is on break.

How do you know this?

I was there. Duh.

It is all done for publicity. How can you guys not figure that out by now? They are all in on it. It get's you talking about their shows.

They all look worse cause of it.

Still mad that you fell for it, huh?

In your head was Opie in on it? Or did Ants mole exist?

What publicity??? I see people saying that Ant made that Sam/Opie story up to get subs, but the ONLY people who know about it are already subbed to TACS.

It was probably a true story that Travis told him about, but never went out over the air. It was more of a dig at Opie and to let him know that he still has moles on the inside.

He brought Sam in for a discussion on his tennis shoe collection and his love of negro culture.

Sammy Bran Muffins!

Sam "so who's your mole?"

Probably won't happen though

Was Cumia actually able to fill any seats this time?

I visualize an old Korean War vet with velcro shoes and a full diaper off to the right staring at them distressed and confused


Where is this?

isnt this supposed to live today at Eternal Con?

Not live. He recorded a show for a week that they'll be off this summer.

Just need a Anthony and Erock show now and then...Gregg Hughes.

What's this?

How about some audio




He's broadcasting live from his ideology.

he's interviewing the missing link

He recorded a show at Eternal Con in the Cradle of Aviation Museum that they're gonna use on a week that they're off.