Hey gang, I think we need to add some pictures into the sidebar rotation.

1  2015-06-13 by [deleted]


Some people hate O&J, some people like O&J.

Some people hate TACS, some people like TACS.

Some people hate Ant, some people like Ant.

Some people hate Opie, some people hate Opie.

Some people hate Jim, some people like Jim.

But, something that we righteous and noble folks here can all agree on is that Sir Colin of Quinn is a real gut-busting, side-splitting likeable old grouchster who we all have time for.

One of you internet whizzkids out there in the cyber lands should put together a funny and whimsical image of the old curmudgeon that is both totally right-on and completely full of awesomeness whilst also being right up our street.


Am I right?

I'm right.
