Nerdist Podcast: Jim Norton Returns

10  2015-06-13 by gutcleavage


I always make fun of Jim for the whole "We deserve NSA spying on us because TMZ exists" thing, but I didn't put together what a fucking hypocrite Jim is til I heard this interview when Jim explained how he is not a hypocrite.

In all of Jim's specials, he had done bits about the big TMZ/celebrity leak info things! His specials have bits about Mel Gibson/Tiger Woods/Donald Sterling. So he makes money off this shit just like these "scumbags" do (this isn't even including the O&J show that will do endless hours on any of these things that come through the pipe).

Jim brought this up saying he is not a hypocrite because he always reveals something embarrassing about himself when doing those bits. That's not equal at all. Jim goes on the road for a year carefully crafting & perfecting his "embarrassing secrets" before his special. All those celebrities have no control over what is released or the context. It's not equal on any level

can't wait until he brings up his love for trannys. Hardwick: "so jim what about this caitlyn jenner situation" Jim: "haha well ive been known to enjoy a tranny or two..." (everyone laughs). Also hate when he goes on another show and actually answers the questions seriously (like hes with james lipton) and then throws a lame joke in afterwards. He doesn't have fun on other shows, he tries to be informed and charming, its so annoying.


Yup, Colin likes the trannys but he doesn't need to use it as a crutch.

I was wishing Colin Quinn were there when Norton started talking about how he was 'unfair' to Hilary Clinton & Steve Martin in his book.

What enormous self importance from a weasel who begs celebrities to take pictures with his bloated raisin physique.

Jimmy stopped Kumail Nanj...Nuan...Nanng, the terrorist looking guy from Silicon Valley from being on the show because he said shit about Ant after he got fired but he goes on a show where one of the hosts also said shit about Ant after the firing. Boss move or dick move? p.s. Silicon Valley is actually a pretty decent show. p.s.s. I wrote this on the toilet.

Jimmy has no integrity. As Patrice would say, "Jimmy fits into whatever container he's poured in"

Great line and so fucking true.

It's a body thing and a personality thing. It really is perfect.

did patrice really say that? wow, that's perfect.

Kumail Nanja... Nanjan... Nagonnaworkhereanymore


What did Chris Hardwick say about Ant? And yes, Silicon Valley is really good.

it was Jonah Ray

I don't know who that is, I never watched that podcast. What did he say?

What did he say?

Yeah SV is pretty great, Mike Judge is fucking awesome.

That guy is so goddamn funny on portlandia. I really need to catch up on Silicon Valley

Love Jimmy and I usually listen to him on any podcast but not this one. There's no one more cringe inducing than Chris Hardwick. He stinks and he's the head of that awful ironic nerd bullshit subculture.

You don't like the Talking Dead?? Get it, it's like the Walking.. HE FUCKING STINKS!

And he's in his forties.

it must be awesome to have done something with a "hot chick" 20 years ago. you could be in prison riddled with AIDS, and it's still better than aging 20 years if you're a woman.

Hardwick is not a nerd

689 episodes, Jesus. I haven't listened to one of them.

chris hardwick is a terrible pandering hack and i discourage everyone from listening to him.


Haven't listened, is he promoting his special. if so, this is the second time they put Jimmy on the shelf and released his interview months after the premiere.

You could tell he was furious last time this happened but tried to keep cool about it. I'd be surprised if he does Nerdist again to promote something.

Oh, he'll do nerdist again. The platform is bigger than any other thing he does, besides maybe Rogan, but Rogan's fans already know Jimmy. But it is pretty shitty that they can't put the fucking episode up the day after he tapes it. Do a double that fucking week, it's not a big deal.

It seemed weird that Jim was relying on a podcast for any timely promotional value. Maybe I'm the outlier, but I usually find myself going back a few months and listening to multiple episodes in a row to catch up (selecting only those episodes with guests/topics I'm interested in). By then whatever special or dates were being promoted have passed. Who knows though...


I'll listen because it's Jimmy, but when Hardwick interviews someone by himself, it's usually brutal. If Matt or Jonah are there, it's better.

I've only listened to the nerdist a few times and I think those co-hosts or whatever they are, suck. They kill the fun as much as Bald Brian, on Carolla.


Norton was awesome on LOS, good to see he is doing more and more podcasts. I like him as a guest
