The Tonight Show - Colin Quinn

39  2015-06-13 by [deleted]


I hope more people start to appreciate Colin. Of ALL the comedians we know and love, Colin has never changed, never became more phony, always smart but never in a preachy way like a certain comic people are growing annoyed with... Colin is so awesome, dirtbags love him (us), hollywood's elite love him (ex. Jerry Seinfeld among others). Hail Colin "The Legend" Quinn!


I'm amazed at how Colin can go on any show, seem totally comfortable, and knock it out of the park every time.

I mean how many comics in the O&A circle would do well on The View?

If Patrice went on the View, it'd be brutally hilarious, he wouldn't be invited back though.

Would it even make the air? Can you refer to the hosts of a daytime talk show as "goofy bitches"?

Norm Macdonald, although not really part of the O&A circle, decided to piss Barbara Walters off with saying some anti-democrat stuff. He was never invited back and I can't find his last appearance anywhere so maybe it never aired.

It did air, and it was amazing.

It's all on Youtube.

Thats his first time I believe, he had a second time unless that was it.

thank you very much for posting this, never saw it before.


Bill Burr does well with late night shows usually. He'd probably start yelling at the Women of The View tho

Oh man Questlove's laugh/reaction is great

Colin Quinn captivating the audience and the heart's of America with his charming wit.

I haven't seen this yet, but I'm going to guess that Jimmy will fake enthusiasm, perhaps even a forced laugh or two?

I dunno, man. Looked like Fallon was actually laughing for once when CQ showed him the dog picture.

I feel like such a little fruit for wanting success for Colin, he is a damned delight.

patron saint of comedy

I think I may have to buy this book.

or you could just take your dog for a walk

This was a great appearance?!? By setting up a half-assed putdown by heaping praise on the sloppy, tragically unfunny, mentally ill, retarded pedo Lena Dunham?

I love Colin, but I didn't love this. It was way too hackish.

What's up with Fallon taking a full 6 seconds to laugh at the dog shitting on the book? He had to wait to show the camera then he busted up. That should go into the Smithsonian in the wing of showbiz phoniness.

I really hate Fallon. The fake laugh, the tryhard attitude. Never been funny but still gets shows because he appeases to the 'younger generation".

Heil Quinn!

a man among men

I love Col

Colin is the best. Such a curmudgeon




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Would it even make the air? Can you refer to the hosts of a daytime talk show as "goofy bitches"?

Norm Macdonald, although not really part of the O&A circle, decided to piss Barbara Walters off with saying some anti-democrat stuff. He was never invited back and I can't find his last appearance anywhere so maybe it never aired.
