Now here's the juicy part about TACS...

11  2015-06-13 by Christmas_Chippah

If they're not busy eating each others' assholes, they suck each others' peckahs when the cameras are off.


Your phone cut out.

I hope something awful happens to you and your loved ones.

Like bankruptcy?

no, I'm not a monster.

More like their favorite pizza joint moves to a further more inconvenient location.

Christmas_Chippah enticed me.

he...he ENTICED me... and RIDICULED me

Might get more subs if they sucked each other peckahs with the cameras on.

Yeah, you'd like that, wouldn't you? Naughty little cam!

Who wouldn't?

That would be a win for the fans and the hosts.

Id pay to see Keiths wife be cucked by ant

Juicy, Junior. Reeeeallll juicy.

The sick fuckin puppies do a great Jingle bells cover.

anthony ran over sum niggers wif a bus or sumpthin