Ant says Reddit is absolutely entitled as a private platform to censor as it pleases without a hint of irony

76  2015-06-12 by panjshirlion

From 6/11/2015 TACS, 1:52:00

"Waaah! You're censoring us!" Reddit's their own shit. Reddit is run by Mr. Reddit. If Mr. Reddit wants certain things not on the site, they can do it... There's no First Amendment on Reddit. None. They do not have to adhere to the First Amendment on Reddit.

Taken in a vacuum, not an unreasonable argument, but kind of baffling to hear from the guy who bitterly opposed his own banning from a private institution as a form of mob tactics and suppression.


It's almost as if he's just some dude rambling from his basement.

"He's... He's no better than the rest of us! He's just an unemployed man on his computer who hates Opie!"


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Soon he'll be just some dude rambling in a NY studio.

Then you'll show us, right?

I bet this subreddit lasts longer than his basement show.

Damm, Old man you've just been pwned!

Hey, you should crosspost that over at /r/TACSuncensored

Anthony is kinda a cunt


after listening for years there are things about each of them that i really can't stand. i always wanted to think ant was the closest to being what one would call "smart" though.

but if he can't see where he's screwing up, that's his own fault and he's welcome to it.

He's still mad we ran his little bitch cop errand boy out of here.

You mean Keith the Coward?

He spent most of his life racketeering giving people tickets for not wearing their seat belt and ruining the lives of young black kids with weed

He's a gosh dang American hero! Show some respect!

He didn't make those laws... It was just his job to enforce them. He can't selectively choose which to enforce or not. And you don't want him to either. If you don't like those laws, go after the legislature. Cops only enforce laws that are passed by representatives of the people. If you don't think the laws represent you and your interests, lobby your representatives and work with your fellow constituents to change them. Bitching about it on reddit couldn't be more useless and nobody with any sense wants to read it.

In short, just fuck off with this kind of shit. You don't like it? Put your effort into doing something about it instead of whining on an internet message board. You dumb sack of shit.

good argument, fucking faggot

Jesus. You think KtC issuing citations for traffic infractions and arresting people for possession of schedule I narcotics is the same as the Nazis gassing people en masse and committing war crimes? You really are a dumb sack of shit haha!

So, genius, what's the solution? We have a legislature that passes laws. We have a peace-keeping force to enforce those laws. Should the police pick and choose which laws to enforce? I don't think marijuana, or any drug, should be illegal. But I also don't want police running around thinking that they are the ultimate authority and get to choose which laws to enforce. I'd rather the police enforce the laws that are on the books and work to do what I can to make sure the the laws on the books make sense. Otherwise, you have chaos. I don't know why I'm wasting my time explaining this to you, you literally compared a cop giving a guy a seatbelt ticket to the holocaust so I'm just going to stop here...

You think KtC issuing citations for traffic infractions and arresting people for possession of schedule I narcotics is the same as the Nazis gassing people en masse and committing war crimes?

Do you honestly believe that was the comparison I was making? The point is that 'just doing their job' is never a valid excuse for anything.

I'm not so much upset with him doing those things, as I am upset with the fact he is proud of doing those things and beats the 'cops are always right' drum 100% of the time. He is a true cucky boy who feels strong behind his gay fucking badge.

Otherwise, you have chaos.

Yep. Without the police everything would be on fire. We are nothing without them ....

More to the point, without cops enforcing seat belt laws and other forms of racketeering, we would especially be in ruins as a society.


autism is in full swing today, huh?

I don't think it's the comparison you were making. It is the comparison you made.

I'm sorry to hear you're upset, baby boy.

boot licking statist fuck

all this autism is clogging our subreddit

He can't selectively choose which to enforce or not.

Yes he can, and cops do just this every single day.

Sure, cops have discretion and they exercise it. They don't get to re-write the law as they see fit, though. Of course, we see them do it but it's wrong and when they get caught selectively enforcing laws or overstepping their boundaries they are disciplined or prosecuted. I guess what I was saying is that if you don't like a law, blaming a cop for enforcing it is gay. Blame the body that came up with the law and do what you can to fix the perceived problem.

I'm pretty sure it was a joke, and i enjoyed reading his comment more than the shit you came up with.

If it was a joke it wasn't funny. It has none of the classic hallmarks of a joke. Namely being funny and making me laugh.

I don't care if you enjoyed my comment or not.

Any time someone leaves an online service because of words I loose complete respect for that person. I don't understand how someone with self respect and courage could give that bullshit weight. It's like when sand niggers say insulting alah is so painful because it's like insulting their own fathers. You can call my dad a cunt all you want.

You are not a sensitive fucktwat, and can let insults roll off and not run from reddit.

I am sure someone in your time here called you a nasty name, yet here you are still. Just like the rest of us.

Not everyone is as internet "battle hardened" as us veterans.

I prefer cuck, she does more than clean houses for money

Wait, what happened?

When Martin Bashir was suspended from MSNBC for offending the cunt Palin Ant was all in because MSNBC is a private organization.Of course when duck whistle guy was suspended it was a freedom of speech issue.

Ant is no smarter than your average dumb cunt.

Dumb cunts are really dumb, so that checks out.

You know, I've kinda had it with Ant.

I think a lot of people have, hell, a lot had had it with him even before the split. He just was better than Opie, so people sided with him.

Something happened to him when Obama got elected. If it rained, it was Obamas fault.

Not trying to make this political, but he turned ultra conservative to the point of reapeatedly harping on "the fucking libs". Or the blacks.

Once or twice, yeah great point Anthony, people need to say these honest things, but every fucking day? Thats why I actually liked Opie playing Candy Crush into the mic during his Zimmerman rants, it got fucking old.

He was not so political before, and if he was, he would make it funny, it got hateful over time with him.

Look, he is one of the most naturally funny motherfuckers, and talented as shit with his voices, but we loved him for his funny and his voices, not his new found Fox News talking points.

For like 4 months after obama got elected, Patrice was only in studio once, on MLK when Ant took the day off. Part of me feels like there might be a conspiracy there.

I know they were friends, but I feel like Ant probably did not want to talk to a black guy for months because he was just not going to listen to any perspective other than his own. Like always.

Without Patrice there didn't seem to be anybody left keep Ant, I dunno, sane.

He's very recently lost me.

I think my new policy is 'fuck everyone (except for Colin)'

Lady Di would totally fuck Colin.

(and Ron)

Anthony has always banned and blocked his own critics everywhere he's had the power. Reddit is not bound by the 1st amendment, that is true, but the only reason he's ranting is to justify his own hypocrisy. "FREE OPEN AND HONEST SPEECH (unless you criticize me, then you're blocked)"

Seems like everybody on Twitter blocks you when they don't like your opinions.

Especially the supposed thick-skinned O&A regulars.

I have a feeling the both of you aren't as funny on twitter as you think

Sounds a lot like the Paltalk room. Ugh. Fuck that place.

Hey guys...




Ant and cronies would liberally ban and kick people from the Paltalk chat...making it essentially a bunch of yes-men and sycophants. That's why any chat associated with Mr. Cumia has no worth. It's just fanboys sucking up to him and making bad jokes.

Ant and cronies would liberally ban and kick people from the Paltalk chat

I got banned by Anthony because Kristen Bell was in studio and he wanted to show off. He literally picked me at random to show her how banning works.

Honestly it was a fucking miserably embarrassing and pathetic bit of hypocrisy by ant. He's being such a fucking cunt lately.


Low T

he'll be doing live reads for some testosterone cream soon enough

It's because he realized what an old maid Dani is.

He needs fresh 10 year old pussy to feel revitalized.

That's almost as gross as when that drunk who speaks about "personal responsiblity" with gun ownership wasn't sure if marijuanna should be legal

Are you shitting me? That fucking alkie has gone on record as drinking a minimum six beers a day. He's really been rivalling Opie in the field of dumbfuckery lately.

It was during O&A when they were talking about legalized marijuanna. I think he said people shouldn't go to jail but didn't know if it should be legal. But for the consistency of his beliefs he should be insanely crazy about the fact that it's not.

It lead into one of the dumbest conversations they've ever had about how some cities can handle marijuanna being legal & some can't (and the ones that can't were what would be considered black cities like Detroit)

Ok, I guess that one slipped under my radar somehow. That's still the dumbest goddamn thing I've ever heard, considering the source. You'd think legitimizing an illegal yet benign revenue stream would benefit the fuck out of Detroit, but I guess Ant is worried it would cause the savage negro jazz musicians to rape white women.

Ha. I love Anthony's racism.


Ant thinks he's an elite, so he takes the positions that the true billionaire elite would profit from. He's for anti-marijuana, nuclear power in the country, anti-net neutrality.

Yet he remains a guinea doing a basement show and hemorrhaging money.

When I see your username I automatically upvote without even reading it.

Just like SXM is free to fire whoever they want for whatever reason they want. I no longer feel any sympthathy from this rambling old fool.

After reading about this, I feel the same. It's interesting to see someone in a position as ant being so hypocritical. I signed up for the year and do not intend to renew, regardless of my love for los

This subreddit has done a 180 on anthony cumia. Justifiably so.

These are the pests. We are destroyers. Lol. God this show is stupid.

I think it's pretty obvious what the fans want... An honest, funny show. Neither o&j or tacs provide that

What a meaningless post. Yeah I think consumers want good products too. No duh.

You try and say the fans are destroyers...they aren't if you just put out a half way decent product. You also say no duh, but why is it the fans get it and the hosts don't?

Obviously you're not a fan of the show or you'd know the long running joke I was referring to.

true, but an organization that said it was for almost totally unfettered speech for over 10 years to act all butthurt over people mocking fat people when they permit subredditts devoted to marijuana cultivation, selling illegal drugs and giving drug sources, much more extreme political subreddits and race bashing, is the height of hypocrisy.

CoonTown and the drug dens live because leftist scolds aren't ghetto black people or junkies, they are upper middle class suburbanite softbodies. They had their fat ox gored and they pulled the plug.

So do you want them to ban those other subs or let subs of any kind exist? Do you think they should be made to adhere to kind of subreddit guideline?

I don't want any subreddit banned, unless it is doing something blatantly illegal apart from drugs, like child porn or something.

That's a hard stance to defend in public discourse, but i completely agree

CoonTown and the drug dens live because leftist scolds aren't ghetto black people or junkies, they are upper middle class suburbanite softbodies.

That might not be an unfair point, but I think the truth lies closer to the fact that FPH had the subscriber numbers to hit r/all a lot, and have eye-catching brigades.

They could really throw their weight around.


Ant, the man whose irreverent social commentary on the domestic violence punishment disparity is to ignore the story, talk over the clip of Keith Olberman explaining it, make a dated reference for the 900000th time and play the Jeffersons theme song that no one cares about while bitching he has no idea what Olberman is talking about.

Moving On Up - something he could never do without a bottomless capital pit.

I don't see anyone claiming that Reddit is violating the First Amendment. Why would Anthony even bring that up? People are still allowed to criticize Reddit for what they are doing. It's a dumb point to make, and considering he just spent a year calling Sirius shitheads even though "there's no First Amendment over there", it's fucking retarded.


/u/anthonycumiashow supports /r/TACSuncensored "open and honest"

There are fans here?

Ant is correct. Reddit is entitled to do whatever the fuck they want with their website. How they do that, can reflect well or poorly upon them, but if they want to abolish all sub-reddits and restrict content, shut the site off completely, or whatever, that's their right. You can bitch at KFC all day about their fried chicken, but they can sell it or not, it's not up to you.

It's the hypocrisy of allowing some content and arbitrarily banning other content on a whim that annoys visitors. They have no obligation to please anyone but their stockholders. Does that mean they should go wild banning sub-reddits about fat people? I think that's inconsistent with the site's ideals.

That being said, they can ban anything they want. It just goes down a path and people will leave and find somewhere else to go if they can't maintain the freedom of expression.

No one will hang out on Reddit if it gets all "EWWWW, THAT IS WRONG! BAN IT! I COMPLAIN!"

Ant's firing was unprovoked. He was doing personal things and using a web site to post comments. Sirius/xm should be ashamed, but it was well within their rights to fire him. The issue is that he shouldn't have been fired for shit he does on his own personal time.

Of course Reddit is entitled to do whatever they want with their privately-provided service. But Ant never accepted that argument when it was being made with "Sirius XM" in place of "Reddit". When it happened to him it was all about the spirit of free expression, mob tactics, and "freedom from persecution, not prosecution".

You can make either of those two arguments. You can even make both (maintaining the legal right of private association while encouraging a spirit of tolerance for unpopular speech). You just can't take one side when you're in the barrel and the other when it's some anonymous fuckheads on the web.

We aren't disagreeing here. I am just saying that even if it is your right to do something, you can still look like an asshole.

People should be having no trouble with this.

Anthony has a house full of guns and beer and Nazi memorabilia and barely legal teenz. That's all lawful behavior, and it's not even a bad idea. But it makes him look like a dipshit.

Reddit's censor-fest is legal, carefully calculated to serve certain of their interests, and it makes them look like assholes (except to assholes).

Sirius's firing of Anthony was legal, stupidly done in a panic (or maybe not, depending what plans management and Opie were hatching during those concerned talks they had), and it makes them look like assholes (except to assholes and to Opie fans, who are all retarded).

You can approve/disapprove of 3, 2, 1, or none of those things, taking either side or both (or none), without being hypocritical. It depends entirely on what you value.

(If you look at all those situations and only retarded asshole values look "consistent" to you, guess what?)

Anthony values the general principle of free speech and The Law approximately equally—he's kind of a conservative, I've heard!—and he values himself more than he values us.

No shit.

Ant didn't just say that his firing made SiriusXM look like assholes. It was constantly couched in the rhetoric of free expression. By not deploying that same rhetoric in this case, he's made it pretty obvious that the only thing guiding his previous argument was his own involvement.

I have no problem with someone valuing himself over others. I just don't appreciate it when my intelligence is insulted by disguising it so poorly as something else. Howard's business practices were abominable, but I had to give him credit for admitting that his guiding principal was self-interest, not freedom of speech.

he's made it pretty obvious that the only thing guiding his previous argument was his own involvement.

I also feel pretty certain that he'd have a different opinion about the reddit situation a few months back. Now that he seems to feel like he's a victim of some sort because not everyone here loves his boring show, he clearly has some opposition to reddit in general.



It being within their right doesn't stop anyone here from thinking it's an awful path to go down. No one is saying this is some illegal move, they're just upset that a website that once advocated free speech is now doing the exact opposite. They have a right to what they wish with the website, we have a right to complain and not support the website.

How can a thing be inconsistent with itself?

You'll have to be more specific.

Eh...he's basically right on that one. This isn't something that organically sprang from the masses, it's a website some college students created, then sold to a publically-traded corporation for an assload of money. Conde Nast owns it; they can make it all cute puppy photos if they want to. Don't like it, GTFO. There are still plenty of other places on the net to discuss whatever horrifying shit you want.

EDIT: But yeah, it is really ironic that he, of all people, would take that position.

I'm not saying he's not right. I'm saying that his principles drift radically depending on whether or not he has something to lose.

He was against net neutrality because it was "his job" as right wing pundit to be against it, while he was hosting a show, on the internet. He is looking out for the right wing more than himself and it's getting kinda sad to watch.

You just noticed that now? It's been his act since 2008.

It's more noticeable when he is shown alone talking in a drunken haze

I remember how much he used to shine Andrew Breitbart's nuts on the show. What used to upset me is noone ever contested his views. Opie sat silent and Jimmy agreed half the time. Only Burr or Louie would point out flaws in his logic.

Well opie I don't even think can read and jimmy just sits on the fence and takes his opinions from people he thinks sound smart cuz they use big words. He's too busy jerkin off to really care about any thing else.

Oh yeah, I definitely agree. That was just to say that people who think banning /r/fatpeoplehate is the same as the USSR under Stalin sound a little hysterical (and yes, I actually saw some dingbat unironically make that analogy).

Agreed on that. I pretty much only use Reddit as an O&A discussion board and don't give that much of a shit about what goes on here. I'm not irritated by Ant's position, just the transparent hypocrisy.

Same here. Honestly, people who are really into the "Reddit Culture" creep me the fuck out a lot of the time.

Yeah this place is a creep fest. Started out as a bunch of programmers trading jailbait pics. Then they chased them out and it turned into a bunch of teenage SJWs who like to make fun of fat people all day. Now who knows what it's gonna turn into? Nothing good, that's for sure.

Well that person is stupid, but the uproar is about them shitting on the original mission statement and culture--awful meme faggotry aside--of the site.

I can sort of see that, but they probably weren't envisioning /r/cutefemalecorpses and /r/watchniggersdie when they wrote that up way back when.

Woah NSFW man, jeez!!

How do you know he wasn't being ironic? This is an Internet forum. Thar be trolls here.


People are allowed to pressure a private corporation into following the principle of free speech. You don't have to GTFO at all if you don't like it. You're well in your rights to pressure them to change their minds, just like they were pressured from people to institute these policies in the first place.

Ant spent his entire radio career saying "waah! you're censoring us" even though those radio companies "were their own shit". So what's he getting onto us about?

You speak the absolute truth (and definitely, Ant's a blatantly transparent hypocritic for that), I just agree with his statement in and of itself. It's still up to the private corporation whether or not they bow to the people pressuring them (or more accurately, which group of people is pressuring them at any given time). Are there more people upset with the changes than people happy with them? Will it draw more people and/or revenue into the site? Who knows, but Conde Nast wants this fucker to make the most money it can. It sucks, but that's how it is.

I don't think a large amount of potential traffic ignored Reddit because of hateful subreddits. They've been getting shit in liberal blogs for that, but these policies now are what will make them lose traffic or decrease the rate they would've expanded.

And right now they're botching it, so neither side is happy. Nobody that would support deleting fatpeoplehate supports leaving places like CoonTown up. I don't know what they're doing.

I have no idea how it'll ultimately pan out, but it's definitely not limited to liberal blogs. For example, the sub for my city got written up in our local "alt media" publication for racism; coincidentally, about a week later one of the mods wrote a big "things are about to change around HERE" sort of post. And the whole /r/jailbait thing got a lot of press, that people still remember.

This Forbes article lays it out pretty well:

There are good commercial reasons for Reddit to start trying to limit the amount of offensive content it hosts. Last month, announcing plans to try and eliminate harassment, it revealed that the main reason users don’t recommend the site to their friends, even though they use it themselves, is that they don’t want to expose those friends to the nastier corners of the site.

And there are also shareholders to consider, following a $50 million investment last year from venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz and others that could see pressure for Reddit to take more mainstream ads. Racism homphobia and other prejudice really isn’t a good look.

You gotta admit, from a business standpoint, they'd be idiots not to take that stuff into account.

wow that's crazy. of course he's technically right, but coming from him, this is hilarious. He would probably counter, "what I did didn't happen on the XM platform, reddit users post on reddit, etc." He's an ass, why don't we just start ripping the show and post it online like another show and stop acting like we care about him and wanna support him financially?

Oh please do. I wanna listen but I'm not paying for a fuckin podcast. I only had Sirius when it came with a free trial in my car. Who pays for this shit, seriously? There's so much free stuff to listen to.

You're way behind

No shit they're entitled to censor, just like SiriusXM was entitled to kick his ass out the door.

I can't stand it when morons point out that the Freedom of Speech part of the Constitution only applies to the government - we fucking know; you aren't making a poignant, novel point. This is about a platform that was supposed to be a bastion for the concept of free speech turning into a PC wasteland.

Ant is dumb.

I get what your saying but I've seen many here claim " what about free speech!!!" Arguments about this and the simply just don't get it. There are some who just don't know the difference

Seriously? Reddit has always been PC Bullshit. If anything I was surprised as shit when I found this sub, it made no sense to me that people on reddit could say the word "Nigger" and be banned immediatly.

All this shit people are bitching about now with reddit, I just assumed reddit already was that way.

His political outlook is severely fragmented by emotion. Anthony is not a pragmatist, nor is he a rational creature. He's incredibly intelligent, but something in his circuitry is lacking.

He's not incredibly intelligent dude. He's reasonably intelligent. I think you think that because of the contrast with greggshells.

While it's brought up: I'm tired of people saying he is a libertarian. He's not. He's just another asshole stealing that term without knowing what it means. He's a hypocrite.

Libertarian and asshole kind of go hand in hand.

Stinky made a good point that was put on the pay no mind list when he said, if you make a site that's for open and free discussion and it becomes popular and the place to go, then you suddenly change the rules and put limitations on it, people are going to be upset. At least I think that was what he was trying to say, I'm not sure cause it was railroaded by some Ant impression we've heard a thousand times.

No one is saying anything about the constitution or laws. Were talking about a platform that was sold on being open with free expression. Just like siriusxm. /u/anthonycumiashow/ I made this exact same point about you. You're either trying to ruffle feathers or being inside and around sycophants all day has deluded your reality completely.

It really sucks that you've become a boring talking head. It isn't a lose-lose Anthony, Ron Bennington told you what listeners wanted.

He can try and ruffle as many feathers as he likes... That's not gaining him subs

I was shocked he said this aswell. He kept hammering the point home and all I could think was "but Sirius is a private company."

Wasn't the last thing he to said to Greenstein was "you'll be hearing from my lawyer." For what?

"you'll be hearing from my lawyer."

Because they owed him money on his contract stupid. Of course they could fire him but they had to pay out his contract.

Well according to Ant he didn't get any. Maybe Sirius changed their policies in paying out contracts after termination.

Ant's right. They can do whatever they want. Reddit isn't the goddamn United Nation.

This shit gave me brain cancer..there's not enough ingo montoya and Kirk Lazarus memes on the internet for this. This is some too stupid for even facebook retardation

It's nice to hear him think critically for once instead of speaking from the place he's entrenched.

He's dead on. Reddit is privately owned and can do whatever they want. Just like Anthony can spend all his time talking about unfunny, uninteresting, race talk because he runs it. Or Sirius can fire him because they run it.

It's a bummer when people try to go after something they don't care about but it's a valid method. For all the bad that can come from it, the world would be an objectively worse place if it wasn't around.

I withdraw all support of this cunt.

Tired of his racist, right-wing, hypocritical, rambling, unfunny, shit.

We liked you because you were funny. Now you're not. And you've become a cunt.

Unsubscribed too.

I think he's just an idiot. It explains all of that.


Well Mr. Sirius/XM ran his company how he sees fit and fired Ant. Therefore Ant shouldnt throw a bitch fit for getting fired. He LOVED reddit when we shit on Opie but cries when he gets a little criticism on a site he doesn't even have to visit. Fucking delusional

Sounds like a wild show. Can't wait for him to start ranting about clouds and shoelaces. The real issues.

Of course Reddit banning subs isn't a first amendment issue in legal terms. It's more of a cultural first amendment issue. Reddit is a hugely popular website used daily by millions of people. And they're banning subs and topics that they never did before in an inconsistent manner. The banning is being done for political and ideological reasons and because of that the outrage is justified.

he's not wrong. I don't see the problem. however, he's obviously wrong if he thinks a service shouldn't be altered in its behaviors based on feedback from the people who use it. in other words, things that are businesses should listen to their userbase/fanbase and change what they can or what they feel they should in accordance with those people who they require to survive.

must I keep going? see....because it's like the same thing he's got right now going on with his shit.

Yeah pretty bizarre. Sirius advertises itself as being free uncensored speech then fires someone for saying something controversial. Ant gets mad. Reddit advertises itself as being free uncensored speech then starts to censor people. Ant is fine with it.

"Waaah! You're censoring us!" Sirius is their own shit. Sirius is run by Mr. Sirius. If Mr. Sirius wants certain people not on the air, they can do it... There's no First Amendment on Sirius. None. They do not have to adhere to the First Amendment on Sirius.

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Free speech applies to being persecuted, you are free to say whatever you want whenever, however there will be consequences for what you say on certain platforms because people who own said platforms don't like it. That's ok it's the way it works, if you want to voice your hate then start your own place and invite likeminded folks, don't use someone else's network.

It's that simple. Would you let someone at your company or home yell racial/hateful/whatever offends you 24/7 without throwing them out? No.

Rich old man doesn't understand the internet? What?!?!

Ant is follwing jimmys lead in the free speech for me but not for thee argument


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Hes exactly right. The public does not own the private.

People aren't saying his point is incorrect. People are amazed that he didn't understand this argument when Sirius fired him. He complained that Sirius billed itself as being a bastion of free speech and uncensored talk and then fired him for shit he said. Now Reddit (a website who also was founded as a bastion of free speech and uncensored talk) is beginning to create safe spaces and ban subs for content and he suddenly agrees with the idea. This is capitalism for sure... It's just stunning that he doesn't see how this is also exactly the reason Sirius firing him wasn't an attack on his free speech.

I guess I might not have heard everything he had to say, but I got the impression he was angry his partners of many years didn't back him up, like he probably would have them, not that sxm didn't have the right to do what they did, just that it was a pussy move.

He relentlessly spoke about how SiriusXM advertised themselves as uncensored talk but then they turned around and fired him for having an opinion. People on Twitter made the argument to him that this wasn't a free speech issue because it was a free market decision by a private company to terminate him and he continued to argue that it was hypocritical of Sirius to claim to be a haven of free speech and uncensored talk and fire him for saying shit on Twitter. He's in a tough spot because he has to uphold his conservative values by loving capitalism which gives Sirius the right to fire him while also complaining that his termination was unjust.

Fair point. Its not like he sought legal action though, he bitched that they sucked and then started his own network. He does sound like a hypocrite I guess but I didn't read his original comment as more than "its their toy and they're taking it home".


Reddit is entitled too it. They aren't a government service that is voted on, it's a website that serves a purpose, it's up to the community to move on if the site they use doesn't agree with their views.

Ant is right, it's not illegal to be cunty.

No one is saying he isn't right. Everyone is saying he is a hypocrite.

Well he's right, reddit should be able to do whatever it wants.

The reason redditors are angry is because they were sold on reddit being a free speech platform over the last 5 years and now theyre turning back on what the site was built on.

And y'all are stupid for thinking it was a free speech platform.

This is stupid anyway. It's like if wal mart closed down. What is the big deal? Just go buy your shit at Target or K-mart or whatever.

He's right.

Given how trigger happy Opie is with free speech and political correctness I'm curious if these topics even pop up on O&J (I don't listen anymore). Has he discussed PC issues since Ant left? It would be highly hypocritical of him to keep bashing PC society when he didn't stick up for Ant.


Did Ant say Sirius wasn't allowed to do what they did? I'm sure he bitched about getting fired and said it was stupid, but did he ever say they shouldn't be able to do what they did?

I probably bash on Ant more than Opie here so don't go saying I'm washing his balls. I mean he is right though. If you don't like Reddit, get a new site. I'm hoping they shut this place down soon. This site is shit. I just came here because it was the only place I saw to talk about the show I used to love.

Not really. Losing a job over something that didn't happen while you were at work, and for things that were tame in comparison (and taken slightly out of context) when you have been saying WAY WORSE ON AIR, AT WORK.. FOR YEARS.. is completely different. I know some you Ant haters, will spin this to your liking, and that's fine by me. I'm not 100% on board with everything he says or does, but I still think his firing from SXM was complete bullshit. Yes, SXM is a private company, that was supposed to be a forum for uncensored content, you would never get anywhere else. They knew exactly what they were getting into with O&A. Please, don't even with the "Ant's racist rants bullshit". If O&A were put under the microscope for all the SJW and media to see.. everything we all loved about the show, that made us laugh would have had the show shut down years ago in today's fascist apology / no one has a right to be offended PC culture. We're lucky to have gotten as much as we did.

If the cakestomp incident happened today? It could have just as easily been Opie that got canned. Stupid ass Paula Dean got hammered for something she did years ago. Opie dodged a bullet. As much as he annoys the shit out of some of us, he has done some pretty cruel shit over the years. XM / SXM originally hired O&A to do an over the top and controversial radio show. If the SJW's wanted to dig into some of his past bits, and the media ran with it? He could get axed as well. All the while SXM has and still does have the right to cancel their contracts and stop paying them for any reason. Reddit is completely different in comparison.

I'm not an Ant hater at all. I subscribe and am holding out hope that the NYC studio will reinvigorate Ant and maybe snap him out of bunker political talk. Ant's a charming dude, and I want to see him succeed.

I'm not going out of my way to find things to bitch about. He really has just dug in his heels lately.

Never accused you personally. But really, do you think Reddit and SXM are the same in any way? Don't you think it goes without Anthony saying (and I'm sure he has somewhere.. I'm just too lazy to go looking for an example) that even though he was upset about why he was let go, that he knew that SXM had the right to fire him for any reason they saw fit. SXM and Reddit are on different ends of the spectrum. None of us are getting paid by Reddit. Reddit did not hire any of us to be shocking or professional assholes. Do I need to go on? You get where I'm coming from..right? Comparing Reddit with SXM like they are one in the same is ridiculous and as chippa would say.."That don't make no sense".. Eh.. I just don't get how any of this requires much thought to see the two are completely different. Over analyzing shit that Opie or Anthony says these days.. is pretty fucking pointless and stupid to begin with. Does anybody remember laughter?



Where is the irony? Anthony made his comments on Twitter, not on Sirius XM.

If Reddit was banning people because of soemthing they posted on facebook, then it would be ironic.

I'm tapping out of this Subreddit. I was not on board when it turned on Yimmy and not on board with turning on ant. Funny people should be left alone

ant is not a funny person anymore. have you seen his show recently?

I still think this sub's turn against Jimmy was unwarranted douchebaggery for its own sake. Of the three of them, he's the only one still capable of and interested in humor.

They just got tired of him commenting on political affairs and the news instead of telling jokes. It's been a while since I've heard the program, but the people were always pretty pissed when Jimmy would discuss political correctness.

Personally I never took umbrage with anything he said, everything was largely reasonable. "You know, man..."

technically it's consistent for him to have this view. he is a free market, no gov regulation guy and values private enterprises and their rights. libertarianism.

i think, it's a super-flawed system, that allows fascism (merger of politics and private sector) to grow out of it, which it always does, but that's not the point. ant is consistent with his view, that is also why he emphasizes the absolute uncensoredness of his own platform, as a future alternative to the 1st amendment erroding mainstream. i get it completely. i dislike a lot of stuff ant does, but it's always consistent, which is the most important quality i look for.

Anthony is about as libertarian as Glenn Beck (spoiler: he's not)

Just another hypocrite.

Their attempt to make reddit a 'safe space' completely backfired. There are literally dozens of FPH type subreddits now. They've found away to keep their posts from reaching the front page, but the rising tab is literally flooded with FPH and "Ellen Pao is a cunt" type posts. I think they're hoping people will run out of steam, which they might eventually, but I'm sure this is far more backlash than they originally anticipated.

Reddit was founded on the principle of free speech, that was a big part of the appeal. People were never going to accept a change in the other direction blindly. Reddit can do whatever they want, but that doesn't necessarily mean they're doing the "right" thing, and I think it's pretty clear in this instance that they're not in most redditor's eyes.

Reddit is not governed by the fucking Constitution. If the government was the one doing this shit, it would be a free speech issue. Anthony is not wrong here.

Has Anthony ever claimed his firing had to do with free speech? I would love to see a quote claiming that. SXM is a private company and can fire anyone they want. Would it go against the IDEA of free speech? Sure. But anything privately owned have their own rights.

No one's claiming that Reddit is governed by the Constitution. That's why Anthony's point is fucking retarded. We're bitching about Reddit the same way he bitched at Sirius for firing him.

And he constantly brings up free speech when it comes to what he got fired for and comedians being allowed to say what they want. His comment on the outrage against Reddit is hypocrisy of epic proportions. He loved it when his fans were attacking Sirius exactly the same way.

No you're not. Your bitching about things done on Reddit, he got fired for stuff he said on Twitter. There's a huge difference. If he got fired for a comment on XM then you have a point, but you don't.

It doesn't matter where he said what he said, Sirius was allowed to fire him just as Reddit is allowed to institute these policies. And he bitched about Sirius firing him just as we're bitching about Reddit's instituting these policies. In both cases it's a private company making a decision it's well in it's right to make. But the fact that he's getting onto us for bitching about Reddit when he did the same thing against Sirius after he got fired, makes him a hypocrite. What aren't you getting about this?

Considering you said "no you're not" in response to nothing in particular, I'm thinking you might just be a retard.

You don't get it. Look at the first thing you wrote. No your not was in response to that.

And to your point you're wrong it's different because.. And pay attention here... We are on reddit now and people are bitching about being censored on reddit while using reddit.

He was fired for comments he made on another platform.

Get it?

Yes they both have the right to do whatever.

If reddit banned you for something you said on Twitter then yes by all means bitch away. Then it would be the same and he would be hypocritical for bashing you.

It's not like that tho.

Get it now? Probably not. I know you and others are upset and that's fine to be but you can't compare the two instances as the same because they just aren't.

Reddit wouldn't be in their rights to ban us for something we said on Twitter, they're not our employer. Sirius was in their rights to fire him as his employer, regardless of where he said what he said. We're comparing them because they're both private entities that were in their rights to do what they did. And we're well within our rights to complain about Reddit for doing so, just as Ant complained about Sirius after they made the decision they had the right to make.

You must have an incredibly low IQ, because my point isn't at all difficult to understand. Everyone else got it. Kill yourself so I won't have to respond to you again.

You contradicted your own point. You obviously have no real point to make as you result to insults instead of providing any relevant information.

Stop before you hurt yourself.

You can complain a you want but you're wrong on half of your thoughts. I agree they both have the right to fire, I'm not sure you even know what you're trying to argue.

The same argument he's making against us for complaining about Reddit can be made against him for complaining about Sirius after they fired him and also the fact that he spent his whole career saying "wahhh stop censoring me" to radio stations he was working for. Sirius and all of those stations he complained about are also "their own shit" and "there's no first Amendment right" on Sirius.

Jesus fucking Christ. I'm not contradicting myself and I clearly know what I'm arguing. The problem is you.

..... Dummy. Different platforms... Sirius .. Twitter...

Reddit... Reddit

They are two different situations

You're retarded if you can't see the comparison. But good job running to that faggot sub after you got slaughtered. At least you could get sympathy from those faggots. You should kill yourself just for doing that. Make another sympathy thread for this, queer.

Ahahah look at this butthurt idiot. Can't handle yourself so you resort to retard and queer. That's ok tho one day maybe you'll be able to express yourself with validity

I already did that you troll.

Says the one following me around being upset. You failed. On every point. Let it go

LOL following you around. You made a thread about me. And I didn't fail on any point. You're just retarded, like I said from the beginning.

I even pointed out that Anthony also cried about the station censoring him on every station he was ever on, which is exactly like what he's complaining about redditors for doing. You had literally no counterpoint in this whole thing. Keep acting like the karma from that sympathy thread means anything. You're still an idiot to such an extent that you should kill yourself.

You don't have to listen. Your only point can't be that I don't have one. I did btw you just have an issue with reading comprehension.

You're really dedicated to lying to yourself. You're right, I made no points here, this is actually the TACS sub and I deleted this comment:

Fucking loon.

You know what you were right about one thing it was o and a. I apologize. However you did delete your comment. This is what shows up when you click that link.


I logged out and couldn't see the comment. You deleted it yourself. That's incredibly pathetic. Like I've been saying from the beginning, kill yourself.

No. You did when you got downvotes I can't delete your comments fool

I didn't delete it and it still shows up when I'm logged in. It was either you or a faggot mod over there. If I cared about downvotes I would have deleted the one with -21, fool.

Mmmmmmmmmmmk sweet cheeks

So you blame Anthony for stating the obvius? Of couse the company can do whatever it pleases with it's OWN PAGES. Might not be what Anthony or any user for that matter WANT but they CAN. Get it fucking dumbass?

Yet I'll bet your inbred ass felt a company firing Anthony for shit he said that they didn't like was a travesty of justice, right? Holy Christ some people in this sub are retarded.


Yes it was, he was fired for what he did in his personal time, not what he did at work. Kinda like reddit would ban you for your facebook post, so yes it was a travesty.

You're all fucking retarded.

It's more noticeable when he is shown alone talking in a drunken haze

They just got tired of him commenting on political affairs and the news instead of telling jokes. It's been a while since I've heard the program, but the people were always pretty pissed when Jimmy would discuss political correctness.

Personally I never took umbrage with anything he said, everything was largely reasonable. "You know, man..."