There's no denying it, Anthony failed us

0  2015-06-12 by Grillskillz

TACS is a dud.


Everyone knows Anthony will magically stop being obsessed with race as soon as he crosses the divine threshold of the New York City studio. Just wait and see.

Ant moving to NYC won't totally solve the race fixation thing, but if he has Jimmy come in 2x/week + Colin, Bobby, Vos, et al, that'll go a long way towards helping the problem. Maybe then we only get 1 show per week in NYC where it's Anthony doing a solo show ranting about the jigs or Anthony with a guest like Ann Coulter ranting about beaners.

3 out of 4 ain't bad! I know everyone has been waxing nostalgic about O&A for the lsat year, but let's be honest - most weeks we were lucky to get one really strong show from start to finish. It's talk radio and no one, besides Ronnie B, hits it out of the park every day.

great for holding up a calendar though.


tacs has succeeded on my wall.

All his fans naked in the fetal position shaking & saying "...when he gets the NY studio it will all be better, when he gets the NY studio it will all be better..."

t-there's still hope...


Not really. I agree that TACS sucks. I support what he is trying to build with his network. Maybe the studio will change his show.. time will tell. Reddit is privately owned and they can run it how they want to. He wasn't backing censorship.

Doesn't mean you can't be vocally dissatisfied with the route it is going.


TACS is 90% racial/political talk.. nobody listened to O&A for that shit, so I don't know what he was thinking going that route with TACS

Ant rocks

You might as well kill yourself then.

If you are implying that OJ is succeeding, I kindly ask that you get hit by a comet

As there is zero mention of them, I think it's safe to say op is not implying that o&j is better.

No, it's us who failed him. Actually, it's YOU guys who failed him, I'm stilll able to fall asleep every night knowing I'm fighting the good fight unlike some of you.