So Ant went from hearing from someone - to reading from somewhere - to making the whole thing up

0  2015-06-12 by Lilcumia

Ant, tell us what happened. Honesty was TACS selling point.


If you looked I doubt you could find someone who lies more than this scumbag. "I have a source in the BPD!"

He tried to blow up a fan website that was telling the truth about a former girlfriend blowing a guy for a lobster.

"No, I wasn't catfished by a 14-year-old", after he had admitted it on the air.

He tried to publish social security numbers of people who played an April Fool's joke on him by telling the truth about his heart attack/stent.

He and his reprobate brother didn't set a hill on fire, it was black kids.

He's manipulated and lied throughout HIS ENTIRE LIFE and told you about it and you still think he's honest? Sucker.

Did all of this happen recently? I heard of the catfish thing but never heard the audio, but everything else is new to me. If this is true I can't believe I haven't heard of this stuff before. Did you find out about the heart attack and lobster thing from his show?

Nah, I heard about that stuff from other listeners who brought it up on this board. They're all pretty famous incidents, many of them years old. I think he recently fessed up to the Loster Girl shenanigans. Apparently, he used to doxx and threaten entire boards if they tried to tell the truth about it. The "source in the BPD" was recent from his stupid Twitter during the Freddie Gray unrest. He lies as much as he draws breath. The fact that some tards think he's honest is pyschotic.

I got some good advice for Ant.

I love Ant, but in all honesty, he's a nut who actually benefited from a routine work schedule. Having to go to sleep at a reasonable hour, wake up early, etc etc.. He needs that.

Jim hit the nail on the head, I agree 100% on why he didn't want to co-host TACS with Ant, he likes the security and stability of a regular 9 to 5. Also to leave open the possibility of Ant returning.

To be fair I think that given the context of the situation overall, without forgetting the importance of maintaining an un-biased and objective impartiality while at the same time incorporating multiple instances of specific points of view, within context, and understanding that respect is as is given, not taken. Furthermore through but not above hindsight suggesting that the fundamental blame be heaped with a big spoon onto a Cumia would be negating the very fact that binds all theory together! The Opie is to blame.

admitedly i have not followed this closely, i saw Ant's video and laughed but isnt this just a prank like if Ron did it i feel like he would be hailed as a radio genius/king of the bit but for Anthony did it and its a signal of failing bla bla bla

Usually though when Ron does it, everyone involved is in on it.

And it is...oh i dunno....funny and entertaining? Unlike this dumb shit.

I just wish he'd stop stirring the shit, it all just seems like a desperate ploy for views/clicks. And not to mention all of Keith's empty promises to top it all off, they need to figure it out. Be a liiiiitle bit more professional

when i read desperate ploy for views/clicks i was like why is he talking about Opie, but fair enough, i havent listened to his show in a while so i dont have that tired of Anthony shit that a lot of people have so it was just a fun gag for the haters and a way to shake the place out of wierd death threats and joe derosa slander.

lol the Opie thing is a given, no need to beat a dead horse. But this, this is definitely a new low even for Ant

would it have been acceptable if he went totally silly with it because the only part i thought made it believable was how uninteresting/how it would happen for real it was like Sam offended Opie and Opie didnt go on his show....