Oh, Anthony. Pathetic. Sad. Misguided. "tss tss"

0  2015-06-12 by [deleted]

I am appalled at this latest display. This lie. I am no Sam fan mind you. But I am not a biased cunt. I see shit for what it's worth.

Opie is an unfunny hack. But he is wining this whole thing and I have sympathy for him, in a way. Ant blew up their brand and continues to fester like an infection.

The Greg shells show, while I found entertaining and funny and like wow a look behind the curtain. I knew deep down ant was a piece of shit for airing this for no reason. Opie didn't do anything to him. Granted opie is not funny and prob an ass hole. That's their own business and ant got rich from it so shut the fuck up now, drunk wop. Ant is bitter and defeated.

Now this latest stunt with a lie about Sam. I think Sam is another un funny douche BUT HE DID NOT deserve that shit. A potential rif with opie.

On top of that, tacs fucking sucks and has zero vision, direction and yumah. Los is the saving grave. 3 funny guys who have nothing to do with ant to save tacs. Los will realize they can bounce from tacs because they r superior in every way.

Fuck you anthony. You sad sack of pedo drunk bitter shit.

Pecka, or summtin


Hahaha... Saving grave.

He should change his name to "OPisdumb", right guys??

tss, better than the spendin' cradle or sumtin. I'm jus fuckin riffin like that.

i thought the same thing, opie isnt and never was funny and O&J isnt the best but jim can still make me laugh. opie has seemed to move on and do his thing and ant is still bitter about it even though this is all his own doing, plus he went out like a child throwing jabs at opie for no reason except to make some fags on reddit happy. i give him another 2 years.

Ant is going after the guy who cleans the XM studio next

Don't take it as gospel, but word from Keith the Cop is that "Elegant" Elliot Offen and High Pitch Eric have recently signed onto The Anthony Cumia Network for their own show. Elegant Elliot has gone twitter silent, so that can only be a sign that this is more than likely happening!

Keith the agent!

You do realize the Greggshells episode of TACS was a direct response to Opie's spreading lies about Ant first, right? Ant was always actually pretty civil and diplomatic in regards to Opie. The Tunisian knife fighter finally letting it all out is merely a result of refusing to let Opie's misinformation about what went on behind the scenes go without mention.

Now, I would agree that once he realized shitting on Opie gets him positive results, he got a little greedy and has recently been using it as a crutch. This new bit of drama is an example. Even so, don't act like Opie is some innocent victim who didn't have it coming.

What lies was Opie "spreading" about Anthony? Ant said on the Gregshells episode that he felt disrespected because Opie said things like "management loves the show" and "we got 20,000 new listeners" (which was Opie obviously trying to hit back at all the hate here, but Anthony totally misread it).

What lies? I have been following this drama pretty cloesly.

Th blind hate for opie alters the truth of events for people. Classic.

Opie insisted he did everything he could to save Ant's job and then later was forced to admit that was false. He also claimed that he and Ant were talking about splitting the show because they "were near the end" when in actuality Ant had no clue Opie was thinking this and had no desire to stop doing the show with Opie.

Need I go I on, Opie apologist autist?

Alright fair enough. But we have to take Anthony's word on all that. And he is showing himself to be a liar.

Opie is an ass hole I am not not saying that. But so is ant and slightly more pathetic

The difference is simple. Ant lied to stir shit and get a rise out of us. It worked. Opie lies to make himself look better or to make himself look like he's the cool guy in the room. His transparent lies only show how insecure and phony he is.

Get it now?


Anthony is sorely missed on the show. But the fact he's no longer on the show is entirely his own doing. And, in the last couple of months he alone has also managed to snuff out any flickering hope of every rejoining the show. For no apparent reason other than being an out of control man-child. He's now into full self-destruction mode, and has probably now alientated Sam along with Opie. It's only a matter of time before he manages to piss off Jimmy too. Then what? And to what end? He's going to have enough trouble keeping is subscription based podcast going. This isnt going to help in the long run.

Well excuse my harsh words, good sir, but that is a bunch of malarkey. Anthony is building an empire and taking back what was stolen from us. He doesn't need SXM or Opie any more. A year from now he will be back on top and giving those blacks and pussy liberal the business!

"Opie didn't do anything to him."

Being a nerve racking, overly sensitive, talent less, prima donna cunt for about 15 out of 20 years isn't doing anything? Really? A two hour beating after a decade plus of putting up with some head cases's horseshit is an act of mercy.

Oh god dude. Shut the fuck up. Ant made millions by sticking with opie.

Point is ant could have manned up a decade a Go and left opie if he was so terrible. Only now when he fucked himself out of that candy land gig now he has something to say.

If that is beyond you then you are a fucking ant apologist and ball licker.

you're right, but ultimately opie (regardless of whether he liked him or not) left his partner out to dry. after years of saying one thing about the PC era and what companies or shows should do, opie and jimmy BOTH prove how hypocritical they are by abandoning ant.

ant might be a piece of shit, but he's fairly consistent and he believes in hating darkies and fucking children. unapologetically.

Opie and jimmy are greedy and cowardly motherfuckers that hold other people to a standard they can't live up to themselves. they believe in nothing but following where the wind blows.

i have zero sympathy for hypocrites, fuck opie. he deserves whatever hate he gets from ant and the fans, and then some. for all the money ant got, opie STILL owes him. so ant just shouldn't sit there and be grateful, considering how it all ended. maybe if it died peacefully, but opie is just about a piece of shit.

you can equivocate about who gave who the big break, but NOT that opie threw his partner to the wolves and didn't look back. that's not what a moral man does. then buy an estate in the sky with the money your partner used to make.

And Opie made millions by leaching off of Anthony. Anthony stayed with him, because it made things easier simply because they were an established brand. Once Opie was no longer a factor Ant treated him like the piece of shit he always was as he should have because that's what he deserved. You don't stick by someone, especially a cunt, if you have no more use for them.

Really....you are appalled?

Jesus Christ man, it's a fucking aging former radio host. Get over it.

You are clearly not over it either if you come to this sub and reply to my post. Knuckle head.

I replied to your post because you are a fucking idiot. You are "appalled" over this silly shit. You cunt.

Strop trying to sound like jim norton.

I was purposely being a tad over the top with that word.

Some of you really as dumb as rocks. But hey, it's the tacs crowd....they are not doing math problems on the weekends that's for sure.

I will revert back to what you can relate to....I hate niggers!

STFU, you idiot.

winning or whining? We all know ant is the one wining.

I do mind you, but I mind him more. Very well put though.

Sam fan!

Low blow, man.

Ant f'ed up...ONCE. So: NAH.

He should change his name to "OPisdumb", right guys??

tss, better than the spendin' cradle or sumtin. I'm jus fuckin riffin like that.

Strop trying to sound like jim norton.

I was purposely being a tad over the top with that word.

Some of you really as dumb as rocks. But hey, it's the tacs crowd....they are not doing math problems on the weekends that's for sure.

I will revert back to what you can relate to....I hate niggers!