Anyone remember this intro/outro to breaks bit...

1  2015-06-12 by thedoze

A "rich old guy" and his manservant something always questionable happened.

I would be surprised if no one remembers

trying to find a compilation of the bits.


thank you.


How did this evolve into Ramoning the callers?

in joke for people in the know, and it annoyed people who were not in the know.

I remember the Cuss Control guy. "Do ya, you cunt?"

No, I have no recollection of my second favorite bit of all time. I most certainly did not spend several years trying to shoehorn Boardroom Jimmy rants and RAAAAMOOOOOONESSSS into situations in which they do not belong.

how did that work out for you in the long run?

Slightly better than trying to make AIDS jokes out of everything.