To the nerds here who've been following Gamergate, Milo Yiannapolous is going to be Gavin's first guest. Should be entertaining.

21  2015-06-11 by Ant_Sucks


I find it impossible to watch that clip without immediately watching this one afterwards.

"Read this palm you gypsy bitch."

ME: Yeah, read those tea leaves!

Made me lol

Wish I could double vote up for that one

That name is way too Greek for my taste

Makes sense, he is probably the closest thing to the British equivalent of Gavin. It should be interesting at the very least, but I have high hopes.

I'd put Milo up as someone who sounds more well read and comes off better in interviews, whereas Gavin - while entertaining - is more along the lines of Ann Coulter in that he torpedoes every cause he touches.

I think that's a good distinction to make. I know Milo had a debate with a university professor regarding "lad culture" several months ago and he won handily in my opinion. That's not to say that Gavin can't debate, but he seems to take more joy in taking the piss out of the people he disagrees with rather than going back and forth with them.

he seems to take more joy in taking the piss out of the people he disagrees with rather than going back and forth with them.

There's an extremely simple word that describes that type of person: troll.

I just don't know what I think about Gavin. I mean is the SJW shit that's happening lately really that big enough of a deal to justify mistaking humor with bitterness? It was, apparently, for some writers and audiences of The Daily Show. They were cunts when they did it. So why should it be any different now that it's the other side.

We win, you lose.

What has Coulter torpedoed?

So you're putting your lips on guys' ballbags?

dont know what gamergate is, but he seems cool to me

Regardless, i honestly think Gavin's show will surpass TACS ratings-wise by leaps and bounds. Probably not a first though. But sure enough.

He interviewed Chuck Johnson it was very good

Johnson was pretty good on Joe Rogan too. He has an irritating habit of saying "like" all the time, but he came across as an intelligent well meaning person with strong views that I didn't necessarily agree with. I avoided the interview at first, because I stupidly took what liberals said about him at face value without checking.

He's further proof of just how intolerant and quick to judge liberals have become.

Liberals are fags. Conservatives are also fags. Bout to drop some real ass discussion subject: america has become too partisan.

I've been listening to LoS a lot lately and I can't stop doing a stupid Luis J. Gomez impression.


That's it? This is what people are into now? Obnoxious douches? Male versions of Ann Coulter?

"Women would be happier at home". "Darling".

Oh yuck...

To the real nerds following gamergate heres the truth about that fag

i hope they both die in a toilet explosion while butt fucking each other in a public restroom.

Eww more FAUX NEWS douchebags? YAWN. Get liberal or get out, that's what I say. I only like what Jon Stewart and Rachel Maddow tell me to like.

Maddow is a sexy guy.

I absolutely adore her stylish yet sensible haircut.