All this Ellen Pao / fatpeoplehate drama...

29  2015-06-11 by Muted_Post-Horn making me miss Jocktober. The wall of Ellen Pao photoshops and fat people on the front of /r/all makes me smile, but it also makes me nostalgic for coke floats and Dennis Falcone photoshops. Anyone else feeling this way?


yep. the rate that they have made alternate subs and continue to make more subs is funny

but it also makes me nostalgic for coke floats

You say that like the Erock Army isn't still going strong.



You're getting lazy, OP!

Yes don't buy me gold to support that lady...

Honest suggestion, if you want gold for the bonus features, you can get most of them for free by installing Reddit Enhancement Suite.

I don't want gold. I've had it twice already. Don't buy me gold

I didn't feel it when r/all was just a bunch of replacement fatpeoplehate. That sub deserved what it got—not because it was "anti-SJW" (or whatever), but because it wasn't.

Then I went away for a while and came back and r/all is all Pao pics from r/punchablefaces.

Some good kids there.

That sub deserved what it got—not because it was "anti-SJW" (or whatever), but because it wasn't.

You know, you're right. It was a total hugbox, and they were full on SJW just minus fat people. Don't you dare make a joke at the expense of someone lower on the privilege ladder than you, lest you receive a tirade of intersectionalist marxist bullshit and then be called fat.

Not really. I'm guessing neither of you spent much or any time there. Outright homophobia, racism or sexism were often downvoted there. That was because FPH was focused solely on the exceptionalism of healthy sized people, and while everyone there agreed that fat people were disgusting, arguing race and gender politics was a distraction.

Tons of subreddits have a strongly enforced "No off-topic" rule, but when it happens on a subreddit that you don't like it becomes problematic?

I spent plenty of time there. It was the week before the ban that the baffling SJW side shone through. If there were an archive I could link the thread. It wasn't the bulk, but it was certainly heavy among the moderators. I'm not trying to shit talk FPH, I loved it, it was hilarious when people actually bothered to use their own creativity, but seeing someone who posted a woman joke be unironically lectured on intersectionalism from a good handful of the mods was fucking surprising to say the least.

Did FPH have SJWs? No doubt. But as long as you weren't fat and hated fat people, differences were put aside or at the very least discussed through the lens of fat hate.

You could be a demi-pan-ethosexual squirrelkin, and while people might think you're absolutely crazy, as long as you were fit you were welcome.

The "SJW" bans I saw were all centred around racism, homophobia, or transphobia aimed at fit people or other users which was a violation of Rule 3: Keep the peace. Attacking anyone on FPH for anything other than being fat was a distraction and removed thusly.

Their definition of "attack" was too sensitive. A joke is not an attack. Sound familiar? The rhetoric was all the same.

I'm just reporting what I saw as a regular user.

Did FPH have SJWs? No doubt.

The point is that they were the moderators.

Their definition of "attack" was too sensitive. A joke is not an attack. Sound familiar? The rhetoric was all the same.

I'm just reporting what I saw as a regular user.

Did FPH have SJWs? No doubt.

The point is that they were the moderators.