Host of "Common Filth Radio" podcast reads fan emails candidly while recording and got chiprolled. [1:33:15 - 1:34:45]

37  2015-06-10 by FattiesArentPeople


"I've been hoodwinked" and keeps reading. Very funny.

The best is how unsuspecting he is of this up until the end. Bravo to whoever sent that

Haha he was a good sport about it.

Chiproll is the greatest. Excellent writing job to whoever sent that in

That was fucking excellent. What is this podcast about anyways, I have never heard of it.

It's an alt-right podcast that talks about viewer emails, recent events in degeneracy, and tumblr culture. Highly recommend.

I'll check it out.

Fucking hilarious

I loved listening to him trying to read "Chippah-nese".

Whoever did that is a fucking god amongst men.