Gavin McInnes joins TACS

57  2015-06-10 by Lilcumia

The Gavin McInnes Show just announced


"People should never get divorced! Women should stay at home and have children! Foreigners smell! I don't believe in abortion!" It'll be great.

I like that he says whatever he wants but his theories are fucking retarded. He sucked on LOS last night.

your just a lazy liberal millennial feminist.

Who isn't these days, man? It's why America's doomed! Now get back in the kitchen and make me a sandwich!


You should ghost write for Opie's twitter.

says the user named after a failed derosa band.

Derosa had a band? I'm just a fan of actual massacres of fratboys.

You're so Extreeeeeeeme, man.

I know, right? But I got nothing on Gavin, man! He's off the chain!!!!1!

i seem to recall him calling himself a drummer on uninformed w/ bill burr


He did suck last night. I think he got way too high.

I thought they were funny if nothing else. They are ridiculous but I love that he's a complete nut about stuff and will try and say it convincingly.

He sucked on YKWD but I still like him, so long as he's the antithesis to the current PC attitude.

I thought he was great on ykwd

He's like a toddler who learned how to swear. It's fucking tiresome and moronic. And he's a grown fucking man. He's a sad, loser alcoholic so of course Cumia loves him. He sucked because he has no talent. He's trying so hard to be relevant and be noticed. He's a fucking zero and he's going nowhere. He's a natural for TACS. If LoS are smart, they steer clear of him and Cumia.

I get that you don't like him and he wasn't great on LoS but he's an immensely successful and brilliant person who has achieved more than you have or could in a hundred lives.

Successful? Undeniably. I wouldn't say brilliant.


He's was fired from the easiest, most lucrative, and best job on the planet He's lost more money in his lifetime than either of us plebes can even imagine. The magnitude of his loserdom is almost impossible to calculate. He lost the equivalent of a small country's GDP. He's the fucking definition of a loser.

I think he got a shitload of money when he left vice. He's very rich. I agree he's annoying on these shows but he's a very good writer in my opinion.

He was kicked out in 2008 when Vice was worth low millions. It is now worth a 2.5 billion dollars. Even if he made $50 million (which he didn't), it's a pittance compared to what he would've made in only five years. He is a loser's loser.

They wouldn't have made that money if he was still there. It was very different when he was there. They kicked him out so they could make it what it is now.

So what you're saying is that he was business poison? I agree and so did they. It was the best thing VICE could've done, lose 180 pounds of ugly, stupid fat. And they did and now they're huge. That's how successful Gavin is.

Wow, did he fuck your girlfriend or something? And 180 pounds is fat?

He's a lonely fag you see.

Well he's obviously successful. He's very rich and makes money doing what he clearly enjoys. It's not like he missed an opportunity by leaving Vice because it wouldn't have been what it is now if he was still there anyway. You don't have to like him, it's ridiculous to call him a loser.

He makes money podcasting and trolling? No, he made money from VICE and Rooster and he was fired from both. He's not currently working and he probably won't ever work mainstream again. He shat the bed.

They wouldn't have made that money if he was still there

Thanks opie got more business advice?

It was very different when he was there.

Did he break up you and gavins suck session?

They kicked him out so they could make it what it is now.

A whinny shithole for fags? Bet you comment on their youtube channels a lot.

lol what the fuck are you talking about


I would bet money that in Gavin's life he will eventually get divorced

As would I. He's a huge alcoholic nightmare and his wife was a successful publicist. She'll tire of his shit soon enough, take 1/2 and his kids. He'll be on fire after that. Or dead. Or both. I hope both.

I know nothing about his wife. anyone who talks about marriage that way is overcompensating for a marriage that isn't going great

Exactly. And she's not some hyper Orthodox/Evangelical/Duggar wife. She's relatively normal; a straight. I'd bet the farm they've already had massive marital trouble. He protests too much.

Yknow who else I wouldn't be surprised if they got divorced? jay Mohr. He lays on so thick " I don't watch porn, notice any other women exist, my wife is the love of my life..." People who are happily married don't go to such extremes all the time. They are realistic

Not to mention that his wife has turned her face into a fucking disaster.

Such a shame. There was a time when she looked pretty good.

"Unhappily ever after" she was the hottest girl on TV. Keep in mind that the show was on when I started jerking off so maybe my judgement is cloudy but she was so hot on that show

Your memories have not been affected by a jerk haze, she was never hotter than that show

She was pretty much a perfect 10 back at that time. It's a god damn crime what she did to herself. She's only like 37, she'd still be hot if she just left it alone.



I hope you have an allergic reaction to black cock and kill yourself because of the deep depression it puts you in.

They've been married 10 years, you dumb cunt. Your life time viewing on pornhub doesn't even add to that.

You're right, my lifetime viewing on pornhub is not 10years. Thanks for the accurate statement

Far better and more variety than the fucking Opie Radio show. Sherrod, Florentine, Soder...repeat.

They're both bad

"God wants it that way!"

Fucking cunt.

Christ almighty, enough of this bearded retard.

he says what ever he wants man,just says it!

Remember that time he called Opie a "torpid sloth?" What if he said it again!? That would be so cool! That guy has no filter.

It was a great line and you idiots memed the fuck out of it.

The first and last, apparently


It's a quanspiracy

I don't like Gavin. Not because of his views, some i agree with some i don't but he comes across as a prick. Won't get me back to a TACS sub thats for sure. I guess it makes it more value for money for people who just want to hear a certain point of view hammered into to the ground daily.

He never laughs, never smiles. Maybe at his own jokes, but he rarely ever seems to be having fun.


I work for a non-profit arts organization in San Francisco, and am to the right of Dipaulo and to the left of God. I still associate with all kinds of liberals. It gets really lonely otherwise.

haha name a comedian or show host who isn't a prick... Joe List? Maybe Steven Colbert? Not too many names come to mind.

I'm guessing you would be happy if Ant added the Joe DeRosa show?

Gavin isn't a comedian, he's a whiny cunt who thinks it's edgy to promote values from the 1950s.

Yeah to get to a certain level in showbiz you have to be a complete psychopath. We just see the yes men praising them, then a couple of years later the stories come out. Oh midsentence I just thought of Opie. I knew he was a douche but sweet baby jesus. Tip of the iceberg and all of that.

They also announced that every new subscriber to the Anthony Cumia Network will receive a cross to burn on the front lawn of a minority...

Considering the tiny potential subscriber base for this extremist, divisive ideology, I'm sure their burning cross promotion will get them tens of subscribers...

I guess we're going to need to send self-addressed stamped BOXES for that, right?

Oh man, 45 extra subs, here we come!

Hey great, another reason to not give a shit.

I've grown to like Gavin. It's kind of like what Jay said last night. Even if you don't agree with what he says, you can't deny that he's entertaining in some way. He gets painted as some right wing nut because he's on fox news but I find him to be more of a social commentator than a political one. And I don't think saying things like "you should try hard as hell to not get divorced if you have kids or if you're having a severe identity crisis you shouldn't start carving up your body" is necessarily shocking.

I agree. Those things are only shocking because people have been trained to think that offending someone is somehow trampling on their rights. Thanks lib media!

It's like when Ann Cultour said that if the Repubs want to win the election they need to get more of the white vote. It's completely true, but OMG HOW OFFENSIVE SHE'S RACIST!!!

This is now a liberal politically correct sub, any anti-liberal sentiment shall be punished. Please cease from posting or we will have to take action.

Yeah, MAAAAANNNNN! I wish I didn't go around feeling like a victim, but I have to because of the mean liberals! MAAAANNNN!

People are upvoting Gawker style opinions these days. What happened to this sub?

All these idiots who are blindly bashing him need to watch this and shut up.

I just watched that whole goddamn thing, and am now ready to donkeypunch every female in your immediate family for holding that up as some kind of watershed "try to tell me he isn't awesome NOW" moment. I have to question anyone who thinks This content is rated rebellious (oh shit guys, HE'S THROWING CAUTION TO THE WIND!!) is anything but horrendously douchey.

WE GET IT, he's still the same ol' "18-year-old anarchist punk" (blech), except the left is the new establishment and conservatism is the real counterculture now, maaan. Dear God, what a revelation. I could see myself finding that mind-blowing when I was in my early 20s, but now it's just cliche. Patton Oswalt has articulated this in a much more thought-provoking manner for years; GM is Jim-Goad-for-Dummies.

If you like the guy, hey, whatever, we all have our own tastes. But don't delude yourself into thinking that everyone who dislikes him is automatically a liberal SJW cuckold. It's embarrassing.

Jim Goad for dummies... nice one.

You absolute dummy. You completely missed the point of the video and it flew right over your simple little head.

You should genuinely, and I'm saying this without any hyperbole, consider suicide. Or at least get yourself killed somehow.

You've also made up your mind long before this thread. You're a massive hypocrite. If he's a stubborn hipster ass, then take a look in the mirror and revel at the sight of yourself. You probably think of yourself as this righteous pragmatic guy who's above everyone else because you shit on everything. Hilarious. You really should google some suicide methods right now.

Whoa, you really mean, like, seriously kill myself? Golly, you're obviously a pull-no-punches kinda fellah who's not afraid to go there.

But since you brought it up, there are plenty of things I don't shit on. Colin Quinn for example; a brilliant "conservative comedian" who -- whether you agree with him or not -- has an undeniably salient take on modern American society, and an uncanny ability to dissect the subtext of the hackneyed platitudes that the mainstream media throws around. GM, not so much.

But please, humor me and the rest of the "SJW" O&A fans (which is like a Nazi Jew) that are downvoting the dogpiss out of you; what's the "point" we're too feeble-minded to get from that gee-willackers-voiced monologue?

This sub does enjoy coming from a liberal position just to critique people, even as the vast majority here wouldn't qualify as liberals and hate on liberals too. The issue is too many of you enjoy hating, to the point that you won't put it aside even when someone aligns with your values. We aren't liberals, we aren't women, minorities, trannies, etc. And here's a guy counter to that as it's being shoved down our throats. Gavin is good people, in spite of his recognizable flaws.

For every Gavin or Anthony that can be too obsessive about their politics, there's more liberals doing the same thing. Pick your side instead of trying to get brownie points for critiquing any and everything.


It's ironic you say that, since I just brought up openly-conservative Colin Quinn. I doubt there's been one comment made since this sub's creation to the effect of "fuck Colin, he's just a hacky rightwing douchebag."

And you're misrepresenting what I said. You're right, this sub isn't a singular hivemind entity. That's why looking through this thread, there are both people who agree and disagree with his politics that dislike him (or like him, for that matter). So some trite lib vs. conservative thing isn't the common denominator. It's not his views, it's just him. For whatever reason, ^(filthy hipster scum) a sizable chunk of people simply don't care for him.

It's not a Gavin thing though, people here come from any angle to attack 95% of people mentioned at the expense of their values. It's not a good thing to mesh yourself in a way that is easiest to hate somebody or something. It's like the weird internet inverse of being a social chameleon.

It's not about thinking for yourself or not being a partisan hack, more than just being a nihilistic asshole that would sell your own mother for the karma points that come with a critical post. You hate liberals and political correctness, give the guys that rant against them a break.

I'm still not getting why going after Gavin, of all people, is supposed to be the line-in-the-sand this sub crosses that finally "goes too far." He's not a sacred cow (that'd be E-Rock, wakka wakka). Anyone who dislikes him is not just in-denial of the pure, unadulterated truth that drips from his mouth.

No one is obligated to like someone (or hold their tongue if they don't) just because they happen to share their views. That, to me, is partisan hackery/not thinking for yourself. Personally, half the reason I can't stand him is because I do agree with certain views of his, and his half-assed trolling schtick hurts "the cause" more than helps. I know it's entertaining to his fans, but to the world at-large his douchiness delegitimizes the points he makes.

That's a nice "Homeless Punk Trucker" look he's got going there.

Remember back when people confused Gavin with humor? Those were the days.

people are against gavin getting a spot on TACS for no extra charge on the sub?

keep waiting for jesus' second coming and him being signed to cumia's network. apparently that's the only thing, that may be acceptable to many of you...

keep waiting for jesus' second coming and him being signed to cumia's network.

Anthony wouldn't hire that dirty middle eastern hippie

anthony loves jews. but maybe he's to liberal...

I really don't know what he really feels about jews. It is more PC to bash black people than jews. I think he keeps his mouth shut about it.

he said on tacs that he loves them. dipaolo too

Getting fired in a email after years of working at XM by Scott Greenstein and then being banned from the building did not make a dent in his perception of Jewish people? I think he can think rationally about some groups of people and with the blacks its always bad things, even if he did know several black folks who were stand up people (Patrice etc).

Not weird at all. As I said before, a right wing parrot. Probably gladly send American kids to invade more countries for Israel. I don't get it.

Getting fired in a email after years of working at XM by Scott Greenstein and then being banned from the building did not make a dent in his perception of Jewish people?

I'm pretty sure Jews aren't a big deal compared to pieces of shit like yourself and virtually useless cultures.

Shalom !

Go get offended some more! Ohoho Antisemtism!

Shut the fuck up. You people are not immune to fucking criticism.

Uh. You didn't offend me, I just don't give two fucks whether you care or not.

I mention how Anthony can think rationally about jewish people by not being racist and you show up, offended with that username. Fucking made my point didn't ya?

I should know sir - I've always been here.

Incidentally, I'm glad you were offended at my username. It is almost as though you have a problem with niggers.

I'm pretty sure Jews aren't a big deal compared to pieces of shit like yourself

Go back to tumblr with that snarky shit.

Go back to Joe DeRosa with that gas chamber shit, faggit.

I'm not against Gavin getting a spot. It just does nothing for me.

No, just a couple of Opie ass suckers are against it.

opie is their jesus apparently haha.

Yeah lol



Just think!! Once they move into the NYC studio and get a co-host, and be funny, and be entertaining, and get an app, and poach Jimmy, and this and that...

Then it's going to be AWESOME!!!

SIGN ME UP!! Can I just send cash to Anth??!!

What a bunch of fucking pussies.

You cunts bitch that Anthony isn't giving enough for your lousy $7 a month, he adds more content, AND YOU STILL CRY LIKE BITCHES.

You don't have to like every single thing Ant puts up. No one asked you to. But damn, sitting around a message board for months on end, PMSing about it is fucking sick.

I should have guessed, Ant and Gavin are hot for each other.

should have* you dunce.

fair enough you dick

Right in my sweet spot. I often look for akward paid radio shows at Monday and Thursday at 9:30 PM


ohhhhhh literal AggieFitzgibbons... the children would still find a reason to complain!

Lmao who the fuck did that cutout? It looks like shit.

well he has his driver work as his producer. Im guessing his gardener is his graphics guy.

this is even weaker than LOS. The dude's pod-cast shows the view numbers, go look for yourself and see just how paltry his numbers are.... I guess the business strategy is to group up as many failed podcasts under one roof as possible and hope it eventually starts to add up to real numbers. If you get national exposure on fox and other huge news outlets and can only muster up 3,000 or so regular viewers you failed, it's that simple.

I was very entertained when he got into that little tiff on TV but I've already lost interest in him because he didn't follow it up with anything. It gets filed under any other liveleak video, hey remember that time there was a guy on fox who pissed off that lady, yeah, that was funny, I forget who that guy was... oh look this fight video is funny as hell...

I think he made some stupid video about what people think of Canada or something? I dunno it was cringie and that's when I realized he was just another random internet video that was funny for a couple days.

81 thousand views on dailymotion for a single podcast video. Yeah, paltry. You stupid, obnoxious cunt. Keep trolling, loser.

yeah... the one that got blasted all over the place.... the one that got him attention... now, let's see... how many views did the next one have? And the one after that? Yeah... he's a wild success.

You left out stitcher and soundcloud.


What is itunes?

I like the show but I am looking at one right now and it's just over 4500. Some others are around 2000. I think he would actually do better if he put it on YouTube but I guess he doesn't do that out of principle.

I've only watched one of his podcasts on dailymotion, but I'm subscribed on itunes and listen to every one. I'm sure there are a lot more people that use itunes than dailymotion.


Will do. Cool straw man, by the way.


The dailymotion numbers don't include itunes downloads. Few people actually watch the videos. I'm sure his podcast is doing fine.



It seems they may have sent you an overestimation of listeners. 6 billion trillion sounds a little high.

ant really knows how to spice things up, what a variety of shows.

Ant should co-host with Agatha. THAT would be a show.

Fuck you guys, Gavin is hilarious.


When did this sub turn into a bunch of quasi-SJW faggots who look down upon people who push boundaries and be as real and honest as they can? This is reddit after all, maybe I shouldn't be as surprised. EDIT: you know you've hit a nerve when you get downvoted. Ha, thanks for proving me right.

I don't believe he's being honest. Just because he says "shocking" things doesn't mean it's coming from a place of honesty.

And more importantly, he's just a douchebag.

Then you're just a fucking idiot and years of social conditioning makes you have an innate bias against anyone who isn't a flaming liberal faggot. If he was the exact same person but espoused liberal talking points rather than libertarian or conservative, you wouldn't call him a douchebag and we both know that. I guarantee you're still in your college years, but you'll deny that probably.

Then you're just a fucking idiot and years of social conditioning makes you have an innate bias against anyone who [speaks out against the Rape Culture]. If he was the exact same person but espoused [Patriarchal] talking points rather than [progressive] or [feminist], you wouldn't call him a douchebag and we both know that. I guarantee you're [actually threatened by women], but you'll deny that probably.

You should be disturbed how easy that was to mad-lib. Please, release Mcinnes' dick from your mouth.

This is one of the soundest burials I've ever seen.


I disagree with most of what bill Maher says but I don't think he's a liar. I disagree with him but he has well thought out ideas and comedic skills beyond name calling and a high school jock mentality that Gavin "I think im way more clever than i am" mcginnes has. But I see why you like him ... you seem to be very similar.

And I voted for ron Paul ... oh wait, I couldn't have because I was still in high school then, right?



Eww, so you're actually a beta SJW faggot?

I'm sorry sir, you're going to have to explain that terminology.

push boundaries and be as real and honest as they can?

It's that what they do? It seems more like they make a buisness of being offensive towards some groups and let other be (cops, us relation with Israel, gun violence etc etc) and just do exactly like "right wing" people do and say. Parroting the same fucking shit. It's not original and I see no difference from what the SWJ left wing liberals are doing.

I read this post in "regular Joe" voice.

I read all yours in a "pussy liberal faggot" voice. Ha, you're a wrestling fan as well. Loser.

I hit a nerve. :(

I like people "who push boundaries and be as real and honest as they can." I look down on people who desperately try to cultivate that image, but are too shallow to come up with anything of substance (or original). RE: Carlos Mencia

This sub has turned on itself. It use to be unified under one banner, but since mommy got a restraining order from daddy we've split into various tribes. People are mad and frustrated and feel powerless so they come here to act like children.


You don't have to like someone just because they push boundaries. I appreciate his honesty, I just don't agree with his points.

Nelson Mandela pushed boundaries. Gavin McInnes is just an obnoxious hipster asshole.

At least Gavin's wife hasn't necklaced people he doesn't care for.

Go ahead, google it. Faggot.


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he is everything Opie wishes he could be... but then no soccer moms would listen.


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Well, you are being upvoted. You need to be more optimistic in life.

who push boundaries

You mean a person that is against divorce, women rights, abortion and inmigrants, those are the same views your great granpa had.

The only think rebelious gavin does is dress like a clown so people will pay attention to him (like a girl).

You mean a person that is against divorce, women rights, abortion and inmigrants, those are the same views your great granpa had.

The pendulum has swung so far that this is actually rebellious now.

Yeah, maaaan.

You lame, typical, boring, ignorant faggot. Get killed.

great reply.

u sir are a dumb faggggootttt stop masturbating to an aging hipster who dresses like a clown.

since the beginning... welcome to reddit

His shitty Canadian accent and subtle lisp is annoying. I don't get how having him on the network is a good thing. Will he bring in subscribers? I assume Anthony is paying the guy. Seems like Anthony brought him on so they can have a political circle jerk a few days a week.

It's a good thing. Hope Ant keeps gaining steam because fuck Opie in the ear. Folks not caring for Gavin is understandable since he recites the same talking points on every interview but that's more familiarizing new audiences with his shtick. If he ever comes back on LOS or YKWD and does the same thing then there's reason for complaint.

ugh, he's awful, never been funny, if it wasn't for LOS i would have cancelled my subscription

If you want someone who says whatever they want but its ACTUALLY FUNNY then bring on fucking East Side Dave

Fuckin awesome! I like gavin, even though i dont agree with everything he says. Not something id want to watch more than once a week but id check it out for sure.


Why did you even make a thread for this? My shits matter more than Ant getting a nothing to do a nothing show on his nothing channel.

If a successful millionaire is a nothing then what does that make you?

Better yet, what does it make his shits?

Holy shit this is great. I'm resubbing.


that just made me interested in subscribing. I'm told BoBo is on there too? Hmmm. Tempting now. Gavin is great imo.

Great add.

He got a lot of publicity for arguing with that feminist last month. It even got play on gay Reddit.

wait this isn't the gay reddit? Why are so many people calling each other faggots?

I thought that was the password.

Don't mention anyone arguing with a feminist here, this is now a feminist sub and any anti-feminist sentiment shall be punished.

I dislike Gavin because MSNBC and Jon Stewart told me to dislike anyone who isn't a modern liberal. Yawn. Is the TACS network turning into FAUX NEWS or something?

But he is also an unfunny faggot.

A lot of butt hurt Opie fans in this thread. Gavin & Anthony > Opie & Anthony.

Gavin gets more media buzz than Opie so the move makes sense.

Gregg Hughes is the lord almighty. Anyone who speaks ill of the prophet Opie deserves to be put to death.

May Gavin McInnes be suffocated to death by one of Opie's breasts for his torpid sloth comment.

Allahu Opebar.

Did someone mention sloths? Here's a random fact!

Three-toed sloths are diurnal(awake during daylight) and Two-toed are nocturnal.




Gavin is the fuckin man. This is great news. All these reddit comm enters are miserable fucks, who hate everything.

I'll watch if he has people to riff with. He holds my interest. I didn't think his LoS appearance was that bad.

Too many of you enjoy hating, to the point that you won't put it aside even when someone aligns with your values. We aren't liberals, we aren't women, minorities, trannies, etc. And here's a guy counter to that as it's being shoved down our throats. Gavin is good people, in spite of his recognizable flaws. Be grateful when you have an ally instead of trying to get brownie points for critiquing any and everything.


Every time Gavin speaks I wish he wasn't speaking.

/Sick burn.

you really gave him some guff there. :awshit :swimwalk

Does anyone really care?

Do you? You seem to really give a shit what happens on TACS, since you started your own sub on it you fucking fraud.

I'm enjoying how bad TACS is and am enjoying watching the end of Anthony. How am I being a fraud? And the sub is /r/TACSuncensored


This is now a liberal politically correct sub, any anti-liberal sentiment shall be punished. Please cease from posting or we will have to take action.

he is everything Opie wishes he could be... but then no soccer moms would listen.

At least Gavin's wife hasn't necklaced people he doesn't care for.

Go ahead, google it. Faggot.


well he has his driver work as his producer. Im guessing his gardener is his graphics guy.