Reddit starts new Great Purge of "harassing" subreddits. How long before this subreddit gets the axe?

92  2015-06-10 by SedditThrowaway901


Did I mention that I like Jews? People like Joe DeRosa make me sick, a blatant Holocaust denier. This sub is great, it promotes free speech while maintaining a healthy level of balanced conversation. My African-American friends also like it.

Joe DeRosa wants to gas the kykes, he also promoted race war now.

I once saw Joe "Why Couldn't Hitler Get Them All?" DeRosa sexually molesting geriatric Holocaust survivors with his genital wart crusted cock. Also his shoulders are weird.

In fact this subreddit made it a point to self ban the Jew hating Joe DeRosa! Reddit didn't even have to get involved, just a group of good like minded people who wouldn't stand for his hate.

We're like an NCAA football program self-sanctioning!


They are targeting fat people hating subs like r/fatpeoplehate right now.

But we should be OK because we only show hate for an old rich white man.

Not too high on the SJW admins type of people to protect.

We'll be fine. 90% of this sub would probably have their picture posted in r/fatpeoplehate.

Also, we love that fat Nagel kid.

Fatlogic is private now.

Boooo. Reddit admins fucking suck.

They are targeting fat people hating subs right now

This is not true. One of the subs they happened to ban was a fat hate sub but they are not limiting the search to that topic. They also took down a sub which was against heterosexual men who act homosexual.

2 of them were about "hating" fat people, and the other 3 were about "hating" gay and trans people.

So you're saying we ARE on their priority list!?

Of course not. Jim Norton appreciates the transgender and transsexual community and so do many people here.

Transfags was actually a tranny hating subreddit. I quite enjoyed it over the past month. I never saw any direct harassment, but those autoposting linkbots would post the mean titles in the original tranny subreddits, hopefully triggering at least a couple of mentally ill genital mutilators to off themselves.

Straight guys who act gay,hmm. Didn't know that was a thing,now I want to see it out of curiosity.Boooo



So what about the Stangel hate? Will that get us banned?

Our hatred of Roland is probably considered homophobia. We're doomed.

Yeah, this sub is now banned.


Lets not compare ourselves with the noble men and women of /r/fatpeoplehate. They do good work.... they DID.. good work...

And they continue to do good work at /r/fatpeoplehate2 : Electric Boogaloo.

I didn't subscribe to the original FPH but I subscribed to this one to show support

That is now banned as well. I never subbed to either but I will find an outlet.

Thank you.

I legitimately use FatPeopleHate to keep me motivated. I like reading it to encourage me to go to the gym when I don't want to. Im frightened of being a fat fuck & looking at people who really gave up on life & let themselves become that way is inspiring. Maybe FPH can start their own website if reddit bans them again

Is that why you like Lady Di so much?

I'm hardcore, it's why I like Roland. He must be the FPH representative of this sub forum. Oh right, he's not fat he's just a foodie..

Foodie is just the hipster way of saying "self indulgent asshole"

Same here. FPH got through to me in a way nothing else ever had before. I can no longer look at my own adipose tissue as anything other than the physical manifestation of laziness and poor impulse control.

I can't be proud of anything I accomplish if I'm still mostly a useless and unnecessary burden on the system, so it's time to fix that. I fit in airplane seats properly now, but I'm not stopping until I fit in clothes sizes that don't start with "X".

I'm actually not overweight but I get lazy & fluctuate and I just want to maintain an average BMI & reading that site did motivate me to stay healthy. But I will say, 1 thing I didn't like that FPH did (not that I give a shit or think they should stop, just not a fan) was when they posted pics of fat people in the gym. Its people working on it I think that site should encourage them. It's the HAEs talking about how they are healthy cuz their blood pressure is currently normal & their denial about their sugar/fat addiction is what's enraging.

You think they'll start their own independent site or forum somewhere? I'd love to see that

Pretending we are in shape gym rats

Yeah, like the great work of vandalizing handicap parking signs and putting you're Reddit name and Twitter handle on it (douche chills).

Ugh. What mindset do you need to do that?


God's work.

Typically we only harass each other which is why I come here. I love you cum guzzling faggots.

You would.

People actually gave gold. To Reddit. Are these people retarded?

No shit. These assholes don't even get a verified email from me.

I checked again and two more people gave Reddit gold. Don't they buy gold from Reddit? Then they gave it back? I don't even know what gold is or it's function, but that doesn't seem logical.

People are literally gilding comments that are blatantly saying not to support reddit. It's fucking mind boggling that people like that exist.

An all new level of stupidity.

Ellen Pao is a cunt.

I have only one thing to say to this...niggers

The HUGE difference is that our sub doesn't leak into the rest of Reddit. Those fatpeoplehate douches are obsessed with fat people, they bring it up in every thread in Reddit.

They are also fucking hypocrites. I came across a pictures of two of the mods, they weren't lard asses, but they certainly weren't fit enough to be shitting on anybody else.

you must be really fat

No, I'm actually really skinny and I generally hate fat people. The r/fatpeoplehate guys are at Bobo levels of autism.

They take that sub so seriously that they are genuinely depressed right now and having secret meetings as to "future course of action". Who the fuck devotes this much effort to hating fat people?

Also- this was one of their mods before I exposed him and he deleted his account. A sub full of Bobo's that goes around harassing people irl. But at least they have you to defend them.

Who the fuck devotes this much effort to hating fat people?

We're on a subreddit devoted to hating Gregg "Opie" Hughes

My devotion to Opie hating stays on this sub. I've never even mentioned Opie & Anthony irl to anybody. Not even when they were popular.

I hate to break it to you, but I think you might be the autistic one

Get a grip. Reddit has "image problems" in the media because of the severely fucked up subs, like /r/PissingOnDeadNiggerChildren or whatever. If they granted the request of every last douche with a grudge who claimed to be bullied, 95% of the site would be banned.

Is there supposed to be an office of San Francisco Asians discussing how "/u/Benjamin72 said he's been bullied for discussing 'Ant's xanax addiction' -- whoever that is -- so I guess that's it for them?" Society at large didn't give a shit about O&A when it was popular; it doesn't give a shit now.

Someone register PissingOnDeadNiggerChildren please

I'm offended that you piss on them after they're dead.


You think people know we're here?



We should be filler in one of the other big-sub bans, when something huge like r/theredpill or r/kotakuinaction gets wiped. But the r/announcements thread about the purge is really disappointing—for us.

That thread exists to gather intelligence. Autists will predictably go, "OK yeah but what about r/greatapes and r/philosophyofrape and [list goes on]? Huh? That shit's still here. Why? Be consistent!" So the admins fill out their list of "I'm all for free speech, but..." subs that there's an audience for purging, the ones that people want to talk about (besides SRS).

And nobody there has mentioned us!

We won a contest!!

(We did win that "toxic" subreddit game, didn't we? Niggers?)

It's because you nerds are the only ones who give a shit about this shitty show. People just don't randomly wander into this subreddit because they heard about O&A on the news and wanted to check it out.

No one gives enough of a shit to wipe out this subreddit. So, your safe.



Fucking nerd as fuck!

Grammar faggg

You're a stuttering stanley.

Whatevz telepooper!

Fatpeoplehate was getting upvoted some much to the point where sometimes it made the 1st or 2nd pages of the reddit homepage, this sub is safe for now...but i can see it getting pulled remember we were voted the 2nd most bigoted subreddit?

It'll just take one whiny cunt to accidentally wander in here and send an email to one do-gooding mod to bring about our undoing.

And that could very well be Opie or Anthony themselves

Well Anthony wouldn't.

But Opie.... that cum guzzling cuckold faggot lover probably would. He gets youtube videos taken down so I'm sure he would love to put an end to this sub.

That would have happened during the resurgence of the cake stomp video last year. I think we're safe.

I hoping we're small enough to slip under the radar, but we're ranked just below /r/coontown in the list of offensive subreddits. If it goes, I'm pretty certain we'll be next. I don't want to go back to Wackbag. Is there anywhere else we can go, in case, god forbid, we get nuked? I remember seeing a post a few weeks back about a successor to The Virus taima channel. How's that coming along?

Reddit minus the censorship, it might be time to begin the exodus.

I'm not following you faggots anywhere


I saw someone made an o&a, uh, voat too, but very little activity so far.

That's interesting, maybe I'll have a lil taste then. The servers are too flooded to do anything right now.

Voat wins, you lose.

Yeah I started it and it is still up and running as I just checked today. Once again I will say I have no need to be a moderator and those who guide us here are invited to take the helm over there.

The site just shat itself just by having a bit of traffic of people coming over from /r/FatPeopleHate .... i don't think it's going to go anywhere.

Its also important to note this sub has a history of brigading. /r/fatpeoplehate had a strict no brigading policy and they still got the axe.

the last few Jocktobers, where we fucked with and trolled people's Twitter and Facebook and station pages with reprehensible content seem more than enough to retroactively boot this place.

The fun thing about being a small little downbeat clique instead of a megapopular place that left wing and SJW people openly hate and try to infiltrate like fat peoplehate, redpill, coontown is that we haven't been fucked with yet. the horseflies are getting swatted, they don't have time for little flies like us. yet.

We, uh, also have a strict "no brigading" policy. There was a stickied post that was at the top for like....6 months or so. Long enough that people kept bitching about it needing to be changed.

You can't even register a new account on Wackbag

Frunkis3 was the best

This subreddit has been banned for violating the reddit rules to keep everyone safe

Help me, Chairwoman Pao! Someone on the internet made a mean comment about my weight class, I don't feel safe!

Western civilization so deserves its inevitable fall to people who don't get offended by every little thing they read.

She should go back to fucking her coworkers.

Correction, married coworkers, to gin up multimillion dollar lawsuits. That she loses. She and her Ponzi schemer, race hustler husband tried to hit the Pussy Lottery and it failed.

You are triggering people with your Puritanical terrorism, sir. Please cease and desist.

I'm reporting you guys!!!

Sue everybody!!!!

Get my lawyer Baruch Abraham Finkelsteinovitz on the phone right now!

I think this sub is small enough that it could fly under the radar, but the End times could be upon us.

Reddit wins. You lose.


They don't give a shit about harassment. Just pushing their agenda.

Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl harbor!?

Ellen Pao is an obnoxious, dumb, chink


We are fine here. This is a small subreddit. We follow all the rules here. We delete posts that break reddit's core rules, we delete dox posts, we report posts and posters that threaten other people even when we know their threats are stupid. We also use NP links. Just follow reddit's basic rules and we will be ok.

We delete posts that break reddit's core rules, we delete dox posts, we report posts and posters that threaten other people even when we know their threats are stupid. We also use NP links. Just follow reddit's basic rules and we will be ok.

For the record, FatPeopleHate did that also.

They didn't allow any linking to other parts of Reddit at all and required censoring all the usernames out of screenshots.

Yeah but they were a huge subreddit going after a group of people. We just talk shit here and mainly stick to our selfs. If worst comes to worse I have backup subs we can use. I still,think we are fine and things will blow over in a week or so.

You're probably going down. There are over 10K users and it was in a widely read article that this is the #2 most toxic sub next to r/shitredditsays and r/theredpill. And this sub brigades, which is the main complaint against the banned now. TACS is also done (big surprise).

But the basic rules are now basically "don't post anything triggering" and vague enough that anything can be interpreted as harrassment. All it takes is a couple of tumblr whales complaining and this sub will probably get axed.

Everyone has seen, heard or interacted with a fat person. It hits close to home.

No one willingly sees, hears or interacts with Opie.

We're fine.

All hail reddit, Bastion of free-speech, And ender of all internet hatred and shit-talking.

It's only a matter of time until Joe "I hate niggers and kikes" DeRosa gets his burner accounts banned.

Fuck Ellen Pao in her smelly Chinese cunt


I was subbed to three of those subreddits!

Reddit likes the new direction okay....

Farewell, gentlemen.

Farewell and adieu, you fair Spanish ladies!

I want to see the admins moderate a subreddit called r/behave


But then where will I go to get my daily dose of Derosa and Opie hate?

Harass? Whaddabout his ass or sumpthin?

I don't really give a shit... but how the hell did fatpeoplehate get the axe before fucking coontown?! Hilarious.

Fat people are normally on the Internet a lot more than raccoons. I can only assume that that is what r/coontoon is all about but I refuse to check it out because I hate raccoons.

How can you hate raccoons? They're small and eat garbage. Adorable.

I don't trust anything that wears a cute little mask all the time. What are they trying to hide??? also, rabies.

Rabies build character.



Because /r/coontown doesn't go around posting /r/coontown signs all around town.

Better happen soon.

The show is over. There isn't really a purpose left for this sub anyway. It's just bitter fucks hating on everybody that used to be involved with the show we used to love.

I was just thinking that. I don't bother listening (Ian Halpern was the guest FFS) and not even to enjoy watching it fail.

So realistically I think you're right - it isn't good enough to be a reddit subforum or really talked about much anymore.

They have to ban subs with the words "hate" or "fag" in them first.

Trust me, we'll be on the chopping block very soon.

Are you all ready to bow to your hipster overlords?

put "tits" on the list and we are gone in a second.

hopefully soon

I hope we don't get axed. Where else would I go to see this show get shit upon? This is the premier site for Opie hatred.

The real question in all this is:

Which of these three things will happen first?

A: Opie and Jimmie show cancelled B: TACS Cancelled C: This subreddit purged?

A. Management loves the new direction of the show.

B. Ant's not going to cancel himself

C. [hopefully] We're too small to purge any time soon.

This subreddit was the first thing that crossed my mind when I saw that thread on the front page... Thankfully, it's still here. Also thankfully, SJWs seem to despise the Opster. Still a shitty move that moves towards what could ultimately end up being Reddit's undoing.

This is nearly as awkward as having a person walk towards you and neither know which way to pivot and turn so to avoid bumping into one another yet somehow both choose to move in the same direction perpetuating the confusion and embarrassment.

Ewwwww. "To keep everyone safe"? Do words physically hurt now?


Is this sub even relevant enough to get banned?

This is reddit's definition of harassment:

Systematic and/or continued actions to torment or demean someone in a way that would make a reasonable person (1) conclude that reddit is not a safe platform to express their ideas or participate in the conversation, or (2) fear for their safety or the safety of those around them.

It's as wide a net as can possibly be cast, written to make any negative comments fall within the entirely subjective parameters they have laid out. An actual threat is one thing, thinking reddit is not a "safe platform" is anything.

In the year 2015 you are not allowed to build a tree fort of your own and bash the members who voluntarily climb up in it. This is the world we created. George Orwell was right.

I've always found this subreddit a great sanctuary of niceness and good spirit, why would some cunt with legs want to end it?


Hopefully soon.

5 minutes


This sub was one of the most "toxic" subreddits as per some dumb fucking list a few months ago. I'd say soon.

2 and as far as I know it hasn't changed

Not for lack of trying I assure you. Guinea wop dago.

Jimmy voice

"what the hell is going on around here?"

Not surprising at all. I've been banned from multiple subs based solely on my username. We should just jump ship and head to 8chan.

The replacement for reddit is (according to redditors)

Looks good but the only problem - they just got their servers STOMPED by apparently a gigantic crowd of Redugees today. very very slow now.

I have to go barf now after using the word 'Redugees' like that. Yuck.

This all happened because mods posted personal contact info of imgur employees a in sidebar for their subs people to attack. It's not purely censoring so this sub is fine

I, for one, welcome our new hipster Millennial overlords.

I'd be more worried for the TACS sub

Luckily there's /r/TACSuncensored to fall back on.

Grillskillz's shitty sub?

I think it's benjamin's abomination.




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Hopefully not too long.

I was subbed to three of those subreddits!

Voat wins, you lose.

Boooo. Reddit admins fucking suck.

Because /r/coontown doesn't go around posting /r/coontown signs all around town.

Is that why you like Lady Di so much?

Fat people are normally on the Internet a lot more than raccoons. I can only assume that that is what r/coontoon is all about but I refuse to check it out because I hate raccoons.


I hate to break it to you, but I think you might be the autistic one

Who the fuck devotes this much effort to hating fat people?

We're on a subreddit devoted to hating Gregg "Opie" Hughes

Same here. FPH got through to me in a way nothing else ever had before. I can no longer look at my own adipose tissue as anything other than the physical manifestation of laziness and poor impulse control.

I can't be proud of anything I accomplish if I'm still mostly a useless and unnecessary burden on the system, so it's time to fix that. I fit in airplane seats properly now, but I'm not stopping until I fit in clothes sizes that don't start with "X".