You think Stangels absence has anything to do with this sub?

2  2015-06-10 by Lilcumia

If the show's subreddit loved them I think they'd be in more. They didn't seem pleased what the fans were leaving on the youtube comments (disabling comments).


I think the reason they aren't on air is because of the shit they got on twitter.

I think we won't be hearing much from them "on air" anymore. I sure hope so.

I hope we won't be hearing them breathing much air anymore.

They'll be on again. They know if they come on too much, then they will become one of the guys, therefore allowing Jimmy to make fun of their weight and just Nagel the fuck out of them. So they are careful not to cross that bridge.

Nagel the fuck out of them

Never has a person's name being used as a verb pleased me so much. Nouns are great too AKA "Droppin' a Nagel"

It's all in good fun though Sex Bagel if you stll read this (Euclid13) You've done more for the show than anyone else I can think of and he truly is a 'Soldier' for the show or what was once the show.

I think it has more to do with the greater population, the Opie Radio fans, not liking the Stangels. I don't think we have that kind of pull. We're a small vocal minority.

Reddit is the spearhead. To ignore the spearhead is to ignore the spear.

They're stuck in the buffet line.

Has anybody figured out exactly what they do? Other than spending 5 minutes compiling a list of a half dozen or so news stories and finding some viral bullshit for the on-air "talent" to talk about, I mean...

you are crazy if anyone besides people like you care about this sub

Ant posts here and has referenced us. Opie referenced us. As has Sam. Jim wrote a whole tirade to us on the sub. This sub/twitter has brought Derosa to wherever he is now. In fact Ants whole Greegshells/going at Opie was due to this sub

You must not be paying attention


You'd have to be a complete moron to think that a few thousand vocal fans posting to a forum the show reads doesn't have an effect.

Ok, tell me the last time anything was changed because of reddit on the show.
