Opie is the least sympathetic figure in the history of radio.

71  2015-06-10 by SkippinTurtles

Hostile. Treats his co-workers like shit. Can't take a joke. Blatant liar. ZERO comedic ability and hosts a comedy show. Can't read. Only attacks easy targets. Rode every coattail he could find. Stepped on every great joke improv in the history of the show. Passed off other peoples jokes as his. Gregg, absolutely no need to hold on.


I've never seen someone fail upwards so outrageously.

Gregg "opie" "Forrest gump" hughes-margera

He really knows how to screw up. Screwed Lynsi into being his trophy wife too.

This needs to be on a chart. Fail on y-axis and cup-size on x

Opie: But I'm a fucking millionaire! How do you like dem apples?!

ME: Management is REALLY happy with my talent level!


he's the least sympathetic character in the history of human beings. Even murderers, rapists, serial killers, they at least have a backstory and some motivation. at least Hitler had a passion for art and just couldn't cut it. at least Julius Caesar had insatiable ambition. at least Stalin was insane, and driven to rise to power by any means. This man has made millions off of luck, stagnation, and apathy. he was carried to the goal line and demands respect, silences detractors. fuck him.

After Gavin McInnes gave Opie that excellent trashing on TACS, what did fat tits do? Absolutely nothing.

Fez made a well placed, relevant, cheeky joke. What did fat tits do? When on a 20 minute tirade about how ill informed Fez is.

He may call Bobo dumb and tell Lady Di she can't speak, but Opie would NEVER go after someone who can/would hit back.

You forgot that time anthony trashed him and his respond was to cry on air

And yet, Anthony is an asshole. Where did all these followers come from. Joe Carroll's are smarter.

Did you just reference a 3 season quasi-popular show?

In regards to sympathy, I thought it was funny how Opie always talked about being abused during his childhood, then Mars came on and made any of Opie's claims of an abused childhood illegitimate.

I don't see how anyone could ever find any one of those yawners funny, but it was definitely delicious when both Mars and Patrice basically laughed in his face when he was feeling sorry for himself.

if Opie didn't hire Anthony, he'd be doing late night rock radio for $20k a year.

Or morning zoo with Wease

brother wease would know better.

Worse than Dave Herman?

Sssssssure. I mean, we can all understand Dave's situation.

"Hey Dave Herman,! play with small boys!"

at least he gave away stuffed animals

I mean, Rush Limbaugh works in radio though.

Rush is a douche, but he has his own opinions and he can carry a show. That's a lot different than Tits.

I completely cede the point 'bout their abilities. Although I still find the other guy more annoying and less sympathetic to me.

Well you can't look beyond your shitty politics. Opie though will always be more annoying since he accomplished nothing on his own and acts like he deserves respect. At least Rush built a brand by himself. Even Stern and Imus needed funnier people to coast off.

Limbaugh still stinks, though. He can carry a show, it's just not a good show. Unless you enjoy incessant whining.

4/7/15. Never Forget.

opie copypasta

ME:You cannot critisize what I do unless you ever done it before.

What station are you on asshole?

Who the fuck are you to tell me what good radio is, I been doing this since I was 18. Fucking management has nothing but good things to say.

(as he secretly hopes everyone forgets the decade plus time shitting on management daily, badmothing bosses, and claiming they do not know shit about radio)

So basically Opie is like half of the successful people I've ever met.

And what is up with his mouth full of spit all the time? He and Vos should tongue kiss and donate the saliva mix to Yimmy to use immorally.

Nothing new.

Everything you said is accurate and true

The fact that he only attacks easy targets, at nearly 60 years of age, is the saddest thing about this man.

Is he really almost 60? Holy moly (pardon my language).

Ok, he's actually 52.

But he has your attention. And that's all he needs from you.

Technically its not a comedy show. Its listed under entertainment on the app.

It's doing a bad job then

It's not a comedy show.

It's a "watch viral video and comment on it" show.

And it's certainly not a Paul McCartney-level show.

I mean, I agree, but is radio supposed to have sympathetic figures?

You forgot that time anthony trashed him and his respond was to cry on air