enough about the beach boys

12  2015-06-08 by esterobloke

they stink! and I don't like'em


I like Bennington, but 2 full shows of we're so excited about Brian Wilson coming in, genius genius genius, 18 favourite song discussions then a 10 minute interview of semi-one word answers.

None of it was bad, there was just too much.

Nothing is organic on SiriusXM anymore. The infomercial aspect to shoehorned guests on R&F to plug their product was the writing on the wall.

Much rather hear the Benningtons just riff for 3 hrs.

When the fuck was it ever organic?

You've been kidding yourself, my friend.

Surf's Up is a good album

So, is the show now just Opie seeing 1 movie & only talking about that movie til he sees another one?


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I like to hear the wigger/heavy metal/death metal/house music dj talk about he also likes the Beach Boys.

Hipsters have been pretending to worship the Beach Boys ever since Pitchfork started telling them to.

Ahh, that explains it

Mentioning pitchfork makes you a hipster.

The Beach Boys put out far more shit than they did gold. Aside from a few fun but irrelevant surf songs here and there, every album they put out from '62 - '65 was mostly just awful commercialized filler. Pet Sounds was their masterpiece, sure, fine. But after that album came failed psychedelic experiments, lineup changes, and utterly abyssal douche chills from Mike Love & Co. for pretty much the next three decades. No matter how loudly the rock intelligentsia try to rewrite history, the Beach Boys were not musical geniuses that the public somehow misunderstood as surf rockers. They were surf rockers through and through, and pretty much 90% of their catalog attests to that.

Your rant is just not true. There are some accuracies, but to call them surf rockers is wrong. Mike Love was the one who saw any movement away from surf music as career suicide, so he fought for limited change. No way anyone was gonna fuck up Mike Love's financial future.

Yes, they've done the lame beach party concerts for decades now, but Love was the only one who insisted on staying close to the deuce coupe, wish I knew how to surf stuff.

As far as I'm concerned, Brian Wilson was the only innovator in that group and Pet Sounds was largely a solo album with the rest of the group put on there to harmonize. Carl Wilson (EDIT: Dennis) had a terrific voice, especially in his later years and on Pacific Ocean Blue. As fine as the rest of them may have been as a unit, there was none of the Brian Wilson-type genius in Dennis, Mike Love, Jardine, Marks, or any of the others that floated in and out of the band. And this is coming from somebody who has listened obsessively to Beach Boys music for years.

Pacific Ocean Blue was Dennis' album, not Carl's.

Oops you're totally right, my bad

This guy on one of today's YouTube videos of O&J really hates the Beach Boys!:


O&A's fan base is littered with so much horrific trash.

Ladies and and gentleman I give you the true genius of the Beach Boys ....


Jim Norton and shitty Mike Love have something in common. Neither one knows what to do with their hands.

Pet Sounds was fine and dandy, but I thought this was really terrific.

I liked the part where they were all carrying one surfboard.

Carl and Dennis were the only cool ones in the band.

Beach boys and caitlyn jenner was last week entirely fucking jimmy even said I'm sick of talking about this and Opie ignore it and proceeded to take calls.

What was that Regis (?) impression Anthony did where it starts "Enough about the... ____!"

Yes. Another one of Ant's timeless impersonations from the mid-nineties. Ugh.


Brian Wilson is a genius! Check out him rapping!!!


(but seriously, sunflower is a pretty decent album)

That's from '91. If that was released in '82 it would have been a hit.

I don't think I ever really hated Troy before. Now I'd like to see his eyeballs ripped out and stomped on.

Same goes for all hipsters. Never was too bothered by them but Jesus Christ what pretentious faggot cunts. Does anyone actually think it makes them clever to just hone in on whatever sucks and pretend it doesn't?

you're a fucking idiot with zero music taste, i bet you listen to 5 finger death punch. pet sounds is one of the best albums of all time and inspired a ton of great bands.

troy sucks, not the beach boys, and im talking about the brian wilson beach boys not kokomo bahamas bullshit.

You sound like you need a trip down to a little place called Kokomo. You need to relax.

Get there fast, and then ya take it slow.

Agread! Ugh they suck

Beach Boys > Beatles.

when lennon heard pet sounds he knew he had to step it up and start making better produced music, this sub has no taste in music, just a bunch of fat truckers and guys who like nu metal.

Exactly, god forbid anyone likes anything outside of the norm. They must be a hipster, or a try hard. Pet Sounds is one of the best records I've ever heard, and the technical aspects on how it was made along with what would of been Smile is super interesting if you aren't some knuckle dragging buffoon that hates everything.

Always heard they were Sooooo great at harmonizing.....saw them live....they SUCKED ASS. Amazing what a studio can do for ya.

At what?

Making music.