Who's the worst at least semi-regular guest they continue to have on the show?

10  2015-06-08 by arobben

ME: I vote Esther Ku. She's the absolute worst.


Why do they keep inviting that Opie guy in?

Only 4 days a week, fits ops criteria for semi regular

I wish it was none days a never.

Sherrod Small.

We get it. You're black. Stop yelling.

Patrice set the bar for black comedians on the show and will never be reached again.

Certainly not by that thin-skinned cunt.

he left a giant purple suit to fill, to re-purpose atell's joke.

I don't need someone to be that funny to enjoy them. I doubt anybody will be as funny as Patrice was in studio, especially on O&J. I liked DL Hughley on the show, for example, because he added something different. I've liked Kevin Hart's two or three appearances. I just don't think someone so singly focused on race comedy can be funny. It can be a lot of the act if it's at least original, but to have 90% of what you say be about being "the black guy" then it gets to be insane. just have a fucking thought unrelated to skin color and cultural identity for once.

I don't mind Sherrod Small.

But to be fair I really like Race Wars so maybe I give him a pass.

Doug Benson, Esther Ku, Judy Gold, Bert Kreischer (maybe not as regular but just as awful), Sherrod Small, Chris De Stefano, Tom Papa, Chuck the Trucker, The Stangels.

The takeaway from this is that Opie shouldn't have any control over guests, and Jimmy should grow some balls and criticize other comedians.

Bert Kreischer

Lotta folks around here seem to like him, I'm with you he is terrible. Total yes man and has never said anything interesting

I cant argue with anyone on the list, nice job!

Doug Benson.

His show is dogshit as well.

Benson is alright, he's just a mellow nice dude

well as long as he's nice...

so is my social studies teacher but he would bomb on the show

Benson = not a laugh to be had


A list of the ppl we enjoy on the show would be easier and shorter. Quinn, Kelly and Soder. For me anyway

Tom Pappa, Jim Florentine. I know people like to hate Ku but she's only been on maybe 3 times in total. And she masturbated on the air for the guys, that has to count for something.

I forgot Tom Papa, he's never been funny on the show.

I don't know why he's been on so much, Florentine's better than that guy.

yeah if I had to choose I would pick Florentine but I dislike them for different reasons. Papa is annoying, and steam-rolls everyone, Jim is dull and never makes me laugh.

Tom Papa never says anything funny. I never understood why he was on the show, but I was pretty convinced it was sheerly because of his connection to Seinfeld.

Seriously, Tom Papa doing O&A was like getting a substitute teacher who made you copy the phonebook by hand for busywork.

Agreed. I have no issue with her. Florentine and Sherrod are srsly the worst. The show isn't good at all now really. It bums me out more and more. I'm trying Bennington but even that kinda lags for me personally. Podcasts like LoS and a few others are where I get my laughs.


that was more than enough times. and it was bad enough to really make me understand, with clarity, why the show was on a swift decline and that it was time to stop listening.

that's more than any other guest has done, no matter how bad, as far as i'm concerned. i've sat through them all, but at the end of ku i tapped out. and originally i thought she would do pretty ok.

Ku "masturbating" on air was the cringey, and totally fake. Hearing Opie get excited and pretend it was actually happening made me feel so weird.

Florentine, by a mile. He has done the show close to 40 times this year and never contributed a thing. He also is a terrible influence on Opie because Opie steals Florentine's demeanor, cadence and word usage. It's so broodal it's almost beeyoodaful.

Yeah, Esther Ku and Judy Gold are shit but they don't do the show 5 times a month.

Second place is Sherrod Small, another one note dud who hasn't done shit in like 15 appearances.

I like Doug Benson and Tom Papa's standup, but I don't like their radio/podcast appearances at all.

Vic Henley is likeable now that he's not a nervous wreck, but I just don't think he's very funny.

Judy Gold. She's not terrible, but I would have expected a homely 6'4" female New York Jew to be much funnier. If she had been born 20 years later she would have been known as the funniest white chick in the WNBA.

The only thing I remember Vic doing that was good on the radio was when he confronted Mick Folley about staying on stage too long when he could of been phony about it, other than that I agree.

Yeah, he's not awful or anything. I thought it was funny when Lady Di was talking about how the funeral home made Bill look presentable and Vic said, "...before they burned 'im up?" It was so blunt it made me laugh.

On a related note, I was burnt out by the regulars and wanted Opie to find some new ones. He found Chris DiStefano, Vic Henly, Tom Papa, Judy Gold, Esther Ku, Doug Benson and Jim Florentine as third mic. STOP FINDING NEW GUYS.

I find some of the guest selections puzzling, how do you have Sherrod on like 20 times and Kurt on only twice. They need to start finding some up and coming comics and having some new voices in there instead of Benson, Sherrod, and Florentine, who have all been on way too much this year. Seriously, the O&A D-League team on Legion of Skanks or Bobby's show is funnier than some of their rotation comics at this point.

They've said it on air before but the reason Kurt is a rare guest is because he has a dayjob writing for Amy's show and therefore is working when the show is on.

Sherrod, longtime brotha!

Jim Bruer so much.

Whaaa? You don't like when he smacks his tongue before EVERY sentence??

Tom Papa for only contrubuting sing songy sounds. And Chris DeStefano for his fake stories and hard on for his daddy.

I don't find Florentine all that bad despite his act and Opie's need to ask him where he's at with everything from crayons to tartar sauce.

I've never listened to more than a minute of Esther Ku but Breuer and Judy Gold are automatic shut offs. I'll give Sherrod a couple of minutes even though he stinks. Vic Henley the same. I don't like Benson but he's so unremarkable I can almost ignore him.

That Destefano liar is the worst kind of try-hard douche but I didn't completely hate his appearance last week even though he is Tucker Max lite.

Bob Saget, Tom Papa, Sherrod, Troy, Ian Halperin, Doug Benson, Florentine (since he's become the guy who hates everything), Esther Ku, Vic Henley and Jewdy Gold

This list is flawless.

Ian Halperin.

For his ability to take a complete beating and still come back for more abuse, makes him a great guest. Terrible human being but he does bring entertainment if the right people are in studio(Jim Jeffries was great with him).

Bob saget is never not funny Jesus Christ ..... I can sort of agree with the rest except Judy gold and benson are good to me but their appearances haven't been ultra strong

You like Bob (I'm a whacky guy and not Danny Tanner) Saget and Benson and Gold?????

Bob Saget has so many great lines and he's always making a funny comment, sincerely I think Bob Saget is one of the funniest comedians. I think Benson has some okay lines, he's chill and always has a fresh angle he just doesn't have those big hits, and I can't really say why I think Judy Gold is okay, I don't agree with her all that much, I feel she is sort of an old-fashioned liberal dyke, like kind of cliche viewpoints, but for some reason I appreciate her, at least she takes a stance. I find Sherrod Small for example to be like bland wall paper.

I agree that the dirty dad angle on Saget is getting a bit old, I just don't care that much as long he keeps saying funny dirty jokes and other things, he's very very fast and dry which I appreciate. A lot of people hate Breuer for his whacky dad rock and roll guy thing, which I can agree seems a bit cheesy, but still, I love Breuer.

I've never laughed at anything Sherrod or Tom Papa said on the show and Florentine I used to respect more but he's just on way too fucking much.

Chris DeStefano and Jim Breuer are probably the worst.

Nicole and Whoo Kid when they did.

Tom Papa. I didn't even know the guy was a comedian. You would never know by listening to him.

Sherrod, everyone else I honestly don't have an issue with.

Florentine and Sherrod

Vos definetly

Honestly to me, Vos is the worst offender of the "hit or miss" appearance. The day he accidentally said his twitter password on air is probably the hardest I've ever laughed in ~10 years of listening to the show, and there are times where he is just on fire and great. But there are also A LOT of appearances he's had where he's just a curmudgeony old Jew and just leans on "HEY I KILL ON SHTAGE" if anyone calls him on it. Vos works best if there's a bunch of comedians on, but when it's just Vos and Opie? Throw that radio in the fucking garbage

Yeah im listening to 2011 O&A and vos is good with the team of opie anthony and jimmy but years later having heard him on other shows its just the same shit

Vos is a god among men. He's a made guy around here!

the day comedy died eh

well as long as he's nice...

so is my social studies teacher but he would bomb on the show