Opie and Jim receive proof that they were clearly shallow after Ant's firing

81  2015-06-07 by MichaelOhara96


Me: L 4 million? What's that Sam?

Wowwww. I just woke up, milked the ole gravity bong and settled down for a little catch up on the show and watched a clip titled, "Jim Norton's Epic Rant on 'Rape Culture'" on YouTube and Opie JUST said "for L 3" only to be corrected by Sam that it's a £. First time I ever heard it.

I read your comment and had a mini stroke.

I refuse to believe that this happened. It's got to be a lame attempt at a joke, right? Even Op can't be that stupid.

Edit: Wow....just. Wow

Opie's stupidity reaches as far as your imagination...

Jesus h Christ almighty... What a dumbass

between the dragged out wow and phrase 'milked the ole gravity bong' I totally thought this was Opie you were quoting/ parodying.

Jesus Christ. Opie has got to be ...what 80 IQ max

£4 million? Isn't that the combined weight of the Stengel Brothers?

Low balling

Notice that they're launching this new series on Netflix, not a $7/month podcast from Clarkson's basement in Swansea (or whatever the fuck the UK equivalent of Long Island would be).

Lulz @ Swansea

To be fair though, the Top Gear crew are wildly popular worldwide and Anthony Cumia would only get invited into the Netflix offices if the AC broke down in August.

Well a car show from a basement would be pretty shitty.

I wish Opie would host a car show from his garage with towels under the door.

Oh literal /u/grocery_man...

even netflix had to start from humble beginnings...



We know Deep down Opie was happy Ant was gone and he can do the show he always wanted. He wanted to be a free bird and not caged bu the brillance of Ant.

Not deep down. Up top on the surface.

that's true. It is painfully obvious that he wanted Ant gone. Even during the "grapes" fight they had a few years back, the first thing Opie said after his hundredth "Leave it alone!" was "This will be over soon, you go your way, I go mine"

It's more than just obvious. He outright stated it was an opportunity for him.

he just wants more spotlight more credit

Also the Top Gear guys are probably much richer than Opie and Jim.

And infinitely more famous than O&A, plus Clarkson is the main draw of the three. It makes more sense to follow him.

plus Clarkson is the main draw of the three.

I think we are now well aware of thd main draw between our three, as well.

EDIT: Responded to the wrong comment, but yeah!

and the reason why they are where they are is demonstrated by their cowardice and self-serving nature.

if they had the balls to stand up for ant they would have had the balls to do a hundred other things that would have launched them further in their careers.

opie has been saying he has fu money since 2006 or so, hes just doing this for the lulz

That was before his hoo'er made him buy that new apartment!

He'll be working til' he's 80!

He doesn't. His wife needs nice things. Like a beach home and a trump tower apartment.

The money top gear guys have make Opie's bank account look like pocket change.

They are rumoured to get upwards of 100 bucks an episode.

Perhaps more than that


But we were under contract!


And that's what got me, they never really justified that move.


Do you mean resign or re-sign?

This shit again, they don't like each other. Haven't for a long time. You really expect him to drive three hours to work in the basement of a guy he hasn't had a real conversation with in ten plus years. "But Jimmy." Yeah cause it makes sense for him to do his spots every night then drive three hours to long island.

Who said they had to do the show from the compound?

Between the three of them, they could have gotten an NYC studio, subverted all of the supposed 'rules' imposed by Sirius and done the 'amazing' show they've always claimed they've wanted to do as a Podcast or something.

That's assuming they (Ant and Opie) would have still wanted to work together. I wish that's what would have happened but I think at this point their relationship may be far too tarnished.

I think Opie would have been the preventative factor, ultimately, and it would have been over money. He's not exactly the type of person that's driven by a need for self-expression; He truly has nothing to say.

so why did jimmy paycheck re-signed?

Opie could have avoided this entire fiasco if he had gone to bat for Anthony in a real way. After 20 years, and all that talk about unwarranted firings and never letting management 'divide and concur', it fucking shocked me that he came back on the air and sheepishly tip-toed around Anthony's firing.

Conquer, stupid.

YOU FAWKIN BERRYD THAT COCKSUCKAH!!!! Tsssvdv take us to break pelican neck

I concur

Or conk-her....if you know that reference. It was dealing with retards, thats all I know.

What's that your phone crapped out

He'd been wanting it to happen. He said so in the grape fight.

They avoided this one. They know...they know.

How can people not see that there was clearly a plan to get rid of Anthony and they were just waiting for an excuse. Ronnie B knew about it, people had try to talk to Anthony before. The race shit bothered everyone as well as dating kids. A company can't promote a show that one of their stars is bringing up niggermainia constantly, taking his 16 year old girlfriend to the pediatrician, coming in late hung over, missing shows. He was a time bomb they "all" decided to get rid of.

They aren't exactly promoting Opie radio without Ant. I was at the car dealership yesterday and saw a Sirius brochure. Stern and Jamie Foxx on the front page. Opie radio was only mentioned in the TV guide style channel listings.

Cuz who the hell wants it? The brand is Opie and Anthony. That's what people know and want. No one could care less about the opie show.

Thanks right, got to keep the show clean to appeal to the 9-13 year old demo and lets not forget the house wifes, who listen while cleaning the old homestead. Those gals, have no interest in what happens on World Star or how it represents nigga culture in the country today.

the more i think about it, the more i'm struck by what complete pieces of shit opie and jim are. especially jim.

opie is a turd and we've always known it. but jim is far worse for swallowing everything and just going along with the turd for money.

we all know now though that there was no way opie cared about the plight of ant. he just didn't like him. opie doesn't like most of the people that he works with, they're all disposable to him.

yeah...this was huge in the news for over a week a few months ago, and I was waiting for them to address it and they never did. Pretty despicable.

They said that they had one phone conversation after ant's firing, and they didn't even discuss continuing on together.Thats why when opie says that he fought to keep ant you know its bullshugar.But Ant should accept that hes never coming back to sirius unless opie's fired himself and needs more money for his slut wife.

Thank you for refraining from using vulgar language. God bless.

*Gosh bless.

fucking retards, the lot of ya

After the producer left, there was no way Hammond and May were going back to the show.

Can we please stop acting like these situations are the same. Clarkson was fired and rightfully so after fighting a member of the staff, if Anthony drunkly beat the shit out of E Rock one day you could bring this up. Also Jermey Clarkson didn't get his pal Keith the Bobby and announce a new show immediately his firing. Also how about the biggest point that the show is/was more than just Opie and Jimmy. Opie and Jimmy did the stand up thing looking out for their staff yet that point never gets brought up, it may be unlistenable shit radio but they did right by the staff.

You're right, it's not the same. Clarkson should've been fired and the other 2 guys can't be blamed if they stay. On the other hand, Opie (FU Money) Hughes, should've fought management after Ant was fired for a BS reason, but he didn't and after claiming that he fought for Ant, we know he lied, after he admitted it during that crying ep. I don't blame Opie and Jim, but it is scummy.

Man, those are some ugly men.



Opie and Anthony sub-Reddit receive proof they have nothing better to do than comment on my horseshit post

Enough with the Top Gear

Well to be fair, Anthony immediately began work on The Anthony Cumia show after his firing.

With Opie's past history of showing loyalty could you blame him?

He already had a studio in his basement.

What would you expect him to do? Wait around and see what happened? He wanted to get that shit up and running so people would at least know it was coming while there was some attention being paid. If it turned out that SXM took him back, or that Jim and Opie did not re sign, then he could very easily bail on TACS.

Lol you're so all blind to fucking reality, I love Anthony waaaaaay more than Opie, shit I hate Opie too, but Anthony moved on immediately. Yes O know about Live at the Compuound of course I do. It is however silly to think the Opie would just quit, lose money and let Anthony still get rich. It's just unrealistic, stop being idiotic fanboys and think with your heads.

How am I blind to reality when I simply stated that Anthony wanted to get his potential shows name out there, JUST IN CASE?

I have never stated that I expected Opie to quit and walk away. But the problem is, Opie did not do a single fucking thing to at least TRY and keep Anthony on the radio. He stated himself he could have done far more....which, knowing Opies LIES means that he did SHIT.

Anthony "moved on" immediately by putting up a fucking website, The Anthony Cumia Show. If you actually read my post you idiot, you would see that I state he was doing so JUST IN CASE!

Can you understand the need to get your name out there while you have some publicity? Especially considering Opie and Jim have barely plugged TACS. The first thing claimed is that the "decade of O&A" or whatever it was, was posted. But there was NO PLUG for TACS. I listened most the time soon after, and Opie and Jim rarely mentioned the show. Occasionally, a guest would bring up Anthony, and it got a brief mention. Both of those scumbags(Jim and Opie) should have been plugging TACS every single god damned day.

That cunt Opie should have told those fucks at SXM that he would walk the very day Anthony was fired. I would not expect him to do so, but at least TRY. He did not, and he is a cunt for that.

Well shit, I apologize for calling you an idiot earlier, let's not resort to name calling and remain rational. Again my fault for starting that shit and I'm sorry. Dude, I get it, of course Anthony did the right thing. Who honesty believed that Opie would actually quit because of Anthony getting fired. No one, he's full of shit. He's been complaining for year and years about corporate, but we all know he's a Kissass to the higher ups despite what we have you believe, I mean honestly he even treats his staff like shit and not even in a joking way but really shitty. All the interns and all the staff LOVE Anthony, it's really apparent.When Anthony immediately started his own shit, Opie of course kept on going as we of course knew he would, I mean why else wouldn't he? He does not want to admit that he actually needs Anthony and we all know Anthony can succeed without Opie. Seeing that of course he would not remain loyal, be cause there was no loyalty to begin with

but we like name calling

Wowwww. I just woke up, milked the ole gravity bong and settled down for a little catch up on the show and watched a clip titled, "Jim Norton's Epic Rant on 'Rape Culture'" on YouTube and Opie JUST said "for L 3" only to be corrected by Sam that it's a £. First time I ever heard it.

I read your comment and had a mini stroke.