Is this the biggest Stangel Brothers lie?

9  2015-06-07 by wolfrhk

Why would they leave arguably the most prestigious late night show in America during its farewell run to join the subpar OpieRadio? You would think out of respect for Dave, they would stay on until his final show. There was literally no rush to move over to SiriusXM. Have they ever addressed it?

Also, why not stick with TV since they have decades of experience in that format and a powerful home network in CBS?

Thirdly, wouldn't this kind of move be considered a pay cut? Broadcast TV is obviously higher ranked than subscriber satellite, and we all know how cheap SiriusXM is when it comes to salaries. These two don't even bring name recognition like Oprah or Eminem would.

My thought is that they were going to be fired from Letterman for whatever reason but they could say they quit instead. Seems kinda fishy, but what isn't fishy when Opie is involved?


The Stangel brothers biggest lie would be, "we just ate a salad".

HELLLLLOOOOOO!! (90's Opie voice)

Not true, I'm sure they think that the jewish Holocaust happened. There wasn't enough zyklon B during that time to even knock the fat Stangel out.

Calm down DeRosa.

Sig Heil! you caught me

what the

They were forced out in 2014 and couldn't find another network gig. They tried to pitch some ideas to NBC but even NBC shut them down.

It's a rough business television. I'm on the production/editing side and just the bullshit you hear about is amusing.

Imaging getting hired to write for Fallon then 2 months in they yank you off and put you on some shitshow that makes Wendy Williams look like a genius.

Their not bad guys I'm sure, just not really that funny.

They were forced out in 2014

Is there a story behind that, Dave wanted them out or something?

Mr. Sheckler is right, they were forced out, but got a golden parachute production contract with Letterman's company in case they came up with a hit TV show like another writing pair that left. The Late Show needed to get rid of them because Jimmy Kimmel had just moved from 12:05am to 11:35pm and would be directly competing. There were rumors the Stangels were already disliked by the staff and Dave for a couple of years, so this was how they got rid of them without risking them making a bunch of money for another production company.

If I had to guess, it was because Dave sobered up and realized that these to whalesharks are not funny.

No idea. No one leaves willingly to these shows unless you're blowing up or have a better offer going.

Writer contracts are extremely short on these late night shows/daily shows. Like you'll be contracted for 12-14 weeks and life will be good but they can fire your ass just because they feel you aren't "producing".

I know they were both head writers at some point, I imagine they were getting the "your being replaced, leave or we make you leave" schtick.

So really you're just guessing but making proclamations as fact that they were forced out. Way to go Internet guy.

No. they really were forced out, 'internet guy'. they got replaced as headwriters. You don't replace someone who is doing a good job.

Even if it's bullshit, it's good bullshit.

I'm an American. He's got my vote.

Keep going, Internet truthteller.

If I had to put money on it I'd say Stangs were hired by SxM as the company sees them as a potential branch off to television.

Maybe we'll get a reality show featuring O&J and we can follow Opie around NYC. You know he's all in with reality tv.

I'd be stunned if this show got any new opportunities like that. It's going to continue its slide into irrelevance.

The biggest lie: "Yeah, we're really excited to come aboard Team Opie Radio."

And the chargers will win the super bowl

Yeah, I thought this was weird, too. The letterman finale was HUGE. And toward the end they took the time to give the staff a lot of credit, and the Stangels werent even mentioned. They were part of this hugely celebrated 30 year long thing, and they couldnt see it out the last 6 months til the end? Sirius couldnt have waited to hire them? I dont know what the real answer is or if there even is one, but I did kinda think that was weird.

Have they said that they bailed on Letterman before the end to come do this? I'm pretty sure that's not the case.

Well considering they were on the show about 3 weeks before the end of letterman... I think yes they did leave early...

You're right, it's impossible for them to sit in for a morning radio show and also write for Letterman.


Glad we agree on that.

The biggest lie would be "we consider this radio gig a step up"

They couldn't compete when the 'funny guest bit' bar was set this high:

I kind of doubt Letterman was going to fire them right before ending his show...kinda pointless.