Saw Bonnie live tonight, great fucking show

2  2015-06-07 by sonofarex

Regardless of your feelings about the show and how disappointing it is, the great part is that we've all been introduced to some great comedians.

In the end most of the people who end up on the show are generally top tier as far as standup goes, even if their radio appearances don't live up to the highest standards. So basically you will definitely not regret going to see these people because they're professionals and put on a hell of a show.


Bonnie rules

Never understood the bonnie hate here. She's one funny, sarcastic cunt.

Bonnie is a funny, really mean chick with a terrific ass.

I don't know if I'd go so far as to call Rich Vos terrific...

Bonnie is the best.

Was she sthupposed to be ded or sumpthin? tss......

Went to that show last night and saw Vos tonight. Funny fuckers those two

I wanted to see Vos too but i was working

Vos looked jet lagged or something, still was a good show

Is her ass as flat as Vos claims?

She looked pretty damn good

Is that her ass? Ive seen worse

Did she do the bit where she says she hates her husband? Her wife/mother material never gets old. So edgy.

My farts are funnier than Bonnie

They're funnier than your Reddit posts, too.

I fucking hate it when posts like this get rewarded with points.

HEY Reddit, that's OUR site right? Am I right guys? I'm defending our turf here. Fuck this asshole, this is OUR home xD


Um, I think you might be reading too much into that, you fucking lunatic.

There are more than 100 types of cancer and you don't have any of them. FUCK THIS LLLIFE


You ain't wrong. Saying 'bonnie is funny' over and over again doesn't make it true. No one seems to be able to produce one non-Vos related joke from Bonnie that is funny, yet the myth continues to perpetuate.

Um, I think you might be reading too much into that, you fucking lunatic.

I don't know if I'd go so far as to call Rich Vos terrific...