O&A vs Howard Stern

6  2015-06-07 by sikemanders

I Know it's become a running gag with Hoo Hoo claiming everyone just ripped him off, but now that O&A is over how much do you think they were influenced by Howard and how much of it was Sterns ego. There are some striking similarities to me such as the whole porn thing both shows loved, some of the sound clips that were almost identical and the fact O&A had their own version of Howard Sterns whack pack (Bobo, Patty, Tippy Tom, etc.) Not saying they were complete ripoffs but perhaps they got more ideas from Howard than they would like to admit.


They were MadTV and Stern was SNL

MadTV isn't on the air anymore and gets little to no respect especially when compared to SNL so...quite fitting.

and SNL had a longer career but became stale and unfunny towards the end.

Keenan is holding that shit show together


I really like kyle mooneys YouTube videos with the other dude too . I like that he's brought some of the characters to the show. you remember he was on norms sports show as his nephew or whatever doing those awkward interviews from his YouTube videos .

I'm not even sure who gets the worst of this analogy.

meh, not bad

It was absolutely the same type of show. When O&A got together, Opie was trying to revive a stagnant career by doing a hack's Stern Show and Anthony was a Stern fanatic. Even the OJ song was borrowed from a Stern caller. Same thing every other radio show was doing, trying to replicate the only thing that was cool in radio. They got their own identity after several years, but they were nothing more than a fratty watered down version of Stern for awhile. Everybody did rip Howard off. That's like making fun of Tesla for saying "I invented that". Howard really did invent that. He was THE standard for anyone doing an FM radio show.

They've admitted to being very influenced by Stern in the 90's, I'm pretty sure Ant said he was a regular listener during the tin knocking days.

Anthony appeared on the Stern show to compete in a Jackie Martling impression contest.

I thought he wAs on impersonating Howard

WAAF real rock TV was the howard impersonation not involved with howards show at all.

Hm okay my mistake I could have sworn he was on doing the Howard impersonation.

Here's the clip: https://youtu.be/yXbNYs9rHk8?t=41s also at 2:20 "Opie is a guy who sort of does your show at night"

Anthony described being one of those listeners who would be late for work because he was listening to a bit on Howard.

He was more into the Jackie Martling days, not the Artie era. In his interview with Jackie, he knew a lot about the show.

Opie and Anthony had more of a hangout vibe where The Howard Stern Show was more Howard as a ringleader and king holding court. Like, Richard and Sal would bring Howard their bits for approval and he would point out everybody's flaws and how fat, disgusting or mental they are. Interviews were more 1 on 1 rather than a bunch of guys hanging out.

They tended to cover similar topics and guests but did it in different ways.

Agree. That's the most notable difference I've found.

It doesn't really matter if you use the same template as Howard. Look at Adam Carolla's show. It entirely copies the format of the Stern show. Sound effects guy, news girl. Doing the news for the last 1/3 of the show. But it works. That's the key. If it's entertaining, funny, etc., who cares if it "rips" off another show. And it's not like Stern invented talk radio. He took a lot from those who came before him. It's a dynamic thing. Tons of shows follow the Stern format to a degree but they suck balls.

I remember Opie saying that he never "really" heard Howard's show before. Ant said that he was a huge fan, but Opie really wanted to hammer it home that Howard had NO influence on him. If he is lying, he is a douche and if he is telling the truth, he is a douche. You're not going to listen to the guy taking over number one spots all over the country? No interest there?


Opie said on WNEW that they were in the same genre as Howard, but that's it. He also said it wasn't true that Howard was the reason that were doing their show, and they wouldn't be able to do it if he didn't come first. A lot of things were similar. I always felt that O and A would talk about a topic after hearing Howard discuss it first.

And Opie has a long history of being honest....

Just saying, because a poster said that they've always admitted that they were fans of his.


Use of sound clips and a "Wack pack" are the only type of similarities. Format and style of the show are completely different. The real only thing similar is that they're both edgy comedy shows. That's it.

Never understood people calling O&A Stern ripoffs. To me the shows are 100% different with the only similarity being that they're both funny. One show is like a hang with 2 guys shooting the shit, one setting the other up and then tons of comics come in and it was always more brutal and self depricating. Stern was him as the focal point with a sound effects guy, news girl and then sex bits and interviews spliced in. IDK, to me the shows were so different.

I've heard OnA cover exact bits that Stern did. I can't remember exactly which ones but I definitely know it happened, I had that "oh shit" moment when I heard them. If it comes to me I'll post them.