Another example of comedians pandering to liberals even though nobody expected them to. Well done Sarah. Child molester and SJW hero Lena Dunham will rush to your defence next time you tell a chink joke.

0  2015-06-06 by Ant_Sucks


"Clinical curiosity." Really trying to come to the defense of any pancake-tittied urbanite who believes bravery is just where snark meets nagging.

calling Lena Dunham a child molester is exactly what a sensationalist SJW would do, though. I dont like dunham at all but based on that ordeal alone, and disregarding who she is, saying shes a child molester comes off as outraged-feminist, SJW shit to me.

No the SJWs that are defending Dunham because she's one of "them", not to mention women aren't able to do bad things. But I agree both of these things (Duggar and Dunham) sound like embarrassing kid stuff that people do and get over, there's a reason the law doesn't apply for young people.

You think a 17-year-old molesting his young sisters while they sleep is 'embarrassing kid stuff?' I don't even want to know how many kids you've touched in your life that you could try to justify this.

Can someone please post the clip of that female comedian kicking Sarah Silverman's cunt in with the impression she does?

I haven't even seen one of these big brave male comics dare to do a joke about Lena Dunham's child molestation or false rape allegations though, so it's not just the terrible female comics who are so cowardly.

Audrey Plaza.

It's a good impression of the old Sarah Silverman.

This is the new Sarah Silverman. It's even worse.


No, she was seven when she shoved stones up her sister's pussy and finger fucked her. She was 17 when she (claims she) stopped masturbating next to her sister in bed.


I agree but it is important not to fuck up the specifics in something like this.

this sub is where i get my Gos.And me Jenner.

So child molestation can be a good thing if you take the right side of politics later in life. That's what I got out of it.

i dont understand why she would tell anyone that she did that to her sister. i seriously don't understand how someone might not feel even a tinge of shame or to try and avoid embarrassing your family members like that. what is wrong with her? is that just narcissism? i just don't understand how people like dunham think. who goes around just spilling their secrets and indiscretions?


Do you fucking idiots not see the difference here? I really don't like Lena Dunham but these are clearly two very distinct acts.

You are obviously a liberal SJW then.

Enough of lena dunham fucking flatso.


2015-06-06 22:56:10 UTC

I don't like people who ignore the spirit of the truth to make shitty non-points [Imgur]

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She's following Stern's lead.

Both scenarios are fucking disgusting, and all the arguments over it make me nauseous.

Lena Dunham was 12 when she fingered her 6 year old sister.

Like that white trash Palin defending the other molester that didled his sisters and others on numerous occasions?

That's the point. Right wingers defend one and left wingers defend one, their defense is mostly partisan.

I get that, what bothers me is these people that act like holy rollers are just as dirty as the people they claim to be better than.